Revision history for Perl module Test::Data

1.243 2021-01-16T13:15:58Z
	* freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions

1.242 2018-04-26T16:18:48Z
	* Clarify that it's Artistic License 2.0

1.241 2016-12-05T18:47:28Z
	* Catch up to the latest test and perl behavior

1.240_03 2016-11-23T21:21:30Z
	* Remove the prereqs test, but, specify all the prereqs, even
	the ones in core.

1.240_02 2016-11-16T00:45:07Z
	* Let's try harder to see why Dan Collins's testers setup 
	doesn't like this distro.

1.240_02 2016-11-15T14:44:43Z
	* List all the prereqs, even the core ones. This is in anticipation
	of a new Test::Prereq that does not filter out core modules.

1.24_01 2016-05-30T00:12:28Z
	* Use Exporter appropriately (and not the bad habits in the Exporter
	docs). This shouldn't change anything for you.

1.24 - 2014-01-03
	* Get rid of MYMETA

1.22 - 2012-07-18
	* Rearrange the modules so I don't have to specify manpage
	locations (RT #46835)

1.21 - 2007-10-27
	* distro cleanups after moving from CVS to SVN

1.20 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.19 - 2006-05-17
	* Updates for the distro and kwalitee. There's no need to upgrade.

1.18 - 2005-07-06
	* fixed some error messages in t/array.t. No need to upgrade it
	you already have this module.

1.17 - 2005-03-08
	* Added POD coverage tests: no need to upgrade

1.02 - 2004-09-02
	* fixed a documentation grammar bug
	* cleaned up the distro a bit and added a README
	* you don't need to upgrade if you already have this module

1.01 - 2004-05-31
	* fixed array_once_ok, thanks to  Tom Heady <>
	* bumped the version past 1.01

0.96 - 2004-04-22
	* functions in Test::Data::Scalar now return the result of ok()
	rather than something else.  Thanks to Andy Lester for spotting
	the problem

0.95 - 2004-02-28
	* added four functions to Test::Data::Array to check if an array
	is sorted (up or down, string or number)

0.94 - 2003-12-01
	* No changes.  Tests should run on Windows now.

0.93 - 2003-11-29
	* Added new META.yml
	* pod.t uses new Test::Pod technology.
	* Removed TODO test on undef_ok() catching an empty list passed
	  in.  The prototype means that C<()> will get passed as a scalar,
	  not an empty list.

0.92 - 2003-05-11
	* Fixed hash_value_false_ok(), which was never defined.

	* Fixed incorrect $VERSION in each package.

	* Removed requirements on Test::Manifest and Test::Prereq.
	  Test::Pod can get used on the install, but it's OK if not.

0.91 - 2002-12-20
	* functions from Scalar::Util need full package specification
	since i do not import them.  this fixes all of the functions
	based on Scalar::Util.

	* removed dualvar test.  it does not work, and i need to figure
	out how to make it work

	* cleaned up the Pod which had some extra whitespace in places

0.9 - 2002-11-04
	* fixed some calls to ok() that were missing name parameter
	* man pages install correctly

0.8 - 2002-10-23
	* all functions can take optional name arguments
	* added not_exists_ok, hash_value_undef_ok, hash_value_false_ok

0.7 - 2002-09-30
	* added number_bewteen_ok, string_between_ok
	* added array_empty_ok, array_length_ok