Revision history for Perl module Test::HTTPStatus

2.004 2019-07-21T22:50:05Z
	* Abandon this module. There are much better ways to do this in this

2.003 2018-04-28T15:28:29Z
	* Clarify that it's the Artistic License 2.0.

2.002 2017-01-05T03:40:10Z
	* Fix issues with new Mojo stuff not handling redirects

2.001_02 2016-12-07T15:38:24Z
	* Bump to next dev version
	* The tests should now get a 200 status for This 
	requires HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker 1.165, which turns on automatic
	redirect support.

2.001_01 2016-11-16T01:58:56Z
	* Work harder to return an undef status when it's a bad URL. Mojo::URL
	does things a bit differently.

2.001 2016-10-26T03:51:14Z
	* Fix up for new HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker that moved to Mojo.
	* The interface is the same
	* Slaven Rezić reported this as

1.081 2016-01-25T19:38:01Z
	* Forgot to bump the version!

1.08 2016-01-25T19:36:12Z
	*Freshen up the distro and move everything to GitHub

0.62 - 2004-09-07
	* cleaned up distribution
	* no need to upgrade

1.08 - 2008-08-15
	* Update the tests for the exported constants
	* No need to upgrade

1.07 - 2007-10-27
	* distro cleanups after moving from CVS to SVN

1.06 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.05 - 2006-05-17
	* updates for the documentation and kwalitee. No need to upgrade.

1.04 - 2005-03-08
	* Added POD coverage tests: no need to upgrade

0.62 - 2005-03-08
	* Added POD coverage tests: no need to upgrade