Revision history for Perl module Test::URI
1.084 2022-01-09T02:38:09Z
* no code changes. Fix link in README.pod.
1.083 2021-01-17T11:04:56Z
* freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions
1.082 2018-04-25T17:56:59Z
* Clarify that it's Artistic License 2.0.
1.081 2016-01-25T16:53:44Z
* Freshen the distro, move to GitHub
* The code is the same
1.08 - 2008-01-06
* Require 5.006 now. CPAN Testers showed that some things don't
work in 5.005 and I'm taking the easy way out :)
* No need to upgrade if you already have this installed.
1.07 - 2007-08-12
* fixes to clean up META.yml. No need to upgrade.
1.06 - 2007-01-09
* updated copyright and license info
* no code changes, so no need to upgrade
1.05 - 2006-05-17
* updates for distro and kwalitee. No need to upgrade.
1.04 - 2005-03-08
* Added POD coverage tests: no need to upgrade
1.03 - 2004-11-21
* added new functions uri_path_ok and uri_fragment_ok
* re-implemented some methods to use some common code, so there
is an additional redirection which might screw up external code
that looks at the file and line for error messages
* cleaned up the distribution for modern best practices
* no need to upgrade unless you want the new functions
0.5_04 - 2002-09-09
* got rid of Test::Manifest