Revision history for Perl extension Tie::Cycle.
1.20 - Sat Aug 16 17:28:38 2014
* Bump to user version
1.19_01 - Mon Sep 2 10:51:42 2013
* Take out // (5.10 feature I used without thought) to restore
5.8 compatibility.
1.19 - Tue Aug 27 13:20:40 2013
* Update for modern usage, better code
* I use this as an example in Mastering Perl, so I shouldn't
leave embarrassing practices in the code. :)
1.17 - Fri Jan 30 01:48:06 2009
* Updated the docs for the move to Github
* There aren't any code changes
1.16 - Sat Oct 27 20:41:53 2007
* distro cleanups after moving from CVS to SVN
1.15 - Sun Mar 18 23:06:51 2007
* Cleaning dist for new SVN repository
* No need to upgrade
1.14 - Tue Jan 9 22:57:17 2007
* updated copyright and license info
* no code changes, so no need to upgrade
1.13 - Wed May 17 19:39:21 2006
* Minor cleanups in docs, copyright, and pod testing. No need to
1.12 - Tue Mar 8 17:30:50 2005
* Added POD coverage tests. No need to upgrade
1.11 - Mon Jan 3 16:47:10 2005
* Previously, this module refused to work unless the input array had
more than one element. What's the point of cycling otherwise? I've
removed that restriction, though, because I shouldn't be the one who
gets to decide that. A one element array should get a chance to act
like any other array. It just happens to have one element.
1.09 - Thu Sep 2 19:56:41 2004
* Just some distribution fixes. No need to upgrade.
1.07 - Sat Jan 31 12:44:16 CST 2004
* No code changes.
* Removed dependencies on Test::Manifest, Test::Pod and
* Fixed some warnings in tests.
1.06 - Tue Dec 17 14:19:37 2002
* cycle.t test was actually one from Tie::Toggle. it is not
the right test.
1.05 - Tue Dec 17 12:49:28 2002
* removed 'require 5.6.0' (perl5.8 complains about v-strings)
* beefed up distribution files
* no code changes --- no need to install if you already have this
0.05 Wed Aug 14 18:15:01 CDT 2002
* added reset() method for underlying object so Andy
Lester can do HTML table tricks
* since I was there, I added previous() and next()
methods so you can peek at values without affecting
the position.
0.02 Wed Jan 24 14:39:24 EST 2001
* minor doc fixes
0.01 Sat Aug 12 23:33:30 2000
* original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-AXn Tie::Cycle