Revision history for Perl module Unicode::Tussle

1.111_01 2016-06-07T21:58:53Z
	* Be careful about loading Lingua::JA::Romanize::Japanese in hantest
	since some places have trouble installing it. Don't make that failure
	a compilation error.

1.111 2016-06-07T18:55:18Z
	* Removed a smart-match in unichars

1.11 2015-04-11T23:09:59Z
	* Require v5.14, which some scripts need

1.09 2015-04-05T11:55:32Z
	* Remove smart matching, which is now an experimental feature
	(GitHub #5)
	* Some typo fixes

1.08 - 2014-08-26
	* Remove Build.PL. Let's stick with one build system.

1.07 - 2014-08-26
	* Don't install everything in script/ RT #98126 (Non-programs installed to bindir)

1.05 - 2013-12-02
	* Remove uses of my $_, which is now an experimental and warning

1.04 - 2013-07-18
	* Bump to release version
	* Change the author to Tom C., which it should have always been

1.03_05 - 2013-07-11
	* Change to VTI owns the
	other namespace for a different reason.
	* Switch to Makefile.PL

1.03_04 - 2013-06-06
	* Remove 5.10 features which Perl 5.18 now makes experimental
	compilation errors.

1.03_01 - 2011-07-25
	* A minor adjustment to the compile.t test

1.03 - 2011-07-18
	* Add mismaps, to discover which 8-bit chars don't map to UCS
	* Add README and oscon-whatis.pod to explain what each script
	* Update byte2uni for better programming practice
	* All of these updates come from Tom

1.02 - 2011-07-18
	* Add examples of most programs, from Tom

1.01 - 2011-07-16
	* Tom Christiansen's Unicode Scripts So Life is Easier (TUSSLE)
	* I just made the distribution