Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::RFXCOM.
1.142230 2014-08-11 22:36:41+01:00 Europe/London
- Fix some CPAN tester test issues.
1.111960 2011-07-15 23:02:03 Europe/London
- Fix some reference cycles to avoid memory leaks.
- Fix some Pod errors.
1.110431 2011-02-12 21:21:13 Europe/London
- Fix dependencies.
1.110430 2011-02-12 10:33:02 Europe/London
- Reduce perl version requirement to 5.8.
1.103390 2010-12-05 22:27:34 Europe/London
- Refactor test functions.
- Simpler AnyEvent::Handle usage.
- Ack timeout handling fix.
1.103270 2010-11-23 23:32:36 Europe/London
- Fix test after Device::RFXCOM change.
1.103250 2010-11-21 12:56:36 Europe/London
- Initial CPAN release.