Revision history for Perl extension Net::MQTT.

1.143250  2014-11-21 23:04:32+00:00 Europe/London
    - Fix default client id to meet spec. 1-23 characters from A-Za-z0-9.
      Thanks to Richard Postlethwaite for the bug report.

1.142010  2014-07-20 13:33:15+01:00 Europe/London
    - Fix bad PAUSE upload.

1.142001  2014-07-19 12:41:51+01:00 Europe/London
    - Fix bad packaging.

1.142000  2014-07-19 08:25:34+01:00 Europe/London
    - Fix to will message handling.

1.130190  2013-01-19 09:23:43 Europe/London
    - Remove unintended files from distribution.

1.123440  2012-12-09 15:23:47 Europe/London
    - Fix test problem with hash key ordering.  Thanks to andk
      and CPAN Testers.

1.112330  2011-08-21 18:24:34 Europe/London
    - Reduce requirement for Net::Pcap.

1.112320  2011-08-20 22:41:19 Europe/London
    - Fix topic matching bug.

1.110400  2011-02-09 19:24:51 Europe/London
    - Fix topic test to work on perl 5.8 and older.

1.110390  2011-02-08 22:33:18 Europe/London
    - Fix inadvertent removal of header bytes when checking incomplete
    - Error checking when decoding short messages.

1.110200  2011-01-20 23:13:32 Europe/London
    - Minor improvements to sample scripts.

1.110170  2011-01-17 19:58:17 Europe/London
    - Fix pack syntax error.  Thanks to CPAN Testers.

1.110160  2011-01-16 13:20:17 Europe/London
    - Initial release.