Revision history for Perl extension MP3::Daemon
+ means it still needs to be done
- means it's done
1.00 TODO
+ MP3::Daemon::Simple && MP3::Daemon::PIMP and both their
clients will be nice to use.
+ freeze ls semantics
+ implement "playOffList"
[requested by Marc Lehmann]
+ make all methods that do $player->load more robust
when they encounter bad mp3s.
+ make a site to describe MP3::Daemon
+ improve error messages
use syslog or some other logging mechanism?
`perldoc Sys::Syslog`
+ put on freshmeat
0.53 Wed Jul 11 12:00:07 PDT 2001
- leave statfreq() alone when instantiating A:P:MPG123.
let subclasses define statfreq policy, instead.
- updated the README* files
0.52 Mon Jul 9 07:26:45 PDT 2001
- added a random play feature to MP3::Daemon::Simple
[ requested by Sean E McSherry ]
- added 'rand' command to bin/mp3
- documented it
- changed permission on socket to 0600 (instead of 0700).
There's no need to execute it, after all.
0.51 Mon Jun 4 21:19:06 MDT 2001
- implemented &MP3::Daemon::idle method, and
wrote POD for it.
[ for Patrik Tschudin ]
- in, add $SIG{__DIE__} to the list of signals
that gets intercepted.
- move to 0.50, because half of it is done.
It'll be 1.0 when MP3::Daemon::PIMP is sufficiently mature.
- put on sourceforge
0.06 Mon Feb 5 01:15:07 MST 2001
- fixing documentation to be more accurate
- added a stub for MP3::Daemon::PIMP
- added a stub for bin/pimp
(actually it's the original undaemonized pimp)
- write documentation on how to subclass MP3::Daemon
- use MP3::Info in MP3::Daemon::Simple to
augment the "ls" information
[requested by Rene Mueller]
- allow regular expression filter on "ls"
[requested by Rene Mueller]
- changed "mp3 del" to delete current track when
no track is specified. It used to delete the
last track.
- added ls -f
- added INSTALL instructions
0.05 Fri Feb 2 09:43:02 MST 2001
- made MP3::Daemon a base-class for others to subclass.
- made MP3::Daemon::Simple what MP3::Daemon used to be
- updated /bin/mp3 to use M:D:S
- changed ./ex to default to use M:D:Pimp.
If you want to experiment with M:D:Simple, run it as
./ex Simple
0.04 Tue Jan 30 04:41:16 MST 2001
- wrote POD for bin/mp3 and
- changed the behaviour of del such that it'll go loop back to the
beginning if the last track is deleted.
- fixed a bug where "mp3 play 0" would be interpreted as
"mp3 play" which is not the same thing.
- changed the format of the info that info() and time()
return to be more human-readable.
- del can now handle negative indices
- made pod2usage output to STDOUT. I didn't realize
it was going to STDERR.
- play now knows about negative indices, too
0.03 Sun Jan 28 00:26:48 MST 2001
- changed the behaviour of play
only takes 0 or 1 parameter
if parameter is a non-negative integer, play the track at that index,
else add it to the end of the playlist and start playing it.
- changed the behaviour of del
no parameters deletes the last track from the playlist.
multiple parameters deletes multiple tracks
- ls now indicates current track with /^>/
- added time() which tells you
time elapsed
time left
time total
- added a bunch of shortcuts in bin/mp3
- removed debugging noise
- del() correctly reindexes itself
- made it so that only certain methods can be invoked
by clients.
0.02 Tue Jan 23 20:57:31 MST 2001
- fleshed out
- added bin/mp3 which is the client
- Tue Jan 23 10:03:58 MST 2001
Got back to doing some serious work on this.
- Using IO::Socket::UNIX for communication.
- Made the server non-blocking.
- added all sorts of commands
- fixed all kinds of bugs
- ff and rw
0.01 Thu Dec 14 05:34:11 MST 2000
- original version;