Revision history for Ado
0.15 2013-12-15 17:44:48 CET
- Now we requre and set ADO_HOME upon install so plugins can
easily find their installation paths
- Put bin/ado environment initialization into _set_env().
Added informative message about ADO_HOME.
- Set lib and arch install paths to "lib".
- Enhanced documentation.
- Implemented custom automatic README
generation from Ado::Nabual.
- Improved Build.PL
0.14 2013-12-14 14:11:45 CET
- Setting explicitly MOJO_MODE in bin/ado
- Better detection for MOJO_HOME and MOJO_CONFIG
- Enhanced the Build process,
added ACTION_build, ACTION_dist process_log_files
and _empty_log_files to Ado::Build.
- Enhanced Ado::Plugin::Routes, added tests.
- Implemented Ado::Plugin::Routes.
- Again changed the routes structure in config.
Every route description is simply a HASHREF.
- Enhanced documentation.
- Reenabled pod-coverage tests.
0.13 2013-12-10 01:44:30 CET
- Removed usage of PoweredBy.
- Lower required Perl version to 5.014002.
- Temporarily disabled pod-coverage tests.
0.12 2013-12-09 00:33:05 CET
- Requiring Mojolicious::Plugin::DSC 0.999,
IO::Socket::SSL 1.957, Mojolicious 4.59.
- Changed plugins description in config file
- Added Ado::Control::Ado::Users, Ado::Plugin, Ado::Manual::Plugin,
- $config->{routes} is now an ARRAYREF.
-Implemented example (Ado::Control::Ado::Users::list()) of following
"RESTful Service Best Practices" from
0.11 2013-11-30 14:04:39 CET
- Added minimal database schema and data SQL files.
- Added generated by DBIx::Simple::Class::Schema
classses for manipulating tables.
- Fixed typos in documentation here and there.
- Ado::Manual is the default page for PODRenderer
- Added ACTION_install to Ado::Build.
- Switched from prefix to install_base.
0.10 2013-11-23 19:56:09 CET
- We have a working application with several common
predefined routes and controllers.