Revision history for Ado

0.32 2014-02-19
    - Fixed failing test under Windows.
    - Removed base_url option passed to Text::MultiMarkdown.
    - Implemented "next" and "previous" page navigation in help app.
    - Upgraded to Mojolicious 4.83.

0.31 2014-02-16
    - Implementented Ado::Plugin::MarkdownRenderer
    - Included "Semantic UI" CSS and JavaScript framework.
      It will be the default UI framwework for Ado.
    - Implemented simple functional documentation system (/help)
      and used Ado::Plugin::MarkdownRenderer and Semantic UI
      to render documentation. Added dummy "lorem ipsum" content.
    - $CODENAME changed to
      because we have the first end-user application in Ado now.
    - We started adding end-user features now.
    - Added accessor 'CODENAME' to Ado.
    - Added accessors 'keywords' and 'description' to Ado::Control.
    - Upgraded to Mojolicious 4.81.

0.30 2014-02-02
    - Fixed tests by making sure touched files have proper permissions.
    - Removed unneeded t/etc.

0.29 2014-02-02
    - Upgraded to Mojolicious 4.75.
    - Fixed stupid mistakes in t/session/database.t. 

0.28 2014-02-02
    - This is a bugfix release.
    - Have a testing copy of ado.conf and ado.sqlite in t/etc.
    - Checking for Test::Output in t/command/version.t.
    - Creating README only if $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}.

0.27 2014-01-29
    - Upgraded to Mojolicious 4.71.
    - Experimental CORS-ready Ado::Sessions with file
      and database storage.
    - Fixed bug in Ado::Build::ACTION_dist.
      It was not emptying log files.

0.26 2014-01-11
    - Improved Ado::Command::version output.
    - Improved Ado::Manual.
    - Not depending on Mojo::Util in Ado::Build.
    - Fixed small bug in create_readme() and optimized it.
    - Installing to the more popular "siteprefix" by default.
    - Fixed failing test because of missing Test::Output.

0.25 2014-01-01 20:27:50 CET
    - Added more tests for Ado::Build (test coverage is > 90%).
    - Fixed ACTION_perltidy. We do not modify Build.PL any more.
    - Fixed stupid bug in manifest.t

0.24 2013-12-31 17:09:24 CET
    - This is an important release. 
    - Introduced Ado::Command::version and the concept of $CODENAME.
    - We have a stabilised Build process. 
    - Fixed ACTION_uninstall and ACTION_fakeuninstall (Valcho). 
    - Fixed failing pod-coverage.t because of -T switch (Valcho).
    - Fixed ACTION_perltidy - was not tidying t/*.t files.
    - Added tests for ACTION_perltidy.
    - Introduced t/ado-build.t.

0.23 2013-12-30 03:14:17 CET
    - Added experimental tests for Ado::Build.
    - Fixed ACTION_perltidy - did not tidy Build.PL
    - Dynamically generating  META.json and META.yml
      depending on if $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} is set 
      thus requiring fewer dependencies.
    - Updated Manual.pod
    - Added uninstall and fakeuninstall actions to Ado::Build (Valcho).
    - Fixed wrong install_path for lib directory
      when "--install_base" is not passed as argument.
    - Using Perl's $Config{siteprefixexp} for
      other directories: qw(etc public log templates).

0.22 2013-12-29 03:30:38 CET
    - Refactored creation of, kept README.
    - Wellcome Valcho to the core team :)!
    - Removed $ADO_HOME (by popular demand) 
      and symplified installation process a lot.
    - Improved Manual.pod/README.

0.21 2013-12-28 03:37:42 CET
    - Added build action submit (draft).
    - Added build action "perltidy" - see Ado::Build.
      deleted:    bin/ado_perltidy
      Thanks to Vulcho Nedelchev(WEBY) for the inspiration.
    - Improved list_for_json in Ado::Control.
    - Implemented validate_input in Ado::Control.
    - Implemented Test::AdoPlugin.
    - Huge enhancements in documentation 
      (mostly in Ado::Manual::Contributing).
    - Shut up "Wide character in print" from Pod::Spelling.

0.20 2013-12-24 03:22:10 CET
    - Removed dependency IO::Socket::SSL - not mandatory yet
    - Upgraded to Mojolicious 4.63
    - Enhanced Ado::Manual
    - Skipping pod-coverage.t under Perl 5.014

0.19 2013-12-23 00:37:22 CET
    - More strict checks regarding --install_base.
      use 5.014 to enable say().

0.18 2013-12-22 17:34:32 CET
    - Removed release_status=>'unstable' from Build.PL.
      This does not mean much.
    - Started developing an external plugin - Ado::Plugin::Mess.
    - First attempt for a logo.

0.17 2013-12-21 00:11:06 CET
    - Refactored list() in Ado::Control::Ado::Users
      and implemented list_for_json in Ado::Control.
    - Added test users test1 and test2.
    - Added dummy missing actions to Ado::Control::Ado::Users.
    - Added $c->require_formats(['json', 'xml', 'etc']) to Ado::Control.
    - Enhanced _set_env in Ado::Build.
    - Lower required Perl version to 5.014000.
    - Enhanced POD.
    - Requiering EV and  IO::Socket::IP as recommended
      in Mojo::IOLoop for better scalabality and non-blocking apps.
    - Added tests for POD spelling.
    - Spellchecked and corrected all the POD.

0.16 2013-12-19 00:03:47 CET
    - Implemented Ado::BuildPlugin (untested).
    - Enhanced Ado::Build documentation and
      added $ENV{HOME} directory detection.
    - Moved code from Build.PL to Ado::Build::create_build_script().
    - Requiring Mojolicious 4.60

0.15 2013-12-15 17:44:48 CET
    - Now we requre and set ADO_HOME upon install so plugins can
      easily find their installation paths
    - Put bin/ado environment initialization into _set_env().
      Added informative message about ADO_HOME.
    - Set lib and arch install paths to "lib".
    - Enhanced documentation.
    - Implemented custom automatic README
      generation from Ado::Nabual.
    - Improved Build.PL

0.14 2013-12-14 14:11:45 CET
    - Setting explicitly MOJO_MODE in bin/ado
    - Better detection for MOJO_HOME and MOJO_CONFIG
    - Enhanced the Build process,
      added ACTION_build, ACTION_dist process_log_files
      and _empty_log_files to Ado::Build.
    - Enhanced Ado::Plugin::Routes, added tests.
    - Implemented Ado::Plugin::Routes.
    - Again changed the routes structure in config.
      Every route description is simply a HASHREF.
    - Enhanced documentation.
    - Reenabled pod-coverage tests.

0.13 2013-12-10 01:44:30 CET
    - Removed usage of PoweredBy.
    - Lower required Perl version to 5.014002.
    - Temporarily disabled pod-coverage tests.

0.12  2013-12-09 00:33:05 CET
    - Requiring Mojolicious::Plugin::DSC 0.999,
      IO::Socket::SSL 1.957, Mojolicious 4.59.
    - Changed plugins description in config file
      from HASHREF to ARRAYREF.
    - Added Ado::Control::Ado::Users, Ado::Plugin, Ado::Manual::Plugin,
    - $config->{routes} is now an ARRAYREF.
    -Implemented example (Ado::Control::Ado::Users::list()) of following
    "RESTful Service Best Practices" from

0.11  2013-11-30 14:04:39 CET
    - Added minimal database schema and data SQL files.
    - Added generated by DBIx::Simple::Class::Schema
      classses for manipulating tables.
    - Fixed typos in documentation here and there.
    - Ado::Manual is the default page for PODRenderer
    - Added ACTION_install to Ado::Build.
    - Switched from prefix to install_base.

0.10  2013-11-23 19:56:09 CET
    - We have a working application with several common
      predefined routes and controllers.