package Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers;
use Mojo::Base 'Ado::Plugin';

sub register {
    my ($self, $app, $conf) = shift->initialise(@_);

    # Add helpers
        user => sub {
            Ado::Model::Users->by_login_name(shift->session->{login_name} //= 'guest');
    return $self;


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=head1 NAME

Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers - Default Ado helpers plugin


  # Ado

  # Mojolicious::Lite
  plugin 'AdoHelpers';


L<Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers> is a collection of renderer helpers for

This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a good
example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it.

See L<Ado::Manual::Plugins/PLUGINS> for a list of plugins that are available
by default.

=head1 HELPERS

L<Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers> implements the following helpers.

=head2 user

Returns the current user - C<guest> for not authenticated users.

  $c->user(Ado::Model::Users->query("SELECT * from users WHERE login_name='guest'"));
  #in a controller action:
  my $current_user = $c->user;
  #in a template:
  <h1>Hello, <%=user->name%>!</h1>

=head1 METHODS

L<Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers> inherits all methods from
L<Ado::Plugin> and implements the following new ones.

=head2 register


Register helpers in L<Ado> application.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Ado::Plugin>, L<Mojolicious::Plugins>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin>, 

=head1 AUTHOR

Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)


Copyright 2013-2014 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the 
GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0).
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that 
modifications are open source. However, software that includes 
the license may release under a different license.

See for more information.
