Revision history for Ado-Plugin-Admin
0.06 2015-02-22
- Use plugin's own ado.conf and database for testing.
Solved problem with file access during tests. Thanks Slaven Rezić (SREZIC).
- Upgraded to Ado 0.80 where the functionality for the above case is
- Moved Ado::Control::Ado to Ado-Plugin-Admin where it logically belongs.
0.05 2015-02-06
- Use our own Ado configuration file for testing.
0.04 2015-02-04
- Let Ado find its home during tests of plugins too.
0.03 2015-02-01
- Depending explicitly on Ado 0.78.
0.02 2015-02-01
- Improved documentation and test coverage.
- Moved Ado::Control::Ado::Users and Ado::Control::Ado::Default
from Ado (core) here.
- Implemented Ado::UI::Menu.
Decommissioned Ado::UI::AdminMenu and Ado::UI::MenuItem.
0.01 2015-01-18
- Released first dummy version.