Revision history for Ado-Plugin-Vest

0.04 2014-10-21
    - Fixed Tests.

0.03 2014-10-21
    - A working draft. Two users can chat.
    - Added lots of tests for REST API.
    - Improved create method in Ado::Model::Vest.
    - Improved API documentation.

0.02 2014-09-28
    - Renamed Ado-Plugin-Mess to Ado-Plugin-Vest.
    - Lots of cleanups.
    - Refactored tests.
    - Implemented listing of talks and messages from a talk.
    - Implemented HTML5 UI using Semantic UI.

0.01 2013-12-26 01:09:26 CET
    - Added new column "permissions" in table mess.
      TODO: See permissions in MYDLjE
    - Implemented POST /mess and GET /mess/:id
    - Perl::Tidy: 80 columns only per row.
    - Writing  tests, removing boilerplate.
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.