Revision history for DBIx::Simple::Class

0.995   2013-04-07 01:32:14 EEST
        - $class->BUILD() is called too late in case
        of quoted identifirers - Fixed.

0.994   2013-03-09 21:03:36 EET
        - Fix for odd but possible DECIMAL(8,0)

0.993   2013-03-09 19:38:05 EET
        - Added method DBIx::Simple::Class::create().
        - Enhanced tests.
        - Enhanced DBIx::Simple::Class::Schema::dump_schema_at().
        - Perltidyed.

0.992   2012-09-12 23:03:46 EEST
        - Fixed typos in documentation
        - Fixed unnoticeable bug in the generated Schema Class
        - Slight improvements in documentation
        - Prefixed default namespace with 'DSCS::'
        to reduce possible namespace collision.

0.991   2012-09-07 17:30:04 EEST
        - Fixed failing tests on windows related to chmod.
        Thanks to Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen.

0.99    2012-09-07 15:38:49 EEST
        - Added dbix method to the generated base/schema class
        so generated classes can have their
        own connection per schema class.
        - Fixed failing tests.

0.98    2012-09-07 01:03:34 EEST
        - Created DBIx::Simple::Class::Schema.
        - Implemented load_schema().
        - Implemented dump_schema_at().
        - Added all dependencies to Makefile.PL
        - Improved documentation.
        - DBIx::Simple::Class::Schema is also well covered with tests.

0.70    2012-08-26 00:20:50 EEST
        - Increased version because of PAUSE
        "Status: Decreasing version number"
        -- hidden more example classes from PAUSE

0.69.1  2012-08-25 23:31:52 EEST
        - Cleanup.
        - Fixed MANIFEST

0.69    2012-08-25 19:48:44 EEST
        - This is a major release.
        - Improved DESCRIPTION in pod.
        - Added examples. See examples/lib/My
        - Test Coverage:
        file      stmt  bran  cond  sub   pod   time  total  97.9  94.1  70.9  100.0 100.0 90.7  94.4
        - Moved database agnostic tests to 00-common.t
        - Addedd is_base_class for detecting direct inheritance
        from DBIx::Simple::Class.
        - Improved query(). Can be used by base class for directly
        calling $class->dbix->query().
        My::BaseClass->query(...) == $dbix->query(...)
        - Improved debug and error messages.
        - Rearanged BUILD()

0.68    2012-08-18 23:16:49 EEST
        - Added MIN_PERL_VERSION to Makefile.PL

0.67    2012-08-18 14:38:56 EEST
        - Added/improved comments to all default constants/class properties.
        - $UNQUOTED and $QUOTE_IDENTIFIERS are state variables now too.
        - Using //= for $UNQUOTED.
        - Slight optimisations.
        - Using Temporary tables for tests so no garbage is left
        in mysq test database if some test dies.

0.66    2012-08-18 05:57:54 EEST
        - Localised Params::Check variables as recommended in docs.
        - use 5.10.1 to use the smart match operator.
        - No List::Util needed any more.
        - Removed -T flag from all test files.

0.65    2012-08-18 03:50:55 EEST
        - Fixed mysql tests:
        You tried to plan twice at t/02-dbix-simple-class-mysql.t line 11.

0.64    2012-08-17 02:02 EEST
        - Suppressed some warnings from DBIx::Simple::Class during tests.
        - Added mysql tests.
        - Fixed sqlite tests.

0.63    2012-08-08 03:01 EEST
        - Using "state" instead of "my" for DBIx::Simple singleton.
        - Improved documentation.
        - Perltidied.

0.62    2012-03-10 02:57:59 EET
        - Switched to Artistic License version 2.0.
        - Refactored tests. Moved out test-shema classes (My).
        - Made select() and query() methods context aware.

0.61    2012-02-26 01:02:31 EET
        - SQL Queries dumps stop/start immediately upon (un)setting DEBUG.
        - Small optimizations in BUILD().
        - Improved documentation.

0.60    2012-02-25 00:31:08 EET
        - This is a major release! API seems pretty stable and complete enough.
        - Added documentation for "delete".
        - Fixed potential bug with pre-set primary key.
        - No warnings from Params::Check in tests anymore.
        - Improved and moved POD to Checks.pod for easier spellchecking. Spellcheck.
        - Renamed _make_field_attrs() to BUILD() and added documentation,
          thus allowing developers to inject their custom logic officially :).
        - Added DBI callback to dump the prepared SQL query if DEBUG(1).
        - Added QUOTE_IDENTIFIERS flag to quote bad table/column names.
        - Updated README.
0.57    2012-02-20 16:28:56 EET
        - Happy birthday to me! This release is my present for my self and everyone else!
        - Fixed new_from_dbix_simple to be context aware
        - Added find() alias for select_by_pk()
        - Added SQL_LIMIT() custom SQL piece
        - $dbh->{RaiseError} ==1 by default
        - Added more tests
        - Updated README
        - BUILD_REQUIRES => {'DBD::SQLite' => '1.29'},
        - Overall test coverage 93.8%
0.56    2012-02-19 14:16:18 EET
        - Fixed bug:"my $SQL" declared twice
        - Optimised update() and insert() to use directly DBI
          instead of $dbix->query
        - Optimised new_from_dbix_simple  to use directly DBI 
          instead of $dbix->hash 
        - Got back to $class->dbix() instead of just dbix()
          to allow subclasses to override dbix()
        - Added new named queries (INSERT, UPDATE) to private $SQL 
          and used $SQL->{$class}{INSERT} in insert() for performance
        - Renamed BY_PK to SELECT_BY_PK named query.
        - Improved documentation
0.55    2012-02-18 17:22:30 EET
        - Added method for generating custom SQL
        - Added examples for using custom SQL
        - Added new method select_by_pk() for getting by PRIMARY_KEY
        - Added more tests
        - Added links to popular ORMs
0.54    2012-02-17 14:06:48 EET
        - Improved documentation
        - Fixed potential bug with PRIMARY_KEY quoting/definedness
        - Now we do not quote tablenames and columns
        - TODO: Find a common solution to the above - Patches wellcome!
        - Code optimisations.

0.53    2012-02-16 12:33:52 EET
        - Added support for column aliases to be used as methods.
        - Improved documentation.
0.52    2012-02-15 16:53:50 EET
        - Switched to maually mantained Changes file.
        - Improved documentation yet more.
        - Implemented query() method.
        - Improved _make_field_attrs() to check for reserved column names.
        - Optimized _make_field_attrs(). 

commit 1bc0c9e2374f52602cef3d503f82096f6ca1ee8b
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 18:36:32 2012 +0200

    Version 0.51. Improved documentation. Optimised new_from_dbix_simple()

commit 6560519363f1c5757eca2970bc7a778c20210f3a
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 13:10:08 2012 +0200

    Releasing Version 0.5

commit c084dfdf81abe77317c8570c1c6a448d2e94ad09
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 13:03:50 2012 +0200

    I think we are ready for CPAN. Total test coverage:95.3%.

commit 20d13c714b0908d5806bd17c571d164c7d9316fe
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 04:44:41 2012 +0200

    re-adding select()...

commit bafa12b010d4163876e4733f79422e363e997765
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 03:22:50 2012 +0200

    updated again

commit 94bcaa9c5d1af994ed102e933d59496e1746b452
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 03:20:45 2012 +0200

    Updated README

commit b7a0553ce90fc2a719a38681f37f2074a78b234c
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Tue Feb 14 03:07:36 2012 +0200

    * No SQL::Abstract dependency.
    * Optimized constructors.
    * Optimised _make_field_attrs().
    * Optimized save().
    * Added update() and insert().
    * Updated POD.
    * 94.4% total test coverage.

commit 7e9642588bf1a7a4f653343323280656400c0c86
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Mon Feb 13 18:59:37 2012 +0200

    Added methods "insert" and "update" to make SQL::Abstarct dependency optional.

commit 1b9ad8486bcd5910956adf6b7ee3996f270217ea
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Mon Feb 13 01:33:02 2012 +0200

    92.7% test coverage!

commit 16987abc3ee6be1338db56520349c96bdf0160da
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Sun Feb 12 22:00:25 2012 +0200

    1. We require now perl 5.10
    2. Porting and rewriting functionality from MYDLjE::M
    3. Writing tests

commit 8b1ccaf9b2402e8f05ed657dc38f12e0766fecbc
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Sun Feb 12 02:15:53 2012 +0200

    Added SQL::Abstract as dependency.

commit 2a9a87ee9c9e654f1eada35154dc61a971cc5ae0
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Sun Feb 12 02:14:50 2012 +0200

    Written POD.

commit 680ab8639f88c11542b92d8f467299cedd4c8dfa
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 03:13:57 2012 +0200

    00-load.t ....... ok

commit 8ba51d763c3210281136102d8704a9775a07c7f6
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 03:07:25 2012 +0200

    Advanced object construction for DBIx::Simple!

commit ed168fe23cea43fab24ea92b0701b8433b94c920
Author: Krasimir Berov <>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 02:49:27 2012 +0200

    stub by Module::Starter

commit 5ff3d0f9d9c507be3d38dd641c572ad490530d97
Author: Berov <berov@U165.(none)>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 02:35:40 2012 +0200

    first commit