Revision history for Mojolicious::Plugin::SemanticUI
0.08 2014-11-17
- Updated to Semantic UI 1.0 with latest files from
- Directory layout is changed so this update will brake previous
installations. You need to remove old installation completely and update paths
in your templates!
0.07 2014-10-11
- Updated with latest files from
- Does not require but works with Mojolicious 5.49.
0.06 2014-09-21
- Requiring only Perl 5.10.1 in test files.
- Mentioned Ado.
- Updated with latest files from
0.05 2014-09-11
- Updated static files:
- Improved tests.
0.04 2014-09-08
- Reduced package size by removing duplicate themes folder.
- Moved all the tree one level up.
- Static files now seem usable - no more changes here expected.
- Cleanups again, let's do some programming next time...
0.03 2014-09-07
- More cleanups.
0.02 2014-09-07
- Cleanups and work on CPAN related stuff.
0.01 2014-09-06
- Initial release.