Revision history for Moment

1.0.0   2015-01-09
        * First public release

1.0.1   2015-01-09
        * Fixing POD indentation

1.1.0   2015-01-14
        * New methods get_d() & get_t()

1.2.0   2015-04-29
        * New method get_weekday_number()

        * Adding SemVer levels to Changes

1.2.1   2015-08-02
        * Removed FAQ question about week day number and returned question about week number
        * Making Data::Printer to be link in POD

1.3.0   2015-11-07
        * Constructor new() works with 'iso_string' and new method get_iso_string()

        * Using ISO 8601 format for Data::Prtiner output
        * Added link to ISO 8601 in 'See also' section
        * Constructor new() dies if parameter has "\n" at the end