Revision history for SQL::Easy
0.01 2010-12-04
* First public release
0.02 2010-12-11
* Fixed dependences in Makefile.PL. Thank you, cpan author ANDK.
* Now module check if the db connection alive and reconnet if needed.
The idea (and a bit of code) has been taken from David Precious's
module Dancer::Plugin::Database. Thank you, cpan author BIGPRESH.
0.03 2011-06-12
* Quick and dirty .deb creation
* Fixing utf8 work with mysql
* Updated README and a small fix in pod
0.04 2011-09-16
* new sub return_tsv_data()
0.05 2012-07-21
* More accurate pod and small refactoring
* Using croak insted of die
* Moving to ExtUtils::MakeMaker from Module::Install
0.06 2013-02-22
* Making all 'return_*' methods as deprecated.
* Small imporvements in pod in tests
0.07 2013-06-21
* Switched to Dist::Zilla
1.0.0 2013-09-01
* Using SemVer for version numbers
* Added Perl 5.8 to be checked by Travis CI
* Fixing travis