Revision history for Test::Whitespaces

0.01    2013-01-24
        * First public release

0.02    2013-02-03
        * In output stripping max lines length to 78 symbols
        * Using in output standart ASCII symbol
        * Added SEE ALSO section with similar modules
        * Added FAQ about Perltidy
        * Other small fixes in pod

0.03    2013-02-10
        * Whitespaces errors output in color
        * Removed default values and wrote faq about it
        * Parameter --only_errors in script test_whitespaces
        * Writing the word "line" instead of obscure "L"
        * Other small improvements of output format

0.04    2013-06-16
        * Fixing utf8 bug. RT-85579
        * Better unicode support
        * Using Getopt::Long
        * File README is renamed to and completly rewritten
        * Added link to the module Test::Tabs in SEE ALSO
        * Tests are refactored and new tests are added

0.05    2013-06-18
        * Fixing unicode problem in test _print_diff()
        * Switched to Dist::Zilla
        * Small format changes in the file Changes
        * Fixing warning in t/_print_diff in perl-5.8.9
        * Small changes in pod