Revision history for Time::ETA

0.01    2013-03-07
        * First public release
        * Internal serialization api version 1

0.02    2013-03-15
        * Fixed get_remaining_seconds()
        * Fixed get_elapsed_seconds()
        * Changed internal serialization api to version 2
        * New method is_completed()
        * New example script with run visualization
        * Added README
        * Additions in POD
        * Additions in tests

0.03    2013-03-25
        * New method get_remaining_time()
        * New method can_cpawn()
        * More frienly error message when it is not possible to spawn
        * Small fix in pod
        * Added .travis.yml
        * Dist::Zilla will not allow releasing with dirty git

1.0.0   2013-09-01
        * Using SemVer for version numbers

        * Added Perl 5.8 to be checked by Travis CI
        * Fixing travis
        * Removed test that checked that I have written Changes
        * Using BESSARABV Dist::Zilla plugin bundle
        * Fixing misspell in README