package Amazon::API; # Generic interface to Amazon APIs =pod =head1 NAME C<Amazon::API> =head1 SYNOPSIS package Amazon::CloudWatchEvents; use parent qw/Amazon::API/; @API_METHODS = qw/ DeleteRule DescribeEventBus DescribeRule DisableRule EnableRule ListRuleNamesByTarget ListRules ListTargetsByRule PutEvents PutPermission PutRule PutTargets RemovePermission RemoveTargets TestEventPattern/; sub new { my $class = shift; my $options = shift || {}; $class->SUPER::new({ %$options, service_url_base => 'events', version => undef, api => 'AWSEvents', api_methods => \@API_METHODS, content_type => 'application/x-amz-json-1.1' }); } 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION Class to use for constructing AWS API interfaces. Typically used as the parent class, but can be used directly. See C<Amazon::CloudWatchEvents> for an example or sub-classing. See L</IMPLEMENTATION NOTES> for using C<Amazon::API> directly to call AWS services. =head1 ERRORS Errors encountered are returned as an C<Amazon::API::Error> exception object. See L<Amazon::API::Error>/ =cut use strict; use warnings; use parent qw/Class::Accessor Exporter/; use Amazon::API::Error; use Amazon::Credentials; use AWS::Signature4; use Data::Dumper; use HTTP::Request; use JSON qw/to_json from_json/; use LWP::UserAgent; use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/; use XML::Simple; __PACKAGE__->follow_best_practice; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/action api api_methods version content_type http_method credentials response protocol region url service_url_base signer target user_agent debug last_action aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key token /); use vars qw/@EXPORT $VERSION/; @EXPORT=qw/$VERSION/; $VERSION='1.1.3-3'; =pod =head1 METHODS =head2 new new( options ) =over 5 =item credentials C<Amazon::Credentials> object or at least an object that C<->can(get_aws_access_key_id)> and C<->can(get_aws_secret_access_key)> and C<->can(get_token)> =item user_agent Your own user agent object or by default C<LWP::UserAgent>. Using C<Furl>, if you have it avaiable may result in faster response. =item api The name of the AWS service. Example: AWSEvents =item url The service url. Example: =item debug 0/1 - will dump request/response if set to true. =item action The API method. Example: PutEvents =item content_type Default content for references passed to the C<invoke_api()> method. The default is C<application/x-amz-json-1.1>. =item protocol One of 'http' or 'https'. Some Amazon services do not support https (yet). =back =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); unless ($self->get_user_agent) { $self->set_user_agent(new LWP::UserAgent); } # some APIs are GET only (I'm talkin' to you IAM!) $self->set_http_method('POST') unless defined $self->get_http_method; # note some APIs are global, hence an API may send '' to indicate global $self->set_region('us-east-1') unless defined $self->get_region; unless ( $self->get_credentials ) { $self->set_credentials( new Amazon::Credentials( { aws_secret_access_key => $self->get_aws_secret_access_key, aws_access_key_id => $self->get_aws_access_key_id, token => $self->get_token }) ); } $self->set_protocol('https') unless $self->get_protocol(); unless ( $self->get_url ) { if ( $self->get_service_url_base() ) { if ( $self->get_region ) { $self->set_url(sprintf("%s://", $self->get_protocol, $self->get_service_url_base, $self->get_region)); } else { $self->set_url(sprintf("%s://", $self->get_protocol, $self->get_service_url_base)); } } else { die "ERROR: no url or service_url defined.\n" } } $self->set_signer(AWS::Signature4->new(-access_key => $self->get_credentials->get_aws_access_key_id, -secret_key => $self->get_credentials->get_aws_secret_access_key) ); if ( $self->get_api_methods ) { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; foreach my $api (@{$self->get_api_methods}) { my $method = lcfirst $api; $method =~s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/g; $method = lc $method; # snake case rules the day *{"Amazon::API::" . $method} = sub { shift->invoke_api("$api", @_) }; # but some prefer camels *{"Amazon::API::" . $api} = sub { shift->$method(@_) }; # pass on to the snake } } $self->set_content_type('application/x-amz-json-1.1') unless $self->get_content_type; $self; } sub get_api_name { my $self = shift; return join("", map { ucfirst } split /_/, shift); } =pod =head2 invoke_api invoke_api(action, [parameters, [content-type]]); =over 5 =item action =item parameters Parameters to send to the API. Can be a scalar, a hash reference or an array reference. =item content-type If you send the C<content-type>, it is assumed that the parameters are the payload to be sent in the request. Otherwise, the C<parameters> will be converted to a JSON string if the C<parameters> value is a hash reference or a query string if the C<parameters> value is an array reference. Hence, to send a query string, you should send an array key/value pairs, or an array of scalars of the form Name=Value. [ { Action => 'DescribeInstances' } ] [ "Action=DescribeInstances" ] ...are both equivalent ways to force the method to send a query string. =back =cut sub invoke_api { my $self = shift; my ($action, $parameters, $content_type) = @_; $self->set_action($action); $self->set_last_action($action); my $content; unless ( $content_type ) { if ( ref($parameters) && reftype($parameters) eq 'HASH' ) { $content_type = $self->get_content_type; $content = to_json($parameters || {}); } elsif ( ref($parameters) && reftype($parameters) eq 'ARRAY') { $content_type = 'application/x-www-form-url-encoded' unless $self->get_http_method eq 'GET'; my @query_string; foreach (@{$parameters}) { push @query_string, ref($_) ? sprintf("%s=%s", %$_) : $_; } $content = join('&', @query_string); } else { $content_type = 'application/x-www-form-url-encoded' unless $self->get_http_method eq 'GET'; $content = $parameters; } } else { $content = $parameters; } my $rsp = $self->submit(content => $content, content_type => $content_type); if ( $self->get_debug ) { print STDERR Dumper [$rsp]; } # probably want to decode content when there is an error, but this # will do for now unless ($rsp->is_success) { die new Amazon::API::Error({error => $rsp->code, message_raw => $rsp->content, content_type => $rsp->content_type, api => $self }); } $self->set_response($rsp); return $rsp->content; } =pod =head2 decode_response Attempts to decode the response from the API based on the Content-Type returned in the response header. If there is no Content-Type, then the raw content is returned. =cut sub decode_response { my $self = shift; my $rsp = $self->get_response; return undef unless $rsp; my $result = eval { if ( $rsp->content_type =~/xml/i) { XMLin($rsp->content); } elsif ( $rsp->content_type =~/json/i ) { from_json($rsp->content); } else { $rsp->content; } }; if ( $@ ) { $result = $rsp->content; } $result; } =pod =head2 submit submit( options ) C<options> is hash of options: =over 5 =item content Payload to send. =item content_type Content types we have seen used to send values to AWS APIs: application/json application/x-amz-json-1.0 application/x-amz-json-1.1 application/x-www-form-urlencoded =back =cut sub submit { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my $request = HTTP::Request->new($self->get_http_method || 'POST', $self->get_url); # 1. set the header # 2. set the content # 3. sign the request # 4. send the request & return result # see IMPLEMENTATION NOTES for an explanation if ( $self->get_api ) { if ( $self->get_version) { $self->set_target(sprintf("%s_%s.%s", $self->get_api, $self->get_version, $self->get_action)); } else { $self->set_target(sprintf("%s.%s", $self->get_api, $self->get_action)); } $request->header('X-Amz-Target', $self->get_target()); } unless ($self->get_http_method eq 'GET') { $options{content_type} = $options{content_type} || 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'; $request->content_type($options{content_type}); if ( $options{content_type} eq 'application/x-www-form-url-encoded') { $options{content} = $self->_finalize_content($options{content}); } $request->content($options{content}); } else { $request->uri(sprintf("%s?%s", $request->uri(), $self->_finalize_content($options{content}))); } $request->header('X-Amz-Security-Token', $self->get_credentials->get_token) if $self->get_credentials->get_token; # sign the request $self->get_signer->sign($request); # make the request, return response object if ( $self->get_debug ) { print STDERR Dumper([$request]); } $self->get_user_agent->request($request); } sub _finalize_content { my $self = shift; my $content = shift; my @args = $content if $content; if ( $content && $content !~/Action=/ || ! $content ) { push @args, "Action=" . $self->get_action; } if ( $self->get_version) { push @args, "Version=" . $self->get_version } return @args ? join('&', @args) : ''; } =pod =head1 IMPLEMENTATION NOTES =head2 X-Amz-Target Most of the newer AWS APIs accept a header (X-Amz-Target) in lieu of the CGI parameter Action. Some APIs also want the version in the target, some don't. Sparse documentation about some of the nuances of using the REST interface directly to call AWS APIs. We use the C<api> value as a trigger to indicate we need to set the Action in the X-Amz-Target header. We also check to see if the version needs to be attached to the Action value as required by some APIs. if ( $self->get_api ) { if ( $self->get_version) { $self->set_target(sprintf("%s_%s.%s", $self->get_api, $self->get_version, $self->get_action)); } else { $self->set_target(sprintf("%s.%s", $self->get_api, $self->get_action)); } $request->header('X-Amz-Target', $self->get_target()); } DynamoDB & KMS seems to be able to use this in lieu of query variables Action & Version, although again, there seems to be a lot of inconsisitency in the APIs. DynamoDB uses DynamoDB_YYYYMMDD.Action while KMS will not take the version that way and prefers TrentService.Action (with no version). There is no explanation in any of the documentations I have been able to find as to what "TrentService" might actually mean. In general, the AWS API ecosystem is very organic. Each service seems to have its own rules and protocol regarding what the content of the headers should be. This generic API interface tries to make it possible to use a central class (Amazon::API) as a sort of gateway to the APIs. The most generic interface is simply sending query variables and not much else in the header. APIs like EC2 conform to the that school, so as indicated above we use C<action> to determine whether to send the API action in the header or to assume that it is being sent as one of the query variables. =head2 Rolling a new API The class will stub out methods for the API if you pass an array of API method names. The stub is equivalent to: sub some_api { my $self = shift; $self ->invoke_api('SomeApi', @_); } Some will also be happy to know that the class will create an equivalent CamelCase version of the method. If you choose to override the method, you should override the snake case version of the method. As an example, here is a possible implementation of C<Amazon::CloudWatchEvents> that implements one of the API calls. package Amazon::CloudWatchEvents; use parent qw/Amazon::API/; sub new { my $class = shift; my $options = shift || {}; $options->{api} 'AWSEvents'; $options->{url} ''; $options->{api_methods} => [ 'ListRules' ]; return $class->SUPER::new($options); } 1; Then... my $cwe = new Amazon::CloudWatchEvents(); $cwe->ListRules({}); Of course, creating a class for the service is optional. It may be desirable however to create higher level and more convenient methods that aid the developer in utilizing a particular API. my $api = new Amazon::API({ credentials => new Amazon::Credentials, api => 'AWSEvents', url => '' }); $api->invoke_api('ListRules', {}); =head2 Content-Type Yet another piece of evidence that suggests the I<organic> nature of the Amazon API ecosystem is their use of multiple forms of input to their methods indicated by the required Content-Type for different services. Some of the variations include: application/json application/x-amz-json-1.0 application/x-amz-json-1.1 application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accordingly, the C<invoke_api()> can be passed the Content-Type or will try to make "best guess" based on the input parameter you passed. It guesses using the following decision tree: =over 5 =item * If the Content-Type parameter is passed as the third argument, that is used. Full stop. =item * If the C<parameters> value to C<invoke_api()> is a reference, then the Content-Type is either the value of C<get_content_type> or C<application/x-amzn-json-1.1>. =item * If the C<parameters> value to C<invoke_api()> is a scalar, then the Content-Type is C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded>. =back You can set the default Content-Type used for the calling service when a reference is passed to the C<invoke_api()> method by passing the C<content_type> option to the constructor. $class->SUPER::new({%@_, content_type => 'application/x-amz-json-1.1', api => 'AWSEvents', url => ''}); =head1 SEE OTHER C<Amazon::Credentials>, C<Amazon::API::Error> =head1 AUTHOR Rob Lauer - <> =cut 1;