Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::Huffman.

0.06  Tue Sep 02
        - improved handling when called with wrong parameters
        Thanks a lot to Pierre Leopold who reported me a bug that could happen 
        following to the missing parameter validation.

0.05  Thu Aug 29
        - improved decode_bitstring method
          * exceptions are raised instead of an endless loop
            if an unknown character sequence is found

0.04  Wed Aug 28
        - implemented decode_bitstring($bitstring) method
        - fixed bug: The returned encode_bitstring had 
          only the length of the $orig_string,
          and not longer

0.03  Mon Aug 26
        - implemented encode_bitstring($orig_string) method

0.02  Tue Aug 20
        - implemented $huff->decode_hash method

0.01  Tue Aug 13
        - implemented new and encode_hash method
          * my $huff = new ({$str1 => $count1, $str2 => $count2, $str3 => $count3, ...})
          * my $encode_hash = $huff->encode_hash
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XA -b 5.6.0 Algorithm::Huffman