Revision history for Perl extension Data::TableAutoSum.
0.06 The Aug 01
- implemented merge operation to merge two tables
- refacturing: used Tie::CSV_File to implement the store and read methods
- added Tie::CSV_File to the requirements
0.05 Tue Jul 30
- implemented change(\&change_method) method
0.04 Mon Jul 29
- implemented named rows/columns
- fixed result test to avoid floating point error
- fixed typo in doc
- removed dependendancy of Perl 5.8.0
0.03 Fri Jul 26
- implemented the
- added Tie::File to the requirements
0.02 Thu Jul 25
- implemented ->as_string method without any arguments
0.01 Wed Jul 24
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-XA Data::TableAutoSum
- implemented
->new(rows => $nr_of_rows,
cols => $nr_of_cols)
->data($row,$col,$new_value) : lvalue