Revision history for Perl extension Test::Warn.
0.30 2014-03-05
- important note in documentation how check for warning category is done
If you use Test::Warn with categories, you should check that it does
what you expect.
- Category tree is now dynamic and does not use Tree::DAG_Node (Graham Knop)
0.24=0.23_01 2012-04-01
0.23_01 2012-02-25
- compatibility with Carp 1.25 (RURBAN)
- require Carp 1.22
- carped.t would better work on Windows
0.23 2011-02-24
- compatibility with Perl 5.14 (ANDK)
0.22 Sep 10 2010
- fixes in English
0.21 Aug 29 2009
- rename internal package Tree::MyDAG_Node with Test::Warn::DAG_Node_Tree
0.20 Aug 29 2009
- fix warning_exists.t for perl 5.6.2
- warnings_exists was renamed to warnings_exist
- compatibility layer in Makefile.PL
0.11_02 Jun 16 2009
- carped.t will work on VMS (RT#39579)
- fix warning_exists.t for perl 5.10
- warning_exists was renamed to warnings_exists
0.11_01 Jun 14 2009
- small changes
- Array::Compare is not needed
- allow files with spaces in path (RT#21545 by frew )
- Test::Exception is also not needed
- warning_exists added
0.11 Jul 09 2008
- better Makefile.PL
- mention Test::Trap
- uplevel 2 changed to uplevel 1 to work with Sub::Uplevel 0.19_02
- small fixes
0.10 May 01 2007
- depend on newer version of Sub::Uplevel
- fixed pod error
0.09 Mar 15 2007
- new maintainer: Alexandr Ciornii
- license in Makefile.PL
- fixed carped.t (patch by PSINNOTT)
- pod.t
0.08 Tue Sep 02 2003
- fixed bug in warning_is, warnings_are when newlines are inside
0.07 Mon Mar 10 2003
- fixed self test routines
that it doesn't play a role what kind of file separator is used
(/ on *nix or \ on win)
- added File::Spec to the requirements
0.06 Wed Jul 31 2002
- used a patch given by chromatic and Schwern
to remove Dependancy of Switch
- fixed a typo in the doc
0.05 Thu Jul 25 2002
- implemented the warnings category feature
warning_like {foo()} 'syntax', "Test for any syntax warning, given by the standard perl distribution";
- added Tree::DAG_Node to the requirements
0.04 Tue Jul 16 2002
- implemented the possibility of saying
warning_like {foo()} {carped => ['x', 'y', 'z']}, "Warnings with x, y and z"
instead of
warning_like {foo()} [{carped => 'x'},
{carped => 'y'},
{carped => 'z'}], "Warnings with x, y and z, too"
- added Dependancy to Switch
0.03 Mon Jul 15 2002
- removed bug that occured with some versions of perl
Something something like
use List::Util qw/first/;
{$warn_kind => first {"$_\n"} split /\n/, $msg};
where the argument to first wasn't detected as a sub block
- removed Dependency of List::Util
0.02 Thu Jul 11 2002
- implemented carped option to define a warning coming from carp
0.01 Wed Jul 10 2002
- first CPAN release
- warning_is / warning_are implemented
- warning_like / warnings_like implemented