Revision history for Perl extension Tie::CSV_File.

0.18  Fri Sep 06
       - fixed bug that occured in Perl <= 5.6.1
         the predefined file type constants are created in a loop with eval statements
         seems that Perl <= 5.6.1 needs help to
         find out that the so exported, but dynamic created statements aren't barewords
         I enclosed the (dynamic) constant creation with a BEGIN { ... } block.

0.17  Fri Sep 06
       - implemented warning, if the sep_char isn't matched with a specified sep_re

0.16  Thu Sep 05
       - fixed problems with special character like 'ä','ö','ü'
         these lines were skipped, as they were treated as binary data,
         but the CSV module didn't expect to get "binary" data!

0.15  Wed Sep 04
       - fixed bug,
         forgot to export the *_SEPARATED file types
         (reason was that I wanted even with and without mispelled forms to export,
          but the routine for "mispelling" also changed the original word)
0.14  Wed Sep 04
       - fixed forgotten dependency:
         added Test::Warn to the (test) requirements

0.13  Tue Sep 03
       - implemented warning,
         if sep_char contains of more than one character
       - refacturing of the code
       - removed sleeping bug,
         the sep_char '0' (zero) wouldn't have worked

0.12  Mon Aug 26
       - fixed typos: *_SEPERATED  => *_SEPARATED
                           ^               ^
0.11  Mon Aug 19
       - added constand defining pipe seperated data

0.10  Fri Aug 16
       - added constant defining semicolon-seperated data

0.09  Mon Aug 12
       - implemented delete possibility
         * delete $data[5]
         * delete $data[5][5]
       - added Data::Compare to the requirements for testing

0.08  Thu Aug 08
       - added constants defining tabular-, white-space- and colon-seperated data
         * TAB_SEPERATED
       - fixed some typos,
         where I wrote Tie::File instead of Tie::CSV_File

0.07  Fri Aug 02
       - implemened STORE possibility to @data
         $data[$line] = ["last name", "first name", "CPAN-ID", "address"];
         push @data, ["Schleicher", "Janek", "BIGJ", "Germany"];

0.06  Thu Aug 01
       - implemented STORE possibility
         $data[$line][$column] = $something

0.05  Wed Jul 31
       - implemented option
         sep_re     => ...

0.04  Wed Jul 31
       - changed code to avoid bug in 5.6.1,
         instead of returning an anonymous [] from a tied array
         in the first dimension,
         I return something like my @fields; return \@fields;

0.03  Tue Jul 30
       - fixed bug: removed 'use Test::Warn' from a test script as I didn't need it
                    but forced an error

0.02  Tue Jul 30
       - implemented CSV options
         quote_char   => ...
         eol          => ...
         escape_char  => ...
         always_quote => ...
       - removed dependancy of Perl 5.8.0 of the Makefile.PL

0.01  Mon Jul 29 
       - implemented read-only tied Tie::CSV_File without any options