package Dancer::FileUtils; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:SUKRIA'; #ABSTRACT: helper providing file utilities $Dancer::FileUtils::VERSION = '1.3401'; # TRIAL use strict; use warnings; use IO::File; use File::Basename (); use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Carp; use Cwd 'realpath'; use Dancer::Exception qw(:all); use base 'Exporter'; use vars '@EXPORT_OK'; @EXPORT_OK = qw( dirname open_file path read_file_content read_glob_content path_or_empty set_file_mode normalize_path atomic_write ); # path should not verify paths # just normalize sub path { my @parts = @_; my $path = File::Spec->catfile(@parts); return normalize_path($path); } sub path_or_empty { my @parts = @_; my $path = path(@parts); # return empty if it doesn't exist return -e $path ? $path : ''; } sub dirname { File::Basename::dirname(@_) } sub set_file_mode { my $fh = shift; require Dancer::Config; my $charset = Dancer::Config::setting('charset') || 'utf-8'; binmode $fh, ":encoding($charset)"; return $fh; } sub open_file { my ( $mode, $filename ) = @_; open my $fh, $mode, $filename or raise core_fileutils => "$! while opening '$filename' using mode '$mode'"; return set_file_mode($fh); } sub read_file_content { my $file = shift or return; my $fh = open_file( '<', $file ); return wantarray ? read_glob_content($fh) : scalar read_glob_content($fh); } sub read_glob_content { my $fh = shift; # we don't want to do that as we'll encode the stuff later # binmode $fh; my @content = <$fh>; close $fh; return wantarray ? @content : join '', @content; } sub normalize_path { # this is a revised version of what is described in # # by Mitch Frazier my $path = shift or return; my $seqregex = qr{ [^/]* # anything without a slash /\.\./ # that is accompanied by two dots as such }x; $path =~ s{/\./}{/}g; while ( $path =~ s{$seqregex}{} ) {} return $path; } # !! currently unused # Undo UNC special-casing catfile-voodoo on cygwin sub _trim_UNC { my @args = @_; # if we're using cygwin if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) { # no @args, no problem @args or return; my ( $slashes, $part, @parts) = ( 0, undef, @args ); # start pulling part from @parts while ( defined ( $part = shift @parts ) ) { last if $part; $slashes++; } # count slashes in $part $slashes += ( $part =~ s/^[\/\\]+// ); if ( $slashes == 2 ) { return ( '/' . $part, @parts ); } else { my $slashstr = ''; $slashstr .= '/' for ( 1 .. $slashes ); return ( $slashstr . $part, @parts ); } } return @args; } sub atomic_write { my ($path, $file, $data) = @_; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("tmpXXXXXXXXX", DIR => $path); set_file_mode($fh); print $fh $data; close $fh or die "Can't close '$file': $!\n"; rename($filename, $file) or die "Can't move '$filename' to '$file'"; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Dancer::FileUtils - helper providing file utilities =head1 VERSION version 1.3401 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Dancer::FileUtils qw/dirname path/; # for 'path/to/file' my $dir = dirname($path); # returns 'path/to' my $path = path($path); # returns '/abs/path/to/file' use Dancer::FileUtils qw/path read_file_content/; my $content = read_file_content( path( 'folder', 'folder', 'file' ) ); my @content = read_file_content( path( 'folder', 'folder', 'file' ) ); use Dancer::FileUtils qw/read_glob_content set_file_mode/; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$!\n"; set_file_mode($fh); my @content = read_file_content($fh); my $content = read_file_content($fh); =head1 DESCRIPTION Dancer::FileUtils includes a few file related utilities related that Dancer uses internally. Developers may use it instead of writing their own file reading subroutines or using additional modules. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 dirname use Dancer::FileUtils 'dirname'; my $dir = dirname($path); Exposes L<File::Basename>'s I<dirname>, to allow fetching a directory name from a path. On most OS, returns all but last level of file path. See L<File::Basename> for details. =head2 open_file use Dancer::FileUtils 'open_file'; my $fh = open_file('<', $file) or die $message; Calls open and returns a filehandle. Takes in account the 'charset' setting from Dancer's configuration to open the file in the proper encoding (or defaults to utf-8 if setting not present). =head2 path use Dancer::FileUtils 'path'; my $path = path( 'folder', 'folder', 'filename'); Provides comfortable path resolving, internally using L<File::Spec>. =head2 read_file_content use Dancer::FileUtils 'read_file_content'; my @content = read_file_content($file); my $content = read_file_content($file); Returns either the content of a file (whose filename is the input), I<undef> if the file could not be opened. In array context it returns each line (as defined by $/) as a separate element; in scalar context returns the entire contents of the file. =head2 read_glob_content use Dancer::FileUtils 'read_glob_content'; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$!\n"; my @content = read_glob_content($fh); my $content = read_glob_content($fh); Same as I<read_file_content>, only it accepts a file handle. Returns the content and B<closes the file handle>. =head2 set_file_mode use Dancer::FileUtils 'set_file_mode'; set_file_mode($fh); Applies charset setting from Dancer's configuration. Defaults to utf-8 if no charset setting. =head1 EXPORT Nothing by default. You can provide a list of subroutines to import. =head1 AUTHOR Dancer Core Developers =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Alexis Sukrieh. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut