Revision history for Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Extensible

0.04    2012-12-15
        [ BUG FIXES ]
        - Throw an error properly if not configured correctly - safer to refuse
          for anything to be served than to potentially serve stuff the user
          expected to be protected if their config is wrong.

0.03    2012-12-07
        [ BUG FIXES ]
        - import Dancer DSL keywords, so call to debug() if user record is not
          found doesn't cause horrific fiery explosions (reported by rwb)

0.02    2012-12-07
        [ BUG FIXES ]
        - Various bug fixes and improvements, including POD fix from cebjyre,
          fixing broken register_plugin call by racke

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.