Revision history for Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Extensible
0.20 2013-01-30
- Use return_url to redirect back to requested page after logging in
(GH #14, thanks to @dagolden)
- require_role can now take a regex to match (GH #16, thanks to
- authenticate_user is now exported (thanks to melmothX on IRC)
0.10 2012-12-19
- WARNING: backwards incompatible change!
The original approach using subroutine attributes was pretty, but not
always reliable (particularly with regards to thread safety, or
running under the debugger or Devel::Cover etc).
Since this module is still in it's early life and not widely used,
I've refactored entirely, to use new requires_login / requires_role
etc keywords, which wrap the provided coderef in a coderef which
checks if the user is logged in / has the required role(s), before
running the route handler provided.
- Configurable /login, /logout URLs - Rene (hertell)
0.04 2012-12-15
- Throw an error properly if not configured correctly - safer to refuse
for anything to be served than to potentially serve stuff the user
expected to be protected if their config is wrong.
0.03 2012-12-07
- import Dancer DSL keywords, so call to debug() if user record is not
found doesn't cause horrific fiery explosions (reported by rwb)
0.02 2012-12-07
- Various bug fixes and improvements, including POD fix from cebjyre,
fixing broken register_plugin call by racke
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.