Revision history for Dancer-Plugin-NYTProf

0.30    2013-02-21
        [ ENHANCEMENTS ]
        * Show request execution time for each profiled request in list.
          (May need to make this configurable; could be too slow if there are a
          lot of profiled requests to list.)

0.23    2012-09-24
        [ ENHANCEMENTS ]
        * Sort profile runs by most recent first (thanks to leejo)

0.22    2012-09-22
        [ BUGFIXES ]
        * Handle nytprofhtml_path option correctly.  (Giving a full file path to
          File::Which::which() doesn't work; it's a pointless thing to do
          anyway.  Should fix GH #8, thanks to jbobbylopez for a helpful and
          detailed bug report!

0.21    2012-02-02
        [ BUGFIXES ]
        * Fix comedy bug where we'd crash regardless of the return value of
          `nytprofhtml` when first trying to generate HTML output.  That was
          pretty muppetactular.

0.20    2012-01-31
        [ BUGFIXES ]
        * Load Devel::NYTProf at runtime, after setting the env vars to stop it
          beginning profiling immediately and giving it a temporary filename (as
          it insists on opening a file to write to /anyway/).
          This should solve problems where the plugin was unusable because
          Devel::NYTProf wanted to write a file to the appdir, even when the
          profdir setting was used.  Thanks to angel on IRC (#dancer) for
          reporting this problem.

0.10    2011-11-26
        [ BUGFIXES ]
        * Check for presence of nytprofhtml, and check for errors executing it
          and produce helpful error messages 
          (PR-4 from Neil Hooey (nhooey) - thanks!)
        * Allow path to nytprofhtml to be configurable, default to finding it
          within the $PATH using File::Which

        * Don't crash if first request after starting app is to /nytprof and no
          profdir is set in config.

        [ SECURITY ]
        * Sanitise filenames from user properly.  Previously, it would have been
          possible to cause the module to send files outside the profdir with
          cleverly-crafted requests (hence the warnings in the documentation).
          Be careful that the filename received doesn't contain anything

0.04    2011-11-13
        Remove taint from test to avoid insecure dependency failures further
        down the line.

0.03    2011-11-03
        Use hook instead of before/after, which cause deprecation warnings now.
        (Stefan Hornburg (racke))

0.02    2011-07-25
        Require Dancer >=  1.3060.
        (param() wasn't available before then, thanks to sukria for pointing
        this out)

0.01    2011-07-23
        Initial version.  Working, but plenty of room for improvement.