Revision history for Net-Joker-DMAPI
0.05 2014-10-27
- New account_balance method
- Avoid failing if calling a method with no args hashref.
- Check parameters passed to query_whois, croak if used wrongly
- Converted from Moose to Moo
0.04 2014-10-21
- Loading Data::Dump before using it helps. I stupidly tested in an
environment where Data::Dump gets loaded automatically so this didn't
show up.
0.03 2014-10-21
- Added new logger attribute, allowing a coderef to be provided to
receive log messages, for flexible logging however you choose.
- Compare Joker DMAPI version major version (1.2) only, not the full
version, or I'll be updating this every five minutes when Joker make
trivial changes. (I hope I can rely on them to bump the minor version
for trivial changes, and bump to e.g. 1.3.00 if they make any more
significant changes.)
0.02 2014-10-09
Bah - POD coverage tests failed because of a couple of undocumented
methods which ought to have been private. They are now.
0.01 2014-10-09
First version released. Works well enough to send arbitrary queries to
the API, and whois querying and parsing works well, but needs lots more
work - more methods to handle common operations (rather than having to
go lower level and use do_query(), and a test suite.