Revision history for Perl extension SMS::AQL.

0.04 16/07/2007
New release incorporating several improvements kindly submitted by
Ton Voon at Altinity ( - thanks Ton!  There's
numerous documentation improvements, better parsing of server responses,
and a new test script using Test::MockObject to exercise the module
code without actually interacting with the AQL servers or sending 
messages.  Nice work Ton, thanks for your contribution!

0.03  26/06/2007
Previous versions had use 5.008007 in the Makefile, where I forgot to
change it.  There's nothing funky in this module that should require
5.8.7, 5.8.0 should be good enough.  Thanks to Nicola W for pointing
this out.

Also added new credit() method to return the number of message credits
available on the account.

0.02  04/01/2007
Fix stupid, stupid bug #24201 - don't remove servers from the list of 
servers, unless we fail to send a message.  Previously, each instance 
of SMS::AQL could only send 4 messages in a row before starting to fail.
Obviously, passed all tests, only showed up in real usage.  Wibble.  
Also some minor style problems cleared up.

Important: constructor now takes a hashref of params to provide for 
future expansion needs.

0.01  10/08/2006
development starts... pre-alpha version started life as Net::AQSMS::Send, 
name SMS::AQL was then agreed after brief discussion with 
guys, Brian in particular - thanks for your input Brian.

Initial version is quite limited, but tested and works well for me.  
Not tested with non-UK destination numbers.

$Id: Changes 158 2007-07-16 01:04:25Z davidp $