Revision history for Apigee-Edge

0.07  2014-11-30 18:16:01 CST
        - increase timeout

0.06  2014-11-30 18:12:15 CST
        - little errstr improves

0.05  2014-09-26 08:05:46 CST
        - add helper get_all_clients

0.04  2014-09-25 21:12:53 CST
        - add URI::Split as requirements

0.03  2014-09-25 21:01:30 CST
        - add Apigee::Edge::Helper for some common subs

0.02  2014-09-24 13:37:34 CST
        - replace url /organizations/ to /o/ (actually it's the same)
        - support expand=true in get_developer_apps

0.01  2014-09-23 10:37:47 CST
        - Initial release