Revision history for HTML-FormBuilder

0.10  2015-10-12
        - allow <input>, heading /traling text to be wrapped in <div>, for better checkbox styling
        - Add no_new_line option for comment only field

0.09  2015-10-08
        - add validation type "checkbox_checked", ensure checkbox is checked

0.08  2015-09-23
        - csrf in build_confirmation_button_with_all_inputs_hidden

0.07  2015-09-20
        - csrf supports

0.06  2015-08-03 12:05:30 CST
        - HTML::FormBuilder::Validation add onsubmit_js_error
        - change class mapping to global var $HTML::FormBuilder::Base::CLASSES

0.05  2015-01-26 13:05:49 CST
        - FormBuilder add_fieldset will return a FormBuilder::FieldSet object
        - amend the pod
        - change some html class name

0.04  2015-01-14 21:54:55 CST
        - small fixes

0.03  2015-01-12 10:20:13 CST
        - perltidy/critic

0.02  2015-01-09 17:28:52 CST
        - no code changes

0.01  2015-01-09 15:02:46 CST
        - Initial release