Revision history for MooseX-Role-Validatable

0.07  2014-10-15 11:46:52 CST
        - remove MooX-*

0.06  2014-10-15 11:43:39 CST
        - POD fix
        - pass the perltidy and perlcritic

0.05  2014-10-08 17:28:27 CST
        - mv main module to MooseX-Role-Validatable

0.04  2014-10-08 13:02:00 CST
        - when we call meta->get_all_method_names, we still need Moose as requirement
            (so that actually should be just MooseX-Role-)
        - add new MooseX-Role-Validatable
        - we'll deprecated MooX-Role-Validatable in next few release

0.03  2014-09-27 15:09:07 CST
        - scalar on @ instead of direct context issue

0.02  2014-09-27 14:24:17 CST
        - changes for old version of Moo and Moose

0.01  2014-09-27 13:12:19 CST
        - Initial release