0.016  2015-01-31 12:35:48 CAT

    - Properly call YAML::XS

0.015  2015-01-31 10:58:53 CAT

    - Switch to less generic YAML::XS

0.014  2015-01-27 07:57:43 CAT

    - Fix Test::RedisServer dependency loading issue.

0.013  2015-01-21 14:35:46 CAT

    - Allow file list to FreshenCache
    - Use FreshenCache in the general LoadFile flow

0.012  2015-01-20 12:11:12 CAT

    - Require Cache::RedisDB 0.07
    - Improve FreshenCache with new 'ttl' command from Cache.

0.011  2015-01-18 16:27:42 CAT

    - Improve POD style, perhaps.
    - Require Cache::RedisDB 0.06
    - Add FreshenCache which tries to get the cache in line with disk

0.010  2015-01-07 11:31:04 EST
    - Move to Milla for distribution management