#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Test ExtUtils::Installed BEGIN { # For backwards compatibility, use bundled version of Test::More unshift @INC, 't/lib/'; } my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; use Config; use Cwd; use File::Path; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw[tempdir]; use Test::More tests => 76; BEGIN { use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Installed' ) } my $mandirs = !!$Config{man1direxp} + !!$Config{man3direxp}; # saves having to qualify package name for class methods my $ei = bless( {}, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); # Make sure meta info is available $ei->{':private:'}{Config} = \%Config; $ei->{':private:'}{INC} = \@INC; # _is_prefix ok( $ei->_is_prefix('foo/bar', 'foo'), '_is_prefix() should match valid path prefix' ); ok( !$ei->_is_prefix('\foo\bar', '\bar'), '... should not match wrong prefix' ); ok( ! defined $ei->_is_prefix( undef, 'foo' ), '_is_prefix() needs two defined arguments' ); ok( ! defined $ei->_is_prefix( 'foo/bar', undef ), '_is_prefix() needs two defined arguments' ); # _is_type ok( $ei->_is_type(0, 'all'), '_is_type() should be true for type of "all"' ); foreach my $path (qw( man1dir man3dir )) { SKIP: { my $dir = File::Spec->canonpath($Config{$path.'exp'}); skip("no man directory $path on this system", 2 ) unless $dir; my $file = $dir . '/foo'; ok( $ei->_is_type($file, 'doc'), "... should find doc file in $path" ); ok( !$ei->_is_type($file, 'prog'), "... but not prog file in $path" ); } } # VMS 5.6.1 doesn't seem to have $Config{prefixexp} my $prefix = $Config{prefix} || $Config{prefixexp}; # You can concatenate /foo but not foo:, which defaults in the current # directory $prefix = VMS::Filespec::unixify($prefix) if $Is_VMS; # ActivePerl 5.6.1/631 has $Config{prefixexp} as 'p:' for some reason $prefix = $Config{prefix} if $prefix eq 'p:' && $^O eq 'MSWin32'; ok( $ei->_is_type( File::Spec->catfile($prefix, 'bar'), 'prog'), "... should find prog file under $prefix" ); SKIP: { skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs; is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'doc'), 0, '... should not find doc file outside path' ); } ok( !$ei->_is_type('bar', 'prog'), '... nor prog file outside path' ); ok( !$ei->_is_type('whocares', 'someother'), '... nor other type anywhere' ); # _is_under ok( $ei->_is_under('foo'), '_is_under() should return true with no dirs' ); my @under = qw( boo bar baz ); ok( !$ei->_is_under('foo', @under), '... should find no file not under dirs'); ok( $ei->_is_under('baz', @under), '... should find file under dir' ); my $startdir = cwd(); END { ok(chdir $startdir, "Return to where we started"); } { my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); chdir $tmpdir; my $fakedir = 'FakeMod'; my $fakepath = File::Spec->catdir('auto', $fakedir); ok( mkpath($fakepath), "Able to create directory $fakepath for testing" ); ok(open(PACKLIST, '>', File::Spec->catfile($fakepath, '.packlist')), "Able to open .packlist for writing"); print PACKLIST 'list'; close PACKLIST; ok(open(FAKEMOD, '>', File::Spec->catfile($fakepath, 'FakeMod.pm')), "Able to open FakeMod.pm for writing"); print FAKEMOD <<'FAKE'; package FakeMod; our $VERSION = '1.1.1'; 1; FAKE close FAKEMOD; my $fake_mod_dir = File::Spec->catdir(cwd(), $fakepath); { # avoid warning and death by localizing glob local *ExtUtils::Installed::Config; %ExtUtils::Installed::Config = ( %Config, archlibexp => cwd(), sitearchexp => $fake_mod_dir, ); # should find $fake_mod_dir via '.' in @INC local @INC = @INC; push @INC, '.' if not $INC[-1] eq '.'; my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new(); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, $Config{version}, 'new() should set Perl version from %Config' ); ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() should find modules with .packlists'); isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1', '... should find version in modules' ); } { # avoid warning and death by localizing glob local *ExtUtils::Installed::Config; %ExtUtils::Installed::Config = ( %Config, archlibexp => cwd(), sitearchexp => $fake_mod_dir, ); # disable '.' search my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new( skip_cwd => 1 ); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, $Config{version}, 'new() should set Perl version from %Config' ); ok( ! exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new( skip_cwd => 1 ) should fail to find modules with .packlists'); } { # avoid warning and death by localizing glob local *ExtUtils::Installed::Config; %ExtUtils::Installed::Config = ( %Config, archlibexp => cwd(), sitearchexp => $fake_mod_dir, ); # necessary to fool new() since we'll disable searching '.' push @INC, $fake_mod_dir; my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new( skip_cwd => 1 ); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, $Config{version}, 'new() should set Perl version from %Config' ); ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() should find modules with .packlists'); isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1', '... should find version in modules' ); } # Now try this using PERL5LIB { local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, $fake_mod_dir; local *ExtUtils::Installed::Config; %ExtUtils::Installed::Config = ( %Config, archlibexp => cwd(), sitearchexp => cwd(), ); my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new(); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, $Config{version}, 'new() should set Perl version from %Config' ); ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() should find modules with .packlists using PERL5LIB' ); isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1', '... should find version in modules' ); } # Do the same thing as the last block, but with overrides for # %Config and @INC. { my $config_override = { %Config::Config }; $config_override->{archlibexp} = cwd(); $config_override->{sitearchexp} = $fake_mod_dir; $config_override->{version} = 'fake_test_version'; my @inc_override = (@INC, $fake_mod_dir); my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new( 'config_override' => $config_override, 'inc_override' => \@inc_override, ); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, 'fake_test_version', 'new(config_override => HASH) overrides %Config' ); ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() with overrides should find modules with .packlists'); isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1', '... should find version in modules' ); } # Check if extra_libs works. { my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new( 'extra_libs' => [ cwd() ], ); isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' ); isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() with extra_libs should find modules with .packlists'); #{ use Data::Dumper; local $realei->{':private:'}{Config}; # warn Dumper($realei); } isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' ); is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1', '... should find version in modules' ); } # modules $ei->{$_} = 1 for qw( abc def ghi ); is( join(' ', $ei->modules()), 'abc def ghi', 'modules() should return sorted keys' ); # This didn't work for a long time due to a sort in scalar context oddity. is( $ei->modules, 3, 'modules() in scalar context' ); # files $ei->{goodmod} = { packlist => { ($Config{man1direxp} ? (File::Spec->catdir($Config{man1direxp}, 'foo') => 1) : ()), ($Config{man3direxp} ? (File::Spec->catdir($Config{man3direxp}, 'bar') => 1) : ()), File::Spec->catdir($prefix, 'foobar') => 1, foobaz => 1, }, }; eval { $ei->files('badmod') }; like( $@, qr/badmod is not installed/,'files() should croak given bad modname'); eval { $ei->files('goodmod', 'badtype' ) }; like( $@, qr/type must be/,'files() should croak given bad type' ); my @files; SKIP: { skip('no man directory man1dir on this system', 2) unless $Config{man1direxp}; @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc', $Config{man1direxp}); is( scalar @files, 1, '... should find doc file under given dir' ); is( (grep { /foo$/ } @files), 1, '... checking file name' ); } SKIP: { skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs; @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc'); is( scalar @files, $mandirs, '... should find all doc files with no dir' ); } @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'prog', 'fake', 'fake2'); is( scalar @files, 0, '... should find no doc files given wrong dirs' ); @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'prog'); is( scalar @files, 1, '... should find doc file in correct dir' ); like( $files[0], qr/foobar[>\]]?$/, '... checking file name' ); @files = $ei->files('goodmod'); is( scalar @files, 2 + $mandirs, '... should find all files with no type specified' ); my %dirnames = map { lc($_) => dirname($_) } @files; # directories my @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod', 'prog', 'fake'); is( scalar @dirs, 0, 'directories() should return no dirs if no files found' ); SKIP: { skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs; @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod', 'doc'); is( scalar @dirs, $mandirs, '... should find all files files() would' ); } @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod'); is( scalar @dirs, 2 + $mandirs, '... should find all files files() would, again' ); @files = sort map { exists $dirnames{lc($_)} ? $dirnames{lc($_)} : '' } @files; is( join(' ', @files), join(' ', @dirs), '... should sort output' ); # directory_tree my $expectdirs = ($mandirs == 2) && (dirname($Config{man1direxp}) eq dirname($Config{man3direxp})) ? 3 : 2; SKIP: { skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs; @dirs = $ei->directory_tree('goodmod', 'doc', $Config{man1direxp} ? dirname($Config{man1direxp}) : dirname($Config{man3direxp})); is( scalar @dirs, $expectdirs, 'directory_tree() should report intermediate dirs to those requested' ); } my $fakepak = Fakepak->new(102); $ei->{yesmod} = { version => 101, packlist => $fakepak, }; # these should all croak foreach my $sub (qw( validate packlist version )) { eval { $ei->$sub('nomod') }; like( $@, qr/nomod is not installed/, "$sub() should croak when asked about uninstalled module" ); } # validate is( $ei->validate('yesmod'), 'validated', 'validate() should return results of packlist validate() call' ); # packlist is( ${ $ei->packlist('yesmod') }, 102, 'packlist() should report installed mod packlist' ); # version is( $ei->version('yesmod'), 101, 'version() should report installed mod version' ); } # End of block enclosing tempdir package Fakepak; sub new { my $class = shift; bless(\(my $scalar = shift), $class); } sub validate { return 'validated' }