# Test problems in Makefile.PL's and hint files. BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } chdir 't'; use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MM; use MakeMaker::Test::Utils qw(makefile_name make make_run run hash2files); use Test::More; use Config; use File::Path; use utf8; BEGIN { plan skip_all => 'Need perlio and perl 5.8+.' if "$]" < 5.008 or !$Config{useperlio}; plan skip_all => 'cross-compiling and make not available' if !MM->can_run(make()) && $ENV{PERL_CORE} && $Config{'usecrosscompile'}; plan tests => 8; } use TieOut; my $MM = bless { DIR => ['.'] }, 'MM'; my $DIRNAME = 'Problem-Module'; my %FILES = ( 'Makefile.PL' => <<'PL_END', use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use utf8; WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Problem::Module', ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Problem/Module.pm', AUTHOR => q{Danijel Tašov}, EXE_FILES => [ qw(bin/probscript) ], INSTALLMAN1DIR => "some", # even if disabled in $Config{man1dir} MAN1EXT => 1, # set to 0 if man pages disabled ); PL_END 'lib/Problem/Module.pm' => <<'pm_END', use utf8; =pod =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Problem::Module - Danijel Tašov's great new module =cut 1; pm_END 'bin/probscript' => <<'pl_END', #!/usr/bin/perl use utf8; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME 文档 - Problem script pl_END ); hash2files($DIRNAME, \%FILES); END { ok( chdir File::Spec->updir, 'chdir updir' ); ok( rmtree($DIRNAME), 'teardown' ); } ok( chdir $DIRNAME, "chdir'd to $DIRNAME" ) || diag("chdir failed: $!"); if ("$]" >= 5.008) { eval { require ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale; }; note "ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale vars: $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale::ENCODING_LOCALE;$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale::ENCODING_LOCALE_FS;$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale::ENCODING_CONSOLE_IN;$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale::ENCODING_CONSOLE_OUT\n" unless $@; note "Locale env vars: " . join(';', map { "$_=$ENV{$_}" } grep { /LANG|LC/ } keys %ENV) . "\n"; } # Make sure when Makefile.PL's break, they issue a warning. # Also make sure Makefile.PL's in subdirs still have '.' in @INC. { my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut' or die; my $warning = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= join '', @_ }; $MM->eval_in_subdirs; my $warnlines = grep { !/does not map to/ } split "\n", $warning; is $warnlines, 0, 'no warning' or diag $warning; open my $json_fh, '<:utf8', 'MYMETA.json' or die $!; my $json = do { local $/; <$json_fh> }; close $json_fh; no utf8; # leave the data below as bytes and let Encode sort it out require Encode; my $str = Encode::decode( 'utf8', "Danijel Tašov's" ); like( $json, qr/$str/, 'utf8 abstract' ); untie *STDOUT; } my $make = make_run(); my $make_out = run($make); diag $make_out unless is $? >> 8, 0, 'Exit code of make == 0'; my $manfile = File::Spec->catfile(qw(blib man1 probscript.1)); SKIP: { skip 'Manpage not generated', 1 unless -f $manfile; skip 'Pod::Man >= 2.17 needed', 1 unless do { require Pod::Man; $Pod::Man::VERSION >= 2.17; }; open my $man_fh, '<:utf8', $manfile or die "open $manfile: $!"; my $man = do { local $/; <$man_fh> }; close $man_fh; no utf8; # leave the data below as bytes and let Encode sort it out require Encode; my $str = Encode::decode( 'utf8', "文档" ); like( $man, qr/$str/, 'utf8 man-snippet' ); } $make_out = run("$make realclean"); diag $make_out unless is $? >> 8, 0, 'Exit code of make == 0'; sub makefile_content { open my $fh, '<', makefile_name or die; return <$fh>; }