
0.10	Wed Apr 15 15:36:40 BST 2009
	- The 'host' and 'event' parameters weren't mandatory, made
	  them so.

0.08	Thu Apr  9 12:42:51 BST 2009
	- Fixed some issues with only one nameserver being specified.
	- Resolved issues with select not being removed on the socket.

0.06	Wed Apr  8 08:59:58 BST 2009
	- Make auto_set_repository() only run at author-time
	- Better error checking for when we can't make a socket address

0.04	Mon Apr  6 14:40:57 BST 2009
	- Added some diagnostics to the test that CPAN Testers are failing on

0.02	Thu Apr  2 21:49:48 BST 2009
	- Initial CPAN release