Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::Client::FTP.

0.10 (12/03/07) bingos
  - Fixed a bug introduced with the TLS support for data connections
  - Added optional requirement of IO::Socket::SSL to Makefile.PL

0.09 (11/27/07) sc_
  - Added the "quot" command, which sends any raw command to the sever.
    "quot" is called on success "quot_error" on failure.
  - Added the "stat" command. Some servers supports e.g directory listing on the control channel
    with e.g "STAT -la dirname". Responses to this command often contain lines without a reply code,
    there was no support for this earlier.
  - Added the internal "authtls" state that issues "AUTH TLS" to the server before we log in
    in order to initiate encryption on the command channel.
    The TLS negotiation is started when a response to this command is recieved.
  - Multiline responses are now sent to the handlers for simple commands (cd, delete, site, etc),
    earlier only the last line of a response was returned
  - The DEBUG_COMMAND debug mode now prints (in Net::FTP style) the text sent both to and from the
    server on the command channel. Earlier it only printed commands sent to the server.
  - The new DEBUG_DATA debug mode prints everything recieved on the data channel. (DEBUG did this earlier)
  - The _done response for complex commands (ls dir put) are now sent to
    the client first when a positive response (226) is recieved. Earlier it called e.g ls_done
    as soon as the data connection was closed
  - A timeout error string, e.g "Timeout (120 seconds)", are now sent to the connect_error event
    on timeouts

0.08 (11/17/07) bingos
  - Fixed issues with multi-line replies

0.07 (08/25/02)
  - connected now posts the server message, that should be the last of those
  - updated samples/ to test connect message
  - dir and ls commands are backwards from what most ftp clients use. I'll
    probably fix it later if I need to do some other major change to break
    backwards compatibility
  - fixed stop state so the component should unload upon disconnect
  - added code for timeout to work, have not tested it

0.06 (07/15/02)
  - active mode implemented
  - more attributes respected
  - fixed bug where failed login goes to ready state
  - filters can be specified for complex events such as ls
  - put and default complex handlers overlap are more generalized
  - put_ready is now put_connected, interface should solidify by .1
  - added status line information to login events
  - updated samples for new put interface
  - added a list sample which demonstrates incorrect logins and Filters
  - made code work with older versions of POE
  - added mode constants
  - made POE::Filter::Ls helper class, grab it off cpan
  - problems determining default ip in active mode to interface, see BUGS
  - 0.07 should be out soon, completing many of the half-implemented

0.05 (05/25/02)
  - ls and dir now use Filter::Line, get and put use Filter::Stream
  - put_close sends a put_flushed message so that if you close after
    last data item had been flushed, it will be able to detect it
  - adding more control over what to show in DEBUG modes
  - added another sample demonstrating ls, put and get
  - fixed a variety of bugs with _flushed being sent extraneously in
    put methods
0.04 (05/23/02)
  - added POE to prerequisite list, hopefully make test works now
  - improved handling for put_ using a queue built on top of the Wheel
  - included a sample script for tracking status of a put
  - not using _begin anymore since _connected is what we really want
  - mapped 'delete' to dele, I think thats the last of these...       

0.03 (05/22/02)
  - fixed 'cd' bug where cd was not mapped to cwd

0.02 (05/20/02)
  - more information in events outputted
  - added some documentation

0.01 (05/18/02)
  - initial release