2009-01-11 11:49:24 0.22

  2009-01-11 11:47:50 (r16) by bingos; MANIFEST M

    Forgot to update the MANIFEST

  2009-01-11 11:46:56 (r15) by bingos
  tools A; tools/svn-log.perl A; Makefile.PL M

    Added tools/ directory

  2009-01-11 11:42:21 (r14) by bingos; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M

    TLS detection was slightly wrong. Fixed

2008-06-24 06:21:26 0.20

  2008-06-24 06:19:28 (r12) by bingos
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M; xt/99_test_kwalitee.t D; LICENSE A;
  MANIFEST M; Changes M

    Added License details and file

2008-03-18 13:28:27 0.18

  2008-03-18 13:27:55 (r10) by bingos
  Makefile.PL M; xt/99_pod_coverage.t M

    Pod coverage test fix. Updated prereqs. 

  2008-03-18 13:21:44 (r9) by bingos
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M; xt/99_pod.t A; xt/99_test_kwalitee.t
  A; t/99_pod_coverage.t D; MANIFEST M; Makefile.PL M; t/99_pod.t D;
  Changes M; t/99_test_kwalitee.t D; xt A; xt/99_pod_coverage.t A

    Author tests moved to xt/ Tidied up the documentation a little bit. 

2008-01-08 14:06:35 0.14

  2008-01-08 14:05:11 (r7) by bingos
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M; MANIFEST M; Makefile.PL M; Changes M

    Fixed problem with the TLS support

2007-12-21 13:22:53 0.12

  2007-12-21 13:22:07 (r5) by bingos; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M

    Bumped version number for release

  2007-12-21 13:20:35 (r4) by bingos
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M; META.yml D; inc D

    Fixing the distro

  2007-12-19 19:31:39 (r3) by scz; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M

    Added TLS for the data connection 

  2007-12-18 17:36:41 (r2) by bingos
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm M; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP D;
  MANIFEST M; Makefile.PL M

    Removed TLSify

  2007-12-13 17:50:37 (r1) by svn
  README A; inc/Module A; /trunk A; inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm A; t
  A; examples/list.pl A; t/99_pod.t A; inc A; examples/dotfer.pl A;
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP/TLSify A; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP.pm
  A; examples A; inc/Module/Install.pm A; /branches A;
  t/99_pod_coverage.t A; lib/POE/Component A;
  inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm A; inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm A;
  t/00_use.t A; lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP A; examples/sync.pl A;
  inc/Module/Install A; lib A; MANIFEST A; Changes A;
  inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm A; lib/POE/Component/Client A;
  inc/Module/Install/Can.pm A;
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP/TLSify/ClientHandle.pm A;
  inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm A; META.yml A; Makefile.PL A;
  lib/POE/Component/Client/FTP/TLSify.pm A; inc/Module/Install/Base.pm A;
  lib/POE A; t/99_test_kwalitee.t A; /tags A

    Initial repository layout

End of Excerpt