use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use lib 't/inc'; use POE; use POE::Component::IRC::Common qw(parse_user); use POE::Component::IRC::State; use POE::Component::Server::IRC; use Test::More tests => 43; my $bot = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn(Flood => 1); my $ircd1 = POE::Component::Server::IRC->spawn( Auth => 0, AntiFlood => 0, Config => { servername => 'ircd1.poco.server.irc', }, ); my $ircd2 = POE::Component::Server::IRC->spawn( Auth => 0, AntiFlood => 0, Config => { servername => 'ircd2.poco.server.irc', }, ); my $pass = 'letmein'; isa_ok($bot, 'POE::Component::IRC::State'); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ main => [qw( _start ircd_listener_add ircd_listener_failure _shutdown irc_registered irc_connected irc_001 irc_join irc_chan_sync irc_nick_sync irc_error irc_quit irc_disconnected ircd_daemon_nick ircd_daemon_eob )], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); sub _start { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; $ircd1->yield('register', 'all'); $ircd1->yield('add_listener'); $kernel->delay(_shutdown => 60, 'Timed out'); } sub ircd_listener_failure { my ($kernel, $op, $reason) = @_[KERNEL, ARG1, ARG3]; $kernel->yield('_shutdown', "$op: $reason"); } sub ircd_listener_add { my ($kernel, $port) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0]; $ircd1->add_peer( name => 'ircd2.poco.server.irc', pass => $pass, rpass => $pass, type => 'c' ); $ircd2->add_peer( name => 'ircd1.poco.server.irc', pass => $pass, rpass => $pass, type => 'r', auto => 'r', raddress => '', rport => $port ); $ircd2->yield( 'register', 'all' ); $ircd2->yield( 'add_spoofed_nick', nick => 'oper', umode => 'o', ); $bot->yield(register => 'all'); $_[HEAP]->{listening_port} = $port; return; #$bot->delay([connect => { # nick => 'TestBot', # server => '', # port => $port, # ircname => 'Test test bot', #}], 5); } sub _shutdown { my ($kernel, $error) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0]; fail($error) if defined $error; $kernel->alarm_remove_all(); $ircd1->yield('shutdown'); $ircd2->yield('shutdown'); $bot->yield('shutdown'); } sub irc_registered { my ($irc) = $_[ARG0]; isa_ok($irc, 'POE::Component::IRC::State'); } sub irc_connected { pass('Connected'); } sub irc_001 { my ($heap, $server) = @_[HEAP, ARG0]; my $irc = $_[SENDER]->get_heap(); $heap->{server} = $server; pass('Logged in'); is($irc->server_name(), 'ircd1.poco.server.irc', 'Server Name Test'); is($irc->nick_name(), 'TestBot', 'Nick Name Test'); ok(!$irc->is_operator($irc->nick_name()), 'We are not an IRC op'); ok(!$irc->is_away($irc->nick_name()), 'We are not away'); $irc->yield('join','#testchannel'); return; } sub irc_join { my ($sender, $who, $where) = @_[SENDER, ARG0, ARG1]; my $nick = parse_user($who); my $irc = $sender->get_heap(); is($nick, $irc->nick_name(), 'JOINER Test'); is($where, '#testchannel', 'Joined Channel Test'); is($who, $irc->nick_long_form($nick), 'nick_long_form()'); my $chans = $irc->channels(); is(keys %$chans, 1, 'Correct number of channels'); is((keys %$chans)[0], $where, 'Correct channel name'); my @nicks = $irc->nicks(); TODO: { local $TODO = 'Sometimes there is a race condition'; is(@nicks, 2, 'Two nicks known'); } is($nicks[0], $nick, 'Nickname correct'); } sub join_after_split { my ($sender, $who, $where) = @_[SENDER, ARG0, ARG1]; my $nick = parse_user($who); my $irc = $sender->get_heap(); is($nick, 'oper', 'oper joined'); ok(!defined $bot->{NETSPLIT}->{Users}->{'OPER!oper@ircd2.poco.server.irc'}, 'OPER!oper@ircd2.poco.server.irc' ); ok($irc->is_channel_member($where, $nick), 'Is Channel Member'); TODO: { local $TODO = 'Sometimes there is a race condition'; ok(!$irc->is_channel_operator($where, $nick), 'Is Not Channel Operator'); } $poe_kernel->yield( '_shutdown' ); } sub irc_nick_sync { my ($nick,$chan) = @_[ARG0,ARG1]; pass($_[STATE]); is($nick,'oper','Oper user was synced'); is($chan,'#testchannel','The channel synced was #testchannel'); return; } sub irc_chan_sync { my ($sender, $heap, $chan) = @_[SENDER, HEAP, ARG0]; my $irc = $sender->get_heap(); my ($nick, $user, $host) = parse_user($irc->nick_long_form($irc->nick_name())); my ($occupant) = grep { $_ eq 'TestBot' } $irc->channel_list($chan); is($occupant, 'TestBot', 'Channel Occupancy Test'); ok($irc->channel_creation_time($chan), 'Got channel creation time'); ok(!$irc->channel_limit($chan), 'There is no channel limit'); ok(!$irc->is_channel_mode_set($chan, 'i'), 'Channel mode i not set yet'); ok($irc->is_channel_member($chan, $nick), 'Is Channel Member'); ok(!$irc->is_channel_operator($chan, $nick), 'Is Not Channel Operator'); ok(!$irc->is_channel_halfop($chan, $nick), 'Is not channel halfop'); ok(!$irc->has_channel_voice($chan, $nick), 'Does not have channel voice'); ok($irc->ban_mask($chan, $nick), 'Ban Mask Test'); my @channels = $irc->nick_channels($nick); is(@channels, 1, 'Only present in one channel'); is($channels[0], $chan, 'The channel name matches'); my $info = $irc->nick_info($nick); is($info->{Nick}, $nick, 'nick_info() - Nick'); is($info->{User}, $user, 'nick_info() - User'); is($info->{Host}, $host, 'nick_info() - Host'); is($info->{Userhost}, "$user\@$host", 'nick_info() - Userhost'); is($info->{Hops}, 0, 'nick_info() - Hops'); is($info->{Real}, 'Test test bot', 'nick_info() - Realname'); is($info->{Server}, $heap->{server}, 'nick_info() - Server'); ok(!$info->{IRCop}, 'nick_info() - IRCop'); $ircd2->_daemon_cmd_squit( 'oper', 'ircd1.poco.server.irc' ); } sub irc_error { pass('irc_error'); } sub irc_disconnected { pass('irc_disconnected'); } # We registered for all events, this will produce some debug info. sub _default { my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_]; my @output = ( "$event: " ); for my $arg (@$args) { if ( ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' ) { push( @output, '[' . join(', ', @$arg ) . ']' ); } else { push ( @output, "'$arg'" ); } } print join ' ', @output, "\n"; return 0; } sub ircd_daemon_nick { my $nickname = $_[ARG0]; return unless $nickname eq 'oper'; $ircd2->yield( daemon_cmd_join => $nickname => '#testchannel' ); return; } sub ircd_daemon_server { diag(join ' ', @_[ARG0..$#_]); return; } sub ircd_daemon_eob { my ($heap,$server) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; return if $heap->{second}; $heap->{second}++; $bot->delay([connect => { nick => 'TestBot', server => '', port => $heap->{listening_port}, ircname => 'Test test bot', }], 5); return; } sub irc_quit { ok(defined $bot->{NETSPLIT}->{Users}->{'OPER!oper@ircd2.poco.server.irc'}, 'OPER!oper@ircd2.poco.server.irc' ); $poe_kernel->state( 'irc_join', 'main', 'join_after_split' ); $ircd2->_daemon_cmd_connect( 'oper', 'ircd1.poco.server.irc' ); $_[HEAP]->{netjoin}=1; return; }