package POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.99_02'; use POE; use Socket; use Carp qw( croak ); use HTTP::Date qw( time2str ); use IPC::Shareable qw( :lock ); use POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP; # Set some constants BEGIN { # Interval at which to check spares if ( !defined &CHECKSPARES_INTERVAL ) { eval "sub CHECKSPARES_INTERVAL () { 1 }"; } # Interval at which to retry preforking if ( !defined &PREFORK_INTERVAL ) { eval "sub PREFORK_INTERVAL () { 5 }"; } # If true, show the scoreboard every second if ( !defined &DEBUGSB ) { eval "sub DEBUGSB () { 0 }"; } } use MooseX::POE; use MooseX::AttributeHelpers; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; extends 'POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP'; has 'forkhandlers' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub {{}}, writer => 'set_forkhandlers', ); has 'minspareservers' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 5 }, isa => subtype 'Int' => where { $_ > 0 }, ); # maxspareservers must be greater than minspareservers has 'maxspareservers' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', default => sub { 10 }, ); has 'maxclients' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', default => sub { 256 }, ); has 'maxrequestperchild' => ( is => 'ro', isa => subtype 'Int' => where { $_ > 0 }, ); # startservers must be greater than minspareservers has 'startservers' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 10 }, isa => subtype 'Int' => where { $_ > 0 }, ); has 'scoreboard' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', clearer => 'wipe_scoreboard', writer => 'set_scoreboard', init_arg => undef, ); has 'is_child' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', writer => 'am_child', clearer => 'not_child', default => sub { 0 }, init_arg => undef, ); has 'reqcount' => ( metaclass => 'Counter', is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => sub { 0 }, provides => { inc => 'inc_reqcount', dec => 'dec_reqcount', reset => 'reset_reqcount', }, ); sub START { $poe_kernel->sig( TERM => '_sig_term' ); $poe_kernel->sig( CHLD => '_sig_chld' ); return; } # 'SHUTDOWN' # Stops the server! event 'SHUTDOWN' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$session,$graceful) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,SESSION,ARG0]; # Shutdown the SocketFactory wheel $self->_clear_factory if $self->_factory; # Debug stuff warn 'Stopped listening for new connections!' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; my $children; if ( $graceful ) { # Attempt to gracefully kill the children. $children = $kernel->call( $session, 'kill_children', 'TERM' ); # Check for number of requests, and children. if ( keys( %{ $self->_requests } ) == 0 and $children == 0 ) { # Alright, shutdown anyway # Delete our alias $kernel->alias_remove( $_ ) for $kernel->alias_list(); $kernel->refcount_decrement( $self->get_session_id, __PACKAGE__ ) unless $self->alias; # Destroy all memory segments created by this process. IPC::Shareable->clean_up; $self->wipe_scoreboard; # Debug stuff warn 'Stopped SimpleHTTP gracefully, no requests left' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; } # All done! return 1; } # CheckSpares need to know that we're shutting down $self->scoreboard->{'shutdown'} = 1; # Forcefully kill all the children. $kernel->call( $session, 'kill_children', 'KILL' ); # Forcibly close all sockets that are open foreach my $S ( $self->_requests, $self->_connections ) { foreach my $conn ( keys %$S ) { # Can't call method "shutdown_input" on an undefined value at # /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2/POE/Component/Server/ line 323. if ( defined $S->{$conn}->wheel and defined $S->{$conn}->wheel->get_input_handle() ) { $S->{$conn}->close_wheel; } # Delete this request delete $S->{$conn}; } } # Remove any shared memory segments. IPC::Shareable->clean_up; $self->wipe_scoreboard; # Delete our alias $kernel->alias_remove( $_ ) for $kernel->alias_list(); $kernel->refcount_decrement( $self->get_session_id, __PACKAGE__ ) unless $self->alias; warn 'Successfully stopped SimpleHTTP' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # Return success return 1; }; # Sets up the SocketFactory wheel :) event 'start_listener' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$noinc) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0]; warn 'Creating SocketFactory wheel now' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # Only try to re-establish the listener if we are the parent if ( $self->is_child ) { warn 'Inside the child. Aborting attempt to reestablish the listener.'; return 0; } # Check if we should set up the wheel if ( $self->retries == POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::MAX_RETRIES ) { die 'POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP tried ' . POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::MAX_RETRIES . ' times to create a Wheel and is giving up...'; } else { $self->inc_retry unless $noinc; # Create our own SocketFactory Wheel :) my $factory = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( BindPort => $self->port, ( $self->address ? ( BindAddress => $self->address ) : () ), Reuse => 'yes', SuccessEvent => 'got_connection', FailureEvent => 'listener_error', ); my ( $port, $address ) = sockaddr_in( $factory->getsockname ); $self->_set_port( $port ) if $self->port == 0; $self->_set_factory( $factory ); if ( $self->setuphandler ) { my $setuphandler = $self->setuphandler; if ( $setuphandler->{POSTBACK} and ref $setuphandler->{POSTBACK} eq 'POE::Session::AnonEvent' ) { $setuphandler->{POSTBACK}->( $port, $address ); } else { $kernel->post( $setuphandler->{'SESSION'}, $setuphandler->{'EVENT'}, $port, $address, ) if $setuphandler->{'SESSION'} and $setuphandler->{'EVENT'}; } } # Pre-fork if that is what was requested if ( $self->startservers ) { # We don't want to accept socket connections in the parent process $self->_factory->pause_accept(); # Wait a bit and then do the actual forking $kernel->yield( 'prefork', $self->_factory ); } } return 1; }; # Stops listening on the socket event 'STOPLISTEN' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$session) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,SESSION]; if ( $self->is_child ) { # If we are the child then we shouldn't really stop listening. # Instead, pause accepting on our SocketFactory. unless ( $self->_factory ) { warn "Cannot StopListen on a non-existant SOCKETFACTORY in child $$"; return 0; } else { # Pause accepting. $self->_factory->pause_accept(); return 1; } } else { # We are in the parent, so truly stop listening. # Kill the children because they are still listenning. $kernel->call( $session, 'kill_children', 'TERM' ); # Call the super class method. shift; return $self->SUPER::STOPLISTEN(@_); } }; event 'STARTLISTEN' => sub { my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT]; if ( $self->is_child ) { # If we are the child then we can't really create a new SOCKETFACTORY. # Instead, we can resume accepting on our current SOCKETFACTORY. unless ( $self->_factory ) { warn "Cannot StartListen on a non-existant SOCKETFACTORY in child $$"; return 0; } else { # Resume accepting. $self->_factory->resume_accept(); return 1; } } else { # We are the parent. Truly start listening again. shift; return $self->SUPER::STARTLISTEN(@_); } }; # Sets the HANDLERS event 'SETHANDLERS' => sub { my $self = $_[OBJECT]; # Setting handlers in a child makes little sense, so abort if this is the case if ( $self->is_child ) { warn "Child $$ tried to set the handlers for SimpleHTTP."; return 0; } # Call the super class method. shift; return $self->SUPER::SETHANDLERS(@_); }; # The actual manager of connections event 'got_connection' => sub { my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT]; shift; $self->SUPER::got_connection(@_); # Update the scoreboard. $kernel->call( $_[SESSION], 'UpdateScoreboard' ); return 1; }; # Finally got input, set some stuff and send away! event 'got_input' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$id) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG1]; # Call the super class method. shift; my $rv = $self->SUPER::got_input(@_); # If the connection died/failed for some reason then the request is deleted. # In this case, we have to update the scoreboard. $kernel->call( $_[SESSION], 'UpdateScoreboard' ) unless exists $self->_requests->{$id}; return $rv; }; # Finished with a request! event 'got_flush' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$id) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0]; # Call the super class method. shift; my $rv = $self->SUPER::got_flush(@_); # Deal with maxrequestperchild if ( $self->is_child and defined $self->maxrequestperchild ) { $self->inc_reqcount; if ( $self->reqcount >= $self->maxrequestperchild) { warn "Shutting down $$ because it reached MAXREQUESTPERCHILD." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; $kernel->yield( 'SHUTDOWN', 'GRACEFUL' ); return 1; } } # If the connection died/failed for some reason then the request is deleted. # In this case, we have to update the scoreboard. $kernel->call( $_[SESSION], 'update_scoreboard' ) unless exists $self->_requests->{$id}; return $rv; }; # Got some sort of error from ReadWrite event 'got_error' => sub { my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT]; # Call the super class method. next; my $rv = $self->SUPER::got_error(@_); # The connection was probably cleared, so update the scoreboard. $kernel->call( $_[SESSION], 'update_scoreboard' ); return $rv; }; # Closes the connection event 'CLOSE' => sub { # Call the super class method. my $rv = POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::Request_Close(@_); # The connection was probably cleared, so update the scoreboard. $poe_kernel->call( $_[SESSION], 'update_scoreboard' ); return $rv; }; # PreFork the initial instances. event 'prefork' => sub { # ARG0 = SocketFactory my ($kernel,$self,$session,$sf) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,SESSION,ARG0]; my ($scoreboard,$mem); warn 'Trying to prefork.' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # Only the parent is allowed to fork if ( $self->is_child ) { warn "Cannot pre-fork from child $$."; return 0; } # Make that the current SF is the same as the one we were called for. # If not, then that means and error occured sometime inbetween. unless ( defined $self->_factory and $sf == $self->_factory ) { warn 'Aborting pre-fork because the SocketFactory is not the same.'; return 0; } # Initialize the scoreboard the first time around. unless ( defined $self->scoreboard ) { my %temp; # In order to keep a pool of spare children we need to know how many spares there are. $mem = tie %temp, 'IPC::Shareable', 'scbd', { 'create' => 1, 'mode' => 0600 }; $scoreboard = \%temp; } else { # We already have a scoreboard from a previous listen attempt. $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; $mem = tied %$scoreboard; } unless ( defined $mem ) { warn 'Cannot tie to the shared memory segment. Will try again in 5 seconds.'; $kernel->delay_set( 'prefork', PREFORK_INTERVAL, $sf ); return 0; } else { # Clear the variable and store it for later use. %{ $scoreboard } = ( 'spares' => 0, 'actives' => 0 ); $self->set_scoreboard( $scoreboard ); } for ( 1 .. $self->startservers ) { my $pid = fork(); if ( not defined $pid ) { # Make sure this fork succeeded. warn "Server $$ fork failed: $!"; next; } elsif ($pid) { # We are the parent. next; } else { warn "Forked child $$." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # We are the child. Do something "childish". $self->am_child( 1 ); $kernel->call( $session, 'add_scoreboard' ); # Notify the other forked sessions that we have forked. foreach my $sess ( keys( %{ $self->forkhandlers } ) ) { $kernel->call( $sess, $self->forkhandlers->{$sess} ); } # Get to work! $sf->resume_accept(); return 1; } } # Pre-forking is done and our children are happily away! # We are the parent, so start monitoring the spare pool. $kernel->delay_set( 'check_spares', CHECKSPARES_INTERVAL ); # Let the developer see the scoreboard if they want. if (DEBUGSB) { $kernel->delay_set( 'show_scoreboard', 1 ); } }; # True if this is a child. event 'ISCHILD' => sub { return $_[OBJECT]->is_child; }; # Kill all our children, and return the number we sent signals too. event 'kill_children' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$sig) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0]; my ($children,$scoreboard,$mem) = 0; # By default, kill them nicely. $sig = 'TERM' unless defined $sig; # Make sure we are the parent AND preforked. unless ( $self->is_child ) { warn "Killing children from $$ with signal $sig." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; $mem = tied %$scoreboard; if ( not defined $mem ) { # There was an error, but there's nothing we can do, # so just exit. warn "Parent's SCOREBOARD is not tied!"; $children = 0; } else { # Get a count of the number of children, and start killing them $mem->shlock(LOCK_SH); # The children haven't already received a signal, so send them one. foreach my $pid ( keys %$scoreboard ) { if ( ( $pid ne 'actives' ) && ( $pid ne 'spares' ) ) { ++$children; kill $sig, $pid; } } $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); # Check to make sure it is sane. if ( $children < 0 ) { warn "The child count is negative: $children."; $children = 0; } } } # $kernel->delay_set('check_spares'); return $children; }; # Sets the FORKHANDLERS event 'SETFORKHANDLERS' => sub { # ARG0 = ref to handlers hash my ($self,$handlers) = @_[OBJECT,ARG0]; # Setting handlers in a child makes little sense, so abort if this is the case. if ( $self->is_child ) { warn "Child $$ tried to set the handlers for SimpleHTTP."; return 0; } # Validate it... unless ( defined $handlers and ref $handlers eq 'HASH' ) { warn "FORKHANDLERS is not in the proper format."; return 0; } # If we got here, passed tests! $self->set_forkhandlers( $handlers ); # All done! return 1; }; # Gets the FORKHANDLERS event 'GETFORKHANDLERS' => sub { # ARG0 = session, ARG1 = event my ($kernel,$self,$session,$event) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0,ARG1]; # Validation return undef unless defined $session and defined $event; # Make a deep copy of the handlers require Storable; my $handlers = Storable::dclone( $self->forkhandlers ); # All done! $kernel->post( $session, $event, $handlers ); # All done! return 1; }; # Check to see if we need a new spare. event 'check_spares' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$session) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,SESSION]; my ($scoreboard,$mem); # Make sure that we are not a child. if ( $self->is_child ) { warn "Child $$ trying to check the spares!"; return 0; } # Make sure there is still a socket factory. If not, then this server # is shutting down. unless ( defined $self->_factory ) { warn 'Ending CheckSpares on the parent.' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; return 1; } # Retrieve the shared memory variable. $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; # in the test for maxrequestperchild the only # way to have CheckSpare aware that we're shutting down # is using this shared variable if ( defined $scoreboard->{'shutdown'} ) { warn 'Shutdown in progress, checkspare is useless' if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; return 1; } $mem = tied %$scoreboard if defined $scoreboard; unless ( defined $mem ) { warn 'SCOREBOARD is not tied! Aborting.'; return 0; } # Check to see if we need another spare, and if so make sure we don't # already have more than enough clients. $mem->shlock(LOCK_SH); if ( ( $scoreboard->{'spares'} < $self->minspareservers ) && ( ( keys(%$scoreboard) - 2 ) < $self->maxclients ) ) { $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); my $pid = fork(); if ( not defined $pid ) { warn 'fork failed while creating a new spare.'; } elsif ($pid) { # We are the parent. } else { warn "Created spare child $$." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # We are the child. Do something "childish". $self->am_child( 1 ); $kernel->call( $session, 'add_scoreboard' ); # Notify the other forked sessions that we have forked. foreach my $sess ( keys( %{ $self->forkhandlers } ) ) { $kernel->call( $sess, $self->forkhandlers->{$sess} ); } # Get to work! $self->_factory->resume_accept(); } } else { # No new spares were needed. $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); } # If we are the parent, then reschedule another spare check. $kernel->delay_set( 'check_spares', CHECKSPARES_INTERVAL ) unless $self->is_child; }; # Debug routine so that we can watch what is happening on the scoreboard. event 'show_scoreboard' => sub { my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT]; my ($scoreboard,$mem,$hcount,$pid); # Check to make sure we are not a child. return 0 if $self->is_child; # Check to make sure the scoreboard is still up. $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; return 0 unless defined $scoreboard; # Retrieve the underlying class. $mem = tied %$scoreboard; if ( not defined $mem ) { warn 'SCOREBOARD is not tied! Aborting.'; return 0; } # Lock the scoreboard and print out the entries. $mem->shlock(LOCK_SH); $hcount = 0; print STDERR "[$$] actives = ", $scoreboard->{'actives'}, "\tspares = ", $scoreboard->{'spares'}, "\n"; foreach $pid ( keys %$scoreboard ) { next if $pid eq 'actives' or $pid eq 'spares'; print STDERR $pid, " = ", $scoreboard->{$pid}; if ( ++$hcount % 5 == 0 ) { print STDERR "\n"; } else { print STDERR "\t"; } } print STDERR "\n\n"; $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); # If the socketfactory still exists then we should continue looping. $kernel->delay_set( 'show_scoreboard', 1 ) if $self->_factory; }; # A child died :( event '_sig_chld' => sub { my ($kernel,$self,$pid) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG1]; my ($scoreboard,$mem,$children); # Check to see if we are in preforked mode and the parent. unless ( $self->is_child ) { # Retrieve our scoreboard. $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; $mem = tied %$scoreboard if defined $scoreboard; if ( not defined $mem ) { warn 'Cannot get the IPC::Shareable object for the SCOREBOARD!'; return; } $mem->shlock(LOCK_EX); # Cleanup children here (they should never do it themselves). if ( exists $scoreboard->{$pid} ) { if ( $scoreboard->{$pid} eq 'S' ) { --$scoreboard->{'spares'}; } elsif ( $scoreboard->{$pid} eq 'A' ) { --$scoreboard->{'actives'}; } delete $scoreboard->{$pid}; } # Get the number of children. $children = keys(%$scoreboard) - 2; $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); # If the children are dying and the SOCKETFACTORY no longer exists, then # we are probably in a graceful shutdown. $kernel->yield( 'SHUTDOWN', 'GRACEFUL' ) if $children <= 0 and !$self->_factory; } }; # Someone is asking us to quit... event '_sig_term' => sub { my ($kernel,$sig) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0]; warn "Caught signal ", $sig, " inside $$. Initiating graceful shutdown." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; # Shutdown gracefully, and tell POE we handled the signal. $kernel->yield( 'SHUTDOWN', 'GRACEFUL' ); $kernel->sig_handled(); }; # Add the scoreboard entry for this child. event 'add_scoreboard' => sub { my $self = $_[OBJECT]; my ($scoreboard,$mem); # Check to see if we are preforked. if ( $self->is_child ) { $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; $mem = tied %$scoreboard if defined $scoreboard; if ( not defined $mem ) { # Don't do anyting if we can't lock stuff. warn "SCOREBOARD is not tied to IPC::Shareable in child $$!"; } else { # Lock the scoreboard and record ourself properly. $mem->shlock(LOCK_EX); if ( not exists $scoreboard->{$$} ) { $scoreboard->{$$} = 'S'; ++$scoreboard->{'spares'}; } $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); } } return 1; }; # Set the scoreboard entry for this child. event 'update_scoreboard' => sub { my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT]; my ($scoreboard,$mem); # Check to see if we are preforked. if ( $self->is_child ) { $scoreboard = $self->scoreboard; $mem = tied %$scoreboard if defined $scoreboard; if ( not defined $mem ) { # Don't do anyting if we can't lock stuff. warn "SCOREBOARD is not tied to IPC::Shareable in child $$!"; } else { # Lock the scoreboard and record ourself properly. $mem->shlock(LOCK_EX); if ( keys( %{ $self->_requests } ) == 0 and $scoreboard->{$$} eq 'A' ) { $scoreboard->{$$} = 'S'; ++$scoreboard->{'spares'}; --$scoreboard->{'actives'}; # If we have too many spares then ask this one to shutdown. if ( $scoreboard->{'spares'} > $self->maxspareservers ) { warn "Shutting down $$ because of too many spares." if POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::DEBUG; $kernel->yield( 'SHUTDOWN', 'GRACEFUL' ); } } elsif ( keys( %{ $self->_requests } ) != 0 and $scoreboard->{$$} eq 'S' ) { $scoreboard->{$$} = 'A'; --$scoreboard->{'spares'}; ++$scoreboard->{'actives'}; } $mem->shlock(LOCK_UN); } } return 1; }; no MooseX::POE; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; # End of module 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork - PreForking support for SimpleHTTP =head1 SYNOPSIS use POE; use POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork; # Start the server! POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork->new( 'ALIAS' => 'HTTPD', 'ADDRESS' => '', 'PORT' => 11111, 'HOSTNAME' => '', 'HANDLERS' => [ { 'DIR' => '^/bar/.*', 'SESSION' => 'HTTP_GET', 'EVENT' => 'GOT_BAR', }, { 'DIR' => '^/$', 'SESSION' => 'HTTP_GET', 'EVENT' => 'GOT_MAIN', }, { 'DIR' => '^/foo/.*', 'SESSION' => 'HTTP_GET', 'EVENT' => 'GOT_NULL', }, { 'DIR' => '.*', 'SESSION' => 'HTTP_GET', 'EVENT' => 'GOT_ERROR', }, ], # In the testing phase... 'SSLKEYCERT' => [ 'public-key.pem', 'public-cert.pem' ], # In the testing phase... 'FORKHANDLERS' => { 'HTTP_GET' => 'FORKED' }, 'MINSPARESERVERS' => 5, 'MAXSPARESERVERS' => 10, 'MAXCLIENTS' => 256, 'STARTSERVERS' => 10, ) or die 'Unable to create the HTTP Server'; =head1 ABSTRACT Subclass of SimpleHTTP for PreForking support =head1 New Constructor Options =over 5 =item C<MINSPARESERVERS> An integer that tells the server how many spares should be in the pool at any given time. Processes are forked off at a rate of 1 a second until this limit is met. =item C<MAXSPARESERVERS> An integer that tells the server the maximum number of spares that may be in the pool at any given time. It is possible for more than this number of spares to exist, but at the very least the parent will stop forking requests off and the children will start to die eventually. If this value is less than MINSPARESERVERS then it is set to MINSPARESERVERS + 1. =item C<MAXCLIENTS> An integer that tells the server the maximum number of clients that will be created. After this limit is reached, no more spares will be forked, even if the number drops below MINSPARESERVERS. =item C<STARTSERVERS> An integer that tells the server how many processes to prefork at startup. =item C<FORKHANDLERS> A HASH where the keys are sessions and the values are events. When a child forks, before it begins accepting connections it will call these events on the specified sessions. This allows you to setup per-process resources (such as database connections, ldap connects, etc). These events will never be called for the parent. =back =head2 New Events =over 4 =item C<ISCHILD> Returns true if you are inside a child, false if you are in the parent. =item C<GETFORKHANDLERS> This event accepts 2 arguments: the session + event to send the response to. This even will send back the current FORKHANDLERS hash ( deep-closed via Storable::dclone ). The resulting hash can be played around to your tastes, then once you are done... =item C<SETFORKHANDLERS> This event accepts only one argument: reference to FORKHANDLERS hash. BEWARE: this event is disabled in a forked child. =back =head1 Miscellaneous Notes BEWARE: HANDLERS munging is disabled in a forked child. Also, handlers changed in the parent will not appear in the already forked children. BEWARE: for a child, calling {STOP,START}LISTEN does not {destroy,recreate} the SOCKETFACTORY like it does in the parent. Instead, the child will {pause,resume} accepting connections on the current SOCKETFACTORY. Also, {STOP,START}LISTEN does not have any effect on the scoreboard calculations: this child will still be marked a spare if it finishes all its requests. The shutdown event is altered a little bit GRACEFUL -> sends a TERM signal to all remaining children and waits for their death NOARGS -> kills all remaining children with prejudice Keep in mind that being forked means any global data is not shared between processes and etc. Please see perlfork for all the implications on your platform. =head1 New Compile-time constants Checking spares every second may be a bit too much for you. You can override this behavior by doing this: sub POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork::CHECKSPARES_INTERVAL () { 10 } use POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork; If the prefork failed because it could not obtain shared memory for the scoreboard, then if retries after 5 seconds. You can override this behavior by doing this: sub POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork::PREFORK_INTERVAL () { 10 } use POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork; If you would like to see the contents of the scoreboard every second then do this: sub POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork::DEBUGSB () { 1 } use POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork; =head2 EXPORT Nothing. =head1 SEE ALSO L<POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP> =head1 AUTHOR Apocalypse E<lt>apocal@cpan.orgE<gt> Stephen Butler E<lt>stephen.butler@gmail.comE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006 by Apocalypse + Stephen Butler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut