2008-10-06 10:59:33 1.20
2008-10-06 10:59:02 (r49) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Make queue processing more responsive
2008-10-06 09:11:56 1.18
2008-10-06 09:10:09 (r47) by bingos
t/50_handler.t M; Makefile.PL M; Changes M;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Changed to Email::MessageID in_brackets syntax
2008-05-13 12:58:29 1.16
2008-05-13 12:54:54 (r45) by bingos
t/90_transparent.t A; LICENSE A;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP/Constants.pm M; MANIFEST M;
Makefile.PL M; Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M;
t/99_test_kwalitee.t D
Added SMTP transparency support
2008-04-15 12:34:52 1.14
2008-04-15 12:31:14 (r43) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP/Constants.pm M; Makefile.PL M;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Kwalitee fixes mainly
2008-01-23 14:04:25 1.12
2008-01-23 14:04:03 (r41) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added 'subject' item to queued email.
2008-01-22 16:37:54 1.10
2008-01-22 16:34:38 (r39) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added an 'attempt' parameter to the queue items, to indicate how many
times this item has been tried to be delivered.
2008-01-15 19:07:22 1.08
2008-01-15 18:36:40 (r37) by bingos
t/80_cancel.t A; MANIFEST M; Changes M; t/70_pause.t A;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added a lot of queue management methods. Hurrah!
2007-11-19 16:55:35 1.07
2007-11-19 16:54:18 (r35) by bingos
Makefile.PL M; Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added Auth mechanism for use with authenticated relays. Suggested by
2007-11-01 10:38:20 1.06
2007-11-01 10:36:46 (r33) by bingos
Makefile.PL M; Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Bumped version to release updated distro with Module::Install 0.68
2007-07-20 16:53:29 1.05
2007-07-20 16:52:23 (r31) by bingos
MANIFEST M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Stopped the addition of an additional Message-ID header if one
already exists.
2007-07-20 16:27:37 (r30) by bingos; Changes M
2007-05-10 14:23:32 1.04
2007-05-10 14:22:17 (r28) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M; t/20_timeout.t M
Added some features to assist in debugging
2007-05-09 04:52:39 1.03
2007-05-09 04:51:54 (r26) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Documentation fix.
2007-05-03 16:31:18 1.02
2007-05-03 16:29:41 (r24) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
MX lookup handling wasn't robust enough. Set to requeue messages if
we can't get a response from PoCo-Client-DNS.
2007-04-02 11:45:23 1.01
2007-04-02 11:44:43 (r22) by bingos
MANIFEST M; t/50_handler.t A; Makefile.PL M; Changes M;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added recipient handlers.
2007-03-28 07:55:52 1.00
2007-03-28 07:55:21 (r20) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Set Message-ID header on received emails when in Simple Mode.
2007-03-25 11:15:02 0.99
2007-03-25 11:14:26 (r18) by bingos
Changes M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Documentation fixes.
2007-03-22 09:51:26 0.98
2007-03-22 09:51:00 (r16) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
F**k, forgot to update Changes file
2007-03-22 09:46:31 0.97
2007-03-22 09:45:26 (r14) by bingos
MANIFEST M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M; t/20_timeout.t A
Fixed time out issues with poco-client-smtp: it defaults to 30
seconds, which is just not long enough. Set to 5 minutes as per RFC.
2007-03-19 12:18:22 (r13) by bingos; tools/svn-log.perl M; Changes M
svn-log.perl script had mysteriously disappeared.
2007-03-19 12:10:58 0.96
2007-03-19 10:26:30 (r11) by bingos
tools/svn-log.perl M; Makefile.PL M;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Improved mail queue. Drop messages with 5xx send errors. Implemented
4 day timeout on resends.
2007-03-15 16:56:30 0.95
2007-03-15 16:53:30 (r9) by bingos
README M; t/40_data_fh.t A; tools A; t/30_data.t A; MANIFEST M;
t/10_basic.t A; tools/svn-log.perl A; examples/test.pl D; Makefile.PL
M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added more tests, more methods and more documentation. MORE!
2007-03-11 18:38:43 (r8) by bingos
t/99_pod_coverage.t A; MANIFEST M; t/99_pod.t A; t/99_test_kwalitee.t A
Added POD and Kwalitee tests.
2007-03-09 18:05:19 (r7) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Reworked DATA cmd detection and added documentation.
2007-03-09 13:59:16 (r6) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Cosmetic fix to 'Received from:' header generation.
2007-03-09 13:07:19 (r5) by bingos
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Fixed EHLO 250 response to actually follow the RFC.
2007-03-09 11:57:59 (r4) by bingos
examples/test.pl M; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm M
Added new state 'smtpd_message_queued'
2007-03-09 10:59:17 (r3) by bingos; META.yml D
Removed META file
2007-03-09 10:57:20 (r2) by bingos; inc D
Removed inc/ folder.
2007-03-09 10:45:32 (r1) by svn
README A; lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP A; inc/Module A;
inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm A; /trunk A; t/00_use.t A;
lib/POE/Component/Server A; inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm A; t A;
inc/Module/Install A; MANIFEST A; lib A; examples/test.pl A;
inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm A; Changes A; inc A;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP.pm A; examples A;
inc/Module/Install.pm A; inc/Module/Install/Can.pm A;
inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm A; examples/simple.pl A; /branches A;
lib/POE/Component/Server/SimpleSMTP/Constants.pm A; META.yml A;
Makefile.PL A; lib/POE A; inc/Module/Install/Base.pm A;
lib/POE/Component A; /tags A; inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm A
Initial repository layout
End of Excerpt