0.16 Sat Jan 17 12:29:04 GMT 2009
- Fixed 07_synopsis.t test on Cygwin
0.14 Thu Jan 15 09:43:58 GMT 2009
- Enabled 'prefix' to be specified.
0.12 Tue Jul 29 11:18:53 BST 2008
- Provided a really simple synopsis.
0.10 Tue May 20 17:33:15 BST 2008
- Added client_info() method.
0.08 Fri May 16 10:24:37 BST 2008
- Documented passing an ARRAYREF to send_to_client.
- Added test for the above.
0.06 Thu May 15 16:54:07 BST 2008
- updated authorship and licensing information
0.04 Thu May 15 09:43:37 BST 2008
- Updated LICENSE file
- added 'terminate' method and input event.
0.02 Wed May 14 21:42:39 BST 2008
- Initial CPAN release.