// version: 2017-11-25 /** * o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o * | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: | * | | * | http://www.rgraph.net | * | | * | RGraph is licensed under the Open Source MIT license. That means that it's | * | totally free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it! | * o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o */ RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true}; /** * The bar chart constructor * * @param object canvas The canvas object * @param array data The chart data */ RGraph.Bar = function (conf) { /** * Allow for object config style */ if (typeof conf === 'object' && typeof conf.data === 'object'&& typeof conf.id === 'string') { var id = conf.id, canvas = document.getElementById(id), data = conf.data, parseConfObjectForOptions = true // Set this so the config is parsed (at the end of the constructor) } else { var id = conf, canvas = document.getElementById(id), data = arguments[1] } // Get the canvas and context objects this.id = id; this.canvas = canvas; this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.canvas.__object__ = this; this.type = 'bar'; this.max = 0; this.stackedOrGrouped = false; this.isRGraph = true; this.uid = RGraph.CreateUID(); this.canvas.uid = this.canvas.uid ? this.canvas.uid : RGraph.CreateUID(); this.colorsParsed = false; this.original_colors = []; this.cachedBackgroundCanvas = null; this.firstDraw = true; // After the first draw this will be false /** * Compatibility with older browsers */ //RGraph.OldBrowserCompat(this.context); // Various config type stuff this.properties = { 'chart.background.barcolor1': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.background.barcolor2': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.background.grid': true, 'chart.background.grid.color': '#ddd', 'chart.background.grid.width': 1, 'chart.background.grid.hsize': 20, 'chart.background.grid.vsize': 20, 'chart.background.grid.vlines': true, 'chart.background.grid.hlines': true, 'chart.background.grid.border': true, 'chart.background.grid.autofit':true, 'chart.background.grid.autofit.align': true, 'chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines': 5, 'chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines': 20, 'chart.background.grid.dashed': false, 'chart.background.grid.dotted': false, 'chart.background.image.stretch': true, 'chart.background.image.x': null, 'chart.background.image.y': null, 'chart.background.image.w': null, 'chart.background.image.h': null, 'chart.background.image.align': null, 'chart.background.color': null, 'chart.background.hbars': null, 'chart.numyticks': 10, 'chart.hmargin': 5, 'chart.hmargin.grouped': 1, 'chart.strokecolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.axis.color': 'black', 'chart.axis.linewidth': 1, 'chart.gutter.top': 25, 'chart.gutter.bottom': 35, 'chart.gutter.left': 25, 'chart.gutter.right': 25, 'chart.labels': null, 'chart.labels.bold': false, 'chart.labels.color': null, 'chart.labels.ingraph': null, 'chart.labels.above': false, 'chart.labels.above.decimals': 0, 'chart.labels.above.size': null, 'chart.labels.above.color': null, 'chart.labels.above.background':'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.labels.above.angle': null, 'chart.labels.above.offset': 4, 'chart.labels.above.units.pre': '', 'chart.labels.above.units.post':'', 'chart.ylabels': true, 'chart.ylabels.count': 5, 'chart.ylabels.inside': false, 'chart.ylabels.offsetx': 0, 'chart.ylabels.offsety': 0, 'chart.labels.offsetx': 0, 'chart.labels.offsety': 0, 'chart.xaxispos': 'bottom', 'chart.yaxispos': 'left', 'chart.text.angle': 0, 'chart.text.color': 'black', // Gradients aren't supported for this color 'chart.text.size': 12, 'chart.text.font': 'Segoe UI, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif', 'chart.text.accessible': true, 'chart.text.accessible.overflow': 'visible', 'chart.text.accessible.pointerevents': true, 'chart.ymin': 0, 'chart.ymax': null, 'chart.title': '', 'chart.title.font': null, 'chart.title.background': null, // Gradients aren't supported for this color 'chart.title.hpos': null, 'chart.title.vpos': null, 'chart.title.bold': true, 'chart.title.xaxis': '', 'chart.title.xaxis.bold': true, 'chart.title.xaxis.size': null, 'chart.title.xaxis.font': null, 'chart.title.xaxis.color': null, 'chart.title.yaxis': '', 'chart.title.yaxis.bold': true, 'chart.title.yaxis.size': null, 'chart.title.yaxis.font': null, 'chart.title.yaxis.color': null, // Gradients aren't supported for this color 'chart.title.xaxis.pos': null, 'chart.title.yaxis.pos': null, 'chart.title.yaxis.x': null, 'chart.title.yaxis.y': null, 'chart.title.xaxis.x': null, 'chart.title.xaxis.y': null, 'chart.title.x': null, 'chart.title.y': null, 'chart.title.halign': null, 'chart.title.valign': null, 'chart.colors': ['red','#0f0','blue','pink','orange','cyan','black','white','green','magenta'], 'chart.colors.sequential': false, 'chart.colors.reverse': false, 'chart.grouping': 'grouped', 'chart.variant': 'bar', 'chart.variant.sketch.verticals': true, 'chart.variant.threed.xaxis': true, 'chart.variant.threed.yaxis': true, 'chart.variant.threed.angle': 0.1, 'chart.variant.threed.offsetx': 10, 'chart.variant.threed.offsety': 5, 'chart.shadow': false, 'chart.shadow.color': '#aaa', // Gradients aren't supported for this color 'chart.shadow.offsetx': 0, 'chart.shadow.offsety': 0, 'chart.shadow.blur': 15, 'chart.tooltips': null, 'chart.tooltips.effect': 'fade', 'chart.tooltips.css.class': 'RGraph_tooltip', 'chart.tooltips.event': 'onclick', 'chart.tooltips.highlight': true, 'chart.tooltips.hotspot.xonly': false, 'chart.highlight.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.highlight.fill': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)', 'chart.key': null, 'chart.key.background': 'white', 'chart.key.position': 'graph', 'chart.key.shadow': false, 'chart.key.shadow.color': '#666', 'chart.key.shadow.blur': 3, 'chart.key.shadow.offsetx': 2, 'chart.key.shadow.offsety': 2, 'chart.key.position.gutter.boxed':false, 'chart.key.position.x': null, 'chart.key.position.y': null, 'chart.key.interactive': false, 'chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.stroke':'black', 'chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.fill':'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)', 'chart.key.interactive.highlight.label':'rgba(255,0,0,0.2)', 'chart.key.halign': 'right', 'chart.key.color.shape': 'square', 'chart.key.rounded': true, 'chart.key.text.size': 10, 'chart.key.linewidth': 1, 'chart.key.colors': null, 'chart.key.text.color': 'black', 'chart.contextmenu': null, 'chart.units.pre': '', 'chart.units.post': '', 'chart.scale.decimals': 0, 'chart.scale.point': '.', 'chart.scale.thousand': ',', 'chart.scale.round': false, 'chart.scale.zerostart': true, 'chart.crosshairs': false, 'chart.crosshairs.color': '#333', 'chart.crosshairs.hline': true, 'chart.crosshairs.vline': true, 'chart.linewidth': 1, 'chart.annotatable': false, 'chart.annotate.color': 'black', 'chart.zoom.factor': 1.5, 'chart.zoom.fade.in': true, 'chart.zoom.fade.out': true, 'chart.zoom.hdir': 'right', 'chart.zoom.vdir': 'down', 'chart.zoom.frames': 25, 'chart.zoom.delay': 16.666, 'chart.zoom.shadow': true, 'chart.zoom.background': true, 'chart.resizable': false, 'chart.resize.handle.background': null, 'chart.adjustable': false, 'chart.adjustable.only': null, 'chart.noaxes': false, 'chart.noxaxis': false, 'chart.noyaxis': false, 'chart.events.click': null, 'chart.events.mousemove': null, 'chart.numxticks': null, 'chart.bevel': false, 'chart.errorbars': false, 'chart.errorbars.color': 'black', 'chart.errorbars.capped': true, 'chart.errorbars.capped.width': 14, 'chart.errorbars.linewidth': 1, 'chart.combinedchart.effect': null, 'chart.combinedchart.effect.options': null, 'chart.combinedchart.effect.callback': null, 'chart.clearto': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } // Check for support if (!this.canvas) { alert('[BAR] No canvas support'); return; } // // Convert strings into numbers. Also converts undefined elements to null // for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) { if (typeof data[i] === 'string') { data[i] = parseFloat(data[i]); } else if (typeof data[i] === 'object' && data[i]) { for (var j=0; j<data[i].length; ++j) { if (typeof data[i][j] === 'string') { data[i][j] = parseFloat(data[i][j]); } } } else if (typeof data[i] === 'undefined') { data[i] = null; } } /** * Determine whether the chart will contain stacked or grouped bars */ for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) { if (typeof data[i] === 'object' && !RGraph.is_null(data[i])) { this.stackedOrGrouped = true; } } /** * Create the dollar objects so that functions can be added to them */ var linear_data = RGraph.arrayLinearize(data); for (var i=0; i<linear_data.length; ++i) { this['$' + i] = {}; } // Store the data and set the orignal_data to it this.data = data; this.original_data = RGraph.arrayClone(data); // Used to store the coords of the bars this.coords = []; this.coords2 = []; this.coordsText = []; /** * This linearises the data. Doing so can make it easier to pull * out the appropriate data from tooltips */ this.data_arr = RGraph.arrayLinearize(this.data); /** * Translate half a pixel for antialiasing purposes - but only if it hasn't beeen * done already */ if (!this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__) { this.context.translate(0.5,0.5); this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = true; } // Short variable names var RG = RGraph, ca = this.canvas, co = ca.getContext('2d'), prop = this.properties, pa2 = RG.path2, win = window, doc = document, ma = Math /** * "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included */ if (RG.Effects && typeof RG.Effects.decorate === 'function') { RG.Effects.decorate(this); } /** * A setter * * @param name string The name of the property to set * @param value mixed The value of the property */ this.set = this.Set = function (name) { var value = typeof arguments[1] === 'undefined' ? null : arguments[1]; /** * the number of arguments is only one and it's an * object - parse it for configuration data and return. */ if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { RG.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, arguments[0]); return this; } /** * This should be done first - prepend the propertyy name with "chart." if necessary */ if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') { name = 'chart.' + name; } // Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter while(name.match(/([A-Z])/)) { name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/, '.' + RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()); } // BC accommodation if (name === 'chart.xlabels.offset') { name = 'chart.labels.offsety'; } if (name == 'chart.labels.abovebar') { name = 'chart.labels.above'; } if (name == 'chart.strokestyle') { name = 'chart.strokecolor'; } /** * Check for xaxispos */ if (name == 'chart.xaxispos' ) { if (value != 'bottom' && value != 'center' && value != 'top') { alert('[BAR] (' + this.id + ') chart.xaxispos should be top, center or bottom. Tried to set it to: ' + value + ' Changing it to center'); value = 'center'; } if (value == 'top') { for (var i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) { if (typeof(this.data[i]) == 'number' && this.data[i] > 0) { alert('[BAR] The data element with index ' + i + ' should be negative'); } } } } /** * lineWidth doesn't appear to like a zero setting */ if (name.toLowerCase() == 'chart.linewidth' && value == 0) { value = 0.0001; } prop[name] = value; return this; }; /** * A getter * * @param name string The name of the property to get */ this.get = this.Get = function (name) { /** * This should be done first - prepend the property name with "chart." if necessary */ if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') { name = 'chart.' + name; } // Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter while(name.match(/([A-Z])/)) { name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/, '.' + RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()); } return prop[name]; }; /** * The function you call to draw the bar chart */ this.draw = this.Draw = function () { // MUST be the first thing done! if (typeof(prop['chart.background.image']) == 'string') { RG.DrawBackgroundImage(this); } /** * Fire the onbeforedraw event */ RG.FireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw'); // // If the chart is 3d then angle it it // if (prop['chart.variant'] === '3d') { if (prop['chart.text.accessible']) { // Nada } else { co.setTransform(1,prop['chart.variant.threed.angle'],0,1,0.5,0.5); } } /** * Parse the colors. This allows for simple gradient syntax */ if (!this.colorsParsed) { this.parseColors(); // Don't want to do this again this.colorsParsed = true; } /** * This is new in May 2011 and facilitates indiviual gutter settings, * eg chart.gutter.left */ this.gutterLeft = prop['chart.gutter.left']; this.gutterRight = prop['chart.gutter.right']; this.gutterTop = prop['chart.gutter.top']; this.gutterBottom = prop['chart.gutter.bottom']; // Cache this in a class variable as it's used rather a lot /** * Check for tooltips and alert the user that they're not supported * with pyramid charts */ if ( (prop['chart.variant'] == 'pyramid' || prop['chart.variant'] == 'dot') && typeof(prop['chart.tooltips']) == 'object' && prop['chart.tooltips'] && prop['chart.tooltips'].length > 0) { alert('[BAR] (' + this.id + ') Sorry, tooltips are not supported with dot or pyramid charts'); } /** * Stop the coords arrays from growing uncontrollably */ this.coords = []; this.coords2 = []; this.coordsText = []; /** * Work out a few things. They need to be here because they depend on things you can change before you * call Draw() but after you instantiate the object */ this.max = 0; this.grapharea = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom; this.halfgrapharea = this.grapharea / 2; this.halfTextHeight = prop['chart.text.size'] / 2; // Now draw the background on to the main canvas RG.background.Draw(this); //If it's a sketch chart variant, draw the axes first //if (prop['chart.variant'] == 'sketch') { // this.DrawAxes(); // this.Drawbars(); //} else { this.drawbars(); this.drawAxes(); //} this.DrawLabels(); /** * Draw the bevel if required */ if (prop['chart.bevel'] || prop['chart.bevelled']) { this.DrawBevel(); } // Draw the key if necessary if (prop['chart.key'] && prop['chart.key'].length) { RG.DrawKey(this, prop['chart.key'], prop['chart.colors']); } /** * Setup the context menu if required */ if (prop['chart.contextmenu']) { RG.ShowContext(this); } /** * Draw errorbars */ if (prop['chart.errorbars']) { this.drawErrorbars(); } /** * Draw "in graph" labels */ if (prop['chart.labels.ingraph']) { RG.DrawInGraphLabels(this); } // // Add the attribution (if textAccessible is enabled // //RG.attribution(this); /** * This function enables resizing */ if (prop['chart.resizable']) { RG.AllowResizing(this); } /** * This installs the event listeners */ RG.InstallEventListeners(this); /** * Fire the onfirstdraw event */ if (this.firstDraw) { this.firstDraw = false; RG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onfirstdraw'); this.firstDrawFunc(); } /** * Fire the RGraph ondraw event */ RG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw'); return this; }; /** * Used in chaining. Runs a function there and then - not waiting for * the events to fire (eg the onbeforedraw event) * * @param function func The function to execute */ this.exec = function (func) { func(this); return this; }; /** * Draws the charts axes */ this.drawAxes = this.DrawAxes = function () { if (prop['chart.noaxes']) { return; } var xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos']; var yaxispos = prop['chart.yaxispos']; var isSketch = prop['chart.variant'] == 'sketch'; co.beginPath(); co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.axis.color']; co.lineWidth = prop['chart.axis.linewidth'] + 0.001; if (RG.ISSAFARI == -1) { co.lineCap = 'square'; } // Draw the Y axis if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] == false) { if (yaxispos == 'right') { co.moveTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight + (isSketch ? 3 : 0), this.gutterTop - (isSketch ? 3 : 0)); co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight - (isSketch ? 2 : 0), ca.height - this.gutterBottom + (isSketch ? 5 : 0)); } else { co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft - (isSketch ? 2 : 0), this.gutterTop - (isSketch ? 5 : 0)); co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft - (isSketch ? 1 : 0), ca.height - this.gutterBottom + (isSketch ? 5 : 0)); } } // Draw the X axis if (prop['chart.noxaxis'] == false) { if (xaxispos == 'center') { co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft - (isSketch ? 5 : 0), Math.round(((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop + (isSketch ? 2 : 0))); co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight + (isSketch ? 5 : 0), Math.round(((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop - (isSketch ? 2 : 0))); } else if (xaxispos == 'top') { co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft - (isSketch ? 3 : 0), this.gutterTop - (isSketch ? 3 : 0)); co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight + (isSketch ? 5 : 0), this.gutterTop + (isSketch ? 2 : 0)); } else { co.moveTo( this.gutterLeft - (isSketch ? 5 : 0), ma.round(this.getYCoord(0) - (isSketch ? 2 : 0)) ); co.lineTo( ca.width - this.gutterRight + (isSketch ? 8 : 0), ma.round(this.getYCoord(0) + (isSketch ? 2 : 0)) ); } } var numYTicks = prop['chart.numyticks']; // // DRAW THE Y TICKMARKS // if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] == false && !isSketch) { var yTickGap = (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / numYTicks; var xpos = yaxispos == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft : ca.width - this.gutterRight; if (this.properties['chart.numyticks'] > 0) { for (y=this.gutterTop; xaxispos == 'center' ? y <= (ca.height - this.gutterBottom) : y < (ca.height - this.gutterBottom + (xaxispos == 'top' ? 1 : 0)); y += yTickGap) { if (xaxispos == 'center' && y == (this.gutterTop + (this.grapharea / 2))) { continue; } // X axis at the top if (xaxispos == 'top' && y == this.gutterTop) { continue; } co.moveTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? 0 : 0), ma.round(y)); co.lineTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? -3 : 3), ma.round(y)); } // // If the X axis is offset (ie not at the bottom when xaxispos // is set to bottom) - draw an extra tick // if (xaxispos === 'bottom' && prop['chart.ymin'] !== 0) { co.moveTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? 0 : 0), ma.round(ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom'])); co.lineTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? -3 : 3), ma.round(ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom'])); } } /** * If the X axis is not being shown, draw an extra tick */ if (prop['chart.noxaxis']) { if (xaxispos == 'center') { co.moveTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? -3 : 3), Math.round(ca.height / 2)); co.lineTo(xpos, Math.round(ca.height / 2)); } else if (xaxispos == 'top') { co.moveTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? -3 : 3), Math.round(this.gutterTop)); co.lineTo(xpos, Math.round(this.gutterTop)); } else { co.moveTo(xpos + (yaxispos == 'left' ? -3 : 3), Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom)); co.lineTo(xpos, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom)); } } } // Draw the X tickmarks if (prop['chart.noxaxis'] == false && !isSketch) { if (typeof(prop['chart.numxticks']) == 'number') { var xTickGap = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / prop['chart.numxticks']; } else { var xTickGap = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / this.data.length; } if (xaxispos == 'bottom') { yStart = prop['chart.ymin'] < 0 ? this.getYCoord(0) - 3 : this.getYCoord(0); yEnd = this.getYCoord(0) + 3; } else if (xaxispos == 'top') { yStart = this.gutterTop - 3; yEnd = this.gutterTop; } else if (xaxispos == 'center') { yStart = ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop + 3; yEnd = ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop - 3; } //yStart = yStart; //yEnd = yEnd; //////////////// X TICKS //////////////// var noEndXTick = prop['chart.noendxtick']; for (x=this.gutterLeft + (yaxispos == 'left' ? xTickGap : 0),len=(ca.width - this.gutterRight + (yaxispos == 'left' ? 5 : 0)); x<len; x+=xTickGap) { if (yaxispos == 'left' && !noEndXTick && x > this.gutterLeft) { co.moveTo(ma.round(x), yStart); co.lineTo(ma.round(x), yEnd); } else if (yaxispos == 'left' && noEndXTick && x > this.gutterLeft && x < (ca.width - this.gutterRight) ) { co.moveTo(ma.round(x), yStart); co.lineTo(ma.round(x), yEnd); } else if (yaxispos == 'right' && x < (ca.width - this.gutterRight) && !noEndXTick) { co.moveTo(ma.round(x), yStart); co.lineTo(ma.round(x), yEnd); } else if (yaxispos == 'right' && x < (ca.width - this.gutterRight) && x > (this.gutterLeft) && noEndXTick) { co.moveTo(ma.round(x), yStart); co.lineTo(ma.round(x), yEnd); } } if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] || prop['chart.numxticks'] == null) { if (typeof(prop['chart.numxticks']) == 'number' && prop['chart.numxticks'] > 0) { co.moveTo(Math.round(this.gutterLeft), yStart); co.lineTo(Math.round(this.gutterLeft), yEnd); } } //////////////// X TICKS //////////////// } /** * If the Y axis is not being shown, draw an extra tick */ if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] && prop['chart.noxaxis'] == false && prop['chart.numxticks'] == null) { if (xaxispos == 'center') { co.moveTo(ma.round(this.gutterLeft), (ca.height / 2) - 3); co.lineTo(ma.round(this.gutterLeft), (ca.height / 2) + 3); } else { co.moveTo(ma.round(this.gutterLeft), ca.height - this.gutterBottom); co.lineTo(ma.round(this.gutterLeft), ca.height - this.gutterBottom + 3); } } co.stroke(); }; /** * Draws the bars */ this.drawbars = this.Drawbars = function () { co.lineWidth = prop['chart.linewidth']; co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.strokecolor']; co.fillStyle = prop['chart.colors'][0]; var prevX = 0, prevY = 0, decimals = prop['chart.scale.decimals']; /** * Work out the max value */ if (prop['chart.ymax']) { this.scale2 = RG.getScale2(this, { 'max':prop['chart.ymax'], 'strict': prop['chart.scale.round'] ? false : true, 'min':prop['chart.ymin'], 'scale.thousand':prop['chart.scale.thousand'], 'scale.point':prop['chart.scale.point'], 'scale.decimals':prop['chart.scale.decimals'], 'ylabels.count':prop['chart.ylabels.count'], 'scale.round':prop['chart.scale.round'], 'units.pre': prop['chart.units.pre'], 'units.post': prop['chart.units.post'] }); } else { // // If errorbars are given as a number then convert the nuumber to an // array. // var errorbars = prop['chart.errorbars']; if (typeof errorbars === 'number') { var value = errorbars; prop['chart.errorbars'] = []; for (var i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) { if (typeof this.data[i] === 'number') { prop['chart.errorbars'].push([value, null]); } else if (typeof this.data[i] === 'object' && !RG.isNull(this.data[i])) { for (var j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j) { prop['chart.errorbars'].push([value, null]); } } } errorbars = prop['chart.errorbars']; } for (i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) { if (typeof(this.data[i]) == 'object') { var value = prop['chart.grouping'] === 'grouped' ? Number(RG.arrayMax(this.data[i], true)) : Number(RG.array_sum(this.data[i])); } else { var value = Number(this.data[i]); } this.max = ma.max(ma.abs(this.max), ma.abs(value) + Number( ( typeof prop['chart.errorbars'] === 'object' && typeof prop['chart.errorbars'][i] === 'object' && !RG.isNull(prop['chart.errorbars'][i]) && typeof prop['chart.errorbars'][i][0] === 'number' ) ? prop['chart.errorbars'][i][0] : 0 ) ); } this.scale2 = RGraph.getScale2(this, { 'max':this.max, 'min':prop['chart.ymin'], 'scale.thousand':prop['chart.scale.thousand'], 'scale.point':prop['chart.scale.point'], 'scale.decimals':prop['chart.scale.decimals'], 'ylabels.count':prop['chart.ylabels.count'], 'scale.round':prop['chart.scale.round'], 'units.pre': prop['chart.units.pre'], 'units.post': prop['chart.units.post'] }); this.max = this.scale2.max; } /** * if the chart is adjustable fix the scale so that it doesn't change. */ if (prop['chart.adjustable'] && !prop['chart.ymax']) { this.Set('chart.ymax', this.scale2.max); } /** * Draw horizontal bars here */ if (prop['chart.background.hbars'] && prop['chart.background.hbars'].length > 0) { RGraph.DrawBars(this); } var variant = prop['chart.variant']; /** * Draw the 3D axes is necessary */ if (variant === '3d') { RG.draw3DAxes(this); } /** * Get the variant once, and draw the bars, be they regular, stacked or grouped */ // Get these variables outside of the loop var xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos'], width = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight ) / this.data.length, orig_height = height, hmargin = prop['chart.hmargin'], shadow = prop['chart.shadow'], shadowColor = prop['chart.shadow.color'], shadowBlur = prop['chart.shadow.blur'], shadowOffsetX = prop['chart.shadow.offsetx'], shadowOffsetY = prop['chart.shadow.offsety'], strokeStyle = prop['chart.strokecolor'], colors = prop['chart.colors'], sequentialColorIndex = 0 var height; for (i=0,len=this.data.length; i<len; i+=1) { // Work out the height //The width is up outside the loop if (RG.arraySum(this.data[i]) < 0) { var height = (RG.arraySum(this.data[i]) + this.scale2.min) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min); } else { var height = (RG.arraySum(this.data[i]) - this.scale2.min) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min); } height *= ma.abs(this.getYCoord(this.scale2.max) - this.getYCoord(this.scale2.min)); var x = (i * width) + this.gutterLeft; var y = xaxispos == 'center' ? ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop - height : ca.height - height - this.gutterBottom; // xaxispos is top if (xaxispos == 'top') { y = this.gutterTop + ma.abs(height); } // Account for negative lengths - Some browsers don't like a negative value if (height < 0) { y += height; height = ma.abs(height); } /** * Turn on the shadow if need be */ if (shadow) { co.shadowColor = shadowColor; co.shadowBlur = shadowBlur; co.shadowOffsetX = shadowOffsetX; co.shadowOffsetY = shadowOffsetY; } /** * Draw the bar */ co.beginPath(); if (typeof this.data[i] == 'number') { // If the Y axis is offset change the bar start (the top of the bar) if (xaxispos === 'bottom' && prop['chart.ymin'] < 0) { if (this.data[i] >= 0) { height = ma.abs(this.getYCoord(0) - this.getYCoord(this.data[i])); } else { y = this.getYCoord(0); height = ma.abs(this.getYCoord(0) - this.getYCoord(this.data[i])); } } var barWidth = width - (2 * hmargin); /** * Check for a negative bar width */ if (barWidth < 0) { alert('[RGRAPH] Warning: you have a negative bar width. This may be caused by the chart.hmargin being too high or the width of the canvas not being sufficient.'); } // Set the fill color co.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; co.fillStyle = colors[0]; /** * Sequential colors */ if (prop['chart.colors.sequential']) { co.fillStyle = colors[i]; } if (variant == 'sketch') { co.lineCap = 'round'; var sketchOffset = 3; co.beginPath(); co.strokeStyle = colors[0]; /** * Sequential colors */ if (prop['chart.colors.sequential']) { co.strokeStyle = colors[i]; } // Left side co.moveTo(x + hmargin + 2, y + height - 2); co.lineTo(x + hmargin - 1, y - 4); // The top co.moveTo(x + hmargin - 3, y + -2 + (this.data[i] < 0 ? height : 0)); co.bezierCurveTo( x + ((hmargin + width) * 0.33), y + 15 + (this.data[i] < 0 ? height - 10: 0), x + ((hmargin + width) * 0.66), y + 5 + (this.data[i] < 0 ? height - 10 : 0),x + hmargin + width + -1, y + 0 + (this.data[i] < 0 ? height : 0) ); // The right side co.moveTo(x + hmargin + width - 5, y - 5); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + width - 3, y + height - 3); if (prop['chart.variant.sketch.verticals']) { for (var r=0.2; r<=0.8; r+=0.2) { co.moveTo(x + hmargin + width + (r > 0.4 ? -1 : 3) - (r * width),y - 1); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + width - (r > 0.4 ? 1 : -1) - (r * width), y + height + (r == 0.2 ? 1 : -2)); } } co.stroke(); // Regular bar } else if (variant == 'bar' || variant == '3d' || variant == 'glass' || variant == 'bevel') { if (RGraph.ISOLD && shadow) { this.DrawIEShadow([x + hmargin, y, barWidth, height]); } if (variant == 'glass') { RGraph.filledCurvyRect(co, x + hmargin, y, barWidth, height, 3, this.data[i] > 0, this.data[i] > 0, this.data[i] < 0, this.data[i] < 0); RGraph.strokedCurvyRect(co, x + hmargin, y, barWidth, height, 3, this.data[i] > 0, this.data[i] > 0, this.data[i] < 0, this.data[i] < 0); } else { // On 9th April 2013 these two were swapped around so that the stroke happens SECOND so that any // shadow that is cast by the fill does not overwrite the stroke co.beginPath(); co.rect(x + hmargin, y, barWidth, height); co.fill(); // Turn the shadow off so that the stroke doesn't cast any "extra" shadow // that would show inside the bar RG.NoShadow(this); co.beginPath(); co.rect(x + hmargin, y, barWidth, height); co.stroke(); } // 3D effect if (variant == '3d') { var prevStrokeStyle = co.strokeStyle; var prevFillStyle = co.fillStyle; // Draw the top (if the value is positive - otherwise there's no point) if (this.data[i] >= 0) { co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(x + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + barWidth, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y); co.closePath(); co.stroke(); co.fill(); } // Draw the right hand side co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y); co.lineTo( x + hmargin + barWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i] < 0 && xaxispos === 'bottom' ? this.getYCoord(0) : ( this.data[i] < 0 && (y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) < (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) ? (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) : (y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'])) ); co.lineTo( x + hmargin + barWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i] < 0 && (y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height) < (this.gutterTop + this.getYCoord(0)) ? this.getYCoord(this.data[i]) - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] : (this.data[i] > 0 ? y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height : ma.min(y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height, ca.height - this.gutterBottom) ) ); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y + height); co.closePath(); co.stroke(); co.fill(); // Draw the lighter top section if (this.data[i] > 0) { co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; co.moveTo(x + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + barWidth, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y); co.lineTo(x + hmargin, y); co.closePath(); co.stroke(); co.fill(); } // Draw the darker right side section co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'; // TL co.moveTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y); // TR co.lineTo( x + hmargin + barWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i] < 0 && xaxispos === 'bottom' ? this.getYCoord(0) : (this.data[i] < 0 && (y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) < (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) ? (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) : y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) ); // BR co.lineTo( x + hmargin + barWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i] < 0 && (y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height) < this.getYCoord(0) ? this.getYCoord(0) : this.data[i] > 0 ? y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height : ma.min(y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height, ca.height - this.gutterBottom) ); // BL co.lineTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y + height); co.lineTo(x + hmargin + barWidth, y); co.closePath(); co.stroke(); co.fill(); co.strokeStyle = prevStrokeStyle; co.fillStyle = prevFillStyle; // Glass variant } else if (variant == 'glass') { var grad = co.createLinearGradient(x + hmargin,y,x + hmargin + (barWidth / 2),y); grad.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)'); grad.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'); co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = grad; co.fillRect(x + hmargin + 2,y + (this.data[i] > 0 ? 2 : 0),(barWidth / 2) - 2,height - 2); co.fill(); } // Dot chart } else if (variant == 'dot') { co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(x + (width / 2), y); co.lineTo(x + (width / 2), y + height); co.stroke(); co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = this.properties['chart.colors'][i]; co.arc(x + (width / 2), y + (this.data[i] > 0 ? 0 : height), 2, 0, 6.28, 0); // Set the colour for the dots co.fillStyle = prop['chart.colors'][0]; /** * Sequential colors */ if (prop['chart.colors.sequential']) { co.fillStyle = colors[i]; } co.stroke(); co.fill(); // Unknown variant type } else { alert('[BAR] Warning! Unknown chart.variant: ' + variant); } this.coords.push([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height]); if (typeof this.coords2[i] == 'undefined') { this.coords2[i] = []; } this.coords2[i].push([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height]); /** * Stacked bar */ } else if (this.data[i] && typeof(this.data[i]) == 'object' && prop['chart.grouping'] == 'stacked') { if (this.scale2.min) { alert("[ERROR] Stacked Bar charts with a Y min are not supported"); } var barWidth = width - (2 * hmargin); var redrawCoords = [];// Necessary to draw if the shadow is enabled var startY = 0; var dataset = this.data[i]; /** * Check for a negative bar width */ if (barWidth < 0) { alert('[RGRAPH] Warning: you have a negative bar width. This may be caused by the chart.hmargin being too high or the width of the canvas not being sufficient.'); } for (j=0; j<dataset.length; ++j) { // Stacked bar chart and X axis pos in the middle - poitless since negative values are not permitted if (xaxispos == 'center') { alert("[BAR] It's pointless having the X axis position at the center on a stacked bar chart."); return; } // Negative values not permitted for the stacked chart if (this.data[i][j] < 0) { alert('[BAR] Negative values are not permitted with a stacked bar chart. Try a grouped one instead.'); return; } /** * Set the fill and stroke colors */ co.strokeStyle = strokeStyle co.fillStyle = colors[j]; if (prop['chart.colors.reverse']) { co.fillStyle = colors[this.data[i].length - j - 1]; } if (prop['chart.colors.sequential'] && colors[sequentialColorIndex]) { co.fillStyle = colors[sequentialColorIndex++]; } else if (prop['chart.colors.sequential']) { co.fillStyle = colors[sequentialColorIndex - 1]; } var height = (dataset[j] / this.scale2.max) * (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom ); // If the X axis pos is in the center, we need to half the height if (xaxispos == 'center') { height /= 2; } var totalHeight = (RGraph.array_sum(dataset) / this.scale2.max) * (ca.height - hmargin - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom); /** * Store the coords for tooltips */ this.coords.push([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height]); if (typeof this.coords2[i] == 'undefined') { this.coords2[i] = []; } this.coords2[i].push([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height]); // MSIE shadow if (RGraph.ISOLD && shadow) { this.DrawIEShadow([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height + 1]); } if (height > 0) { co.strokeRect(x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height); co.fillRect(x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height); } if (j == 0) { var startY = y; var startX = x; } /** * Store the redraw coords if the shadow is enabled */ if (shadow) { redrawCoords.push([x + hmargin, y, width - (2 * hmargin), height, co.fillStyle]); } /** * Stacked 3D effect */ if (variant == '3d') { var prevFillStyle = co.fillStyle; var prevStrokeStyle = co.strokeStyle; // Draw the top side if (j == 0) { co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + hmargin, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + barWidth + hmargin, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin, y); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); } // Draw the side section co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin , y + height); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); // Draw the lighter top side if (j == 0) { co.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + hmargin, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + barWidth + hmargin, y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin, y); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); } // Draw the darker side section co.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'; co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin, y); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], y - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] + height); co.lineTo(startX + barWidth + hmargin , y + height); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); co.strokeStyle = prevStrokeStyle; co.fillStyle = prevFillStyle; } y += height; } /** * Redraw the bars if the shadow is enabled due to hem being drawn from the bottom up, and the * shadow spilling over to higher up bars */ if (shadow) { RGraph.NoShadow(this); for (k=0; k<redrawCoords.length; ++k) { co.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; co.fillStyle = redrawCoords[k][4]; co.strokeRect(redrawCoords[k][0], redrawCoords[k][1], redrawCoords[k][2], redrawCoords[k][3]); co.fillRect(redrawCoords[k][0], redrawCoords[k][1], redrawCoords[k][2], redrawCoords[k][3]); co.stroke(); co.fill(); } // Reset the redraw coords to be empty redrawCoords = []; } /** * Grouped bar */ } else if (this.data[i] && typeof(this.data[i]) == 'object' && prop['chart.grouping'] == 'grouped') { var redrawCoords = []; co.lineWidth = prop['chart.linewidth']; for (j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j) { // Set the fill and stroke colors co.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; co.fillStyle = colors[j]; /** * Sequential colors */ if (prop['chart.colors.sequential'] && colors[sequentialColorIndex]) { co.fillStyle = colors[sequentialColorIndex++]; } else if (prop['chart.colors.sequential']) { co.fillStyle = colors[sequentialColorIndex - 1]; } var individualBarWidth = (width - (2 * hmargin)) / this.data[i].length; var height = ((this.data[i][j] + (this.data[i][j] < 0 ? this.scale2.min : (-1 * this.scale2.min) )) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min) ) * (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom ); var groupedMargin = prop['chart.hmargin.grouped']; var startX = x + hmargin + (j * individualBarWidth); /** * Check for a negative bar width */ if (individualBarWidth < 0) { alert('[RGRAPH] Warning: you have a negative bar width. This may be caused by the chart.hmargin being too high or the width of the canvas not being sufficient.'); } // If the X axis pos is in the center, we need to half the height if (xaxispos == 'center') { height /= 2; } /** * Determine the start positioning for the bar */ if (xaxispos == 'top') { var startY = this.gutterTop; var height = Math.abs(height); } else if (xaxispos == 'center') { var startY = this.gutterTop + (this.grapharea / 2) - height; } else { var startY = this.getYCoord(0);//ca.height - this.gutterBottom - height; var height = ma.abs(ma.abs(this.getYCoord(this.data[i][j])) - this.getYCoord(0)); if (this.data[i][j] >= 0) { startY -= height; } } co.strokeRect(startX + groupedMargin, startY, individualBarWidth - (2 * groupedMargin), height); co.fillRect(startX + groupedMargin, startY, individualBarWidth - (2 * groupedMargin), height); y += height; /** * Grouped 3D effect */ if (variant == '3d') { var prevFillStyle = co.fillStyle; var prevStrokeStyle = co.strokeStyle; var hmarginGrouped = prop['chart.hmargin.grouped']; // Draw the top side if (this.data[i][j] >= 0) { co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + hmarginGrouped, startY); co.lineTo(startX + hmarginGrouped + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], startY - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); co.lineTo(startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); } // Draw the side section co.beginPath(); co.moveTo(startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped - 1, startY); co.lineTo( startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i][j] < 0 ? (this.getYCoord(0) + ma.abs(height) - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) : this.getYCoord(0) - height - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] ); co.lineTo( startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], this.data[i][j] < 0 && (startY + height - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) < (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) ? (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) : (startY + height - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) ); co.lineTo(startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped - 1, startY + height); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); // Draw the lighter top side - but only if the current value is positive if (this.data[i][j] >= 0) { co.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; co.beginPath(); // BL co.moveTo(startX + hmarginGrouped, startY); // BR co.lineTo(startX + hmarginGrouped + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], startY - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); // TR co.lineTo(startX + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']); // TL co.lineTo(startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); } // Draw the darker side section co.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'; co.beginPath(); // TL corner co.moveTo( startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY ); co.lineTo( startX + individualBarWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] - hmarginGrouped, this.data[i][j] < 0 ? (this.getYCoord(0) + ma.abs(height) - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) : this.getYCoord(0) - height - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety'] ); // TR corner co.lineTo( startX + individualBarWidth + prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'] - hmarginGrouped, this.data[i][j] < 0 && (startY + height - 5) < (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) ? (this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea) : (startY + height - prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']) ); // TL corner co.lineTo(startX + individualBarWidth - hmarginGrouped, startY + height); co.closePath(); co.fill(); co.stroke(); co.strokeStyle = prevStrokeStyle; co.fillStyle = prevFillStyle; } if (height < 0) { height = Math.abs(height); startY = startY - height; } this.coords.push([startX + groupedMargin, startY, individualBarWidth - (2 * groupedMargin), height]); if (typeof this.coords2[i] == 'undefined') { this.coords2[i] = []; } this.coords2[i].push([startX + groupedMargin, startY, individualBarWidth - (2 * groupedMargin), height]); // Facilitate shadows going to the left if (prop['chart.shadow']) { redrawCoords.push([startX + groupedMargin, startY, individualBarWidth - (2 * groupedMargin), height, co.fillStyle]); } } /** * Redraw the bar if shadows are going to the left */ if (redrawCoords.length) { RGraph.NoShadow(this); co.lineWidth = prop['chart.linewidth']; co.beginPath(); for (var j=0; j<redrawCoords.length; ++j) { co.fillStyle = redrawCoords[j][4]; co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.strokecolor']; co.fillRect(redrawCoords[j][0], redrawCoords[j][1], redrawCoords[j][2], redrawCoords[j][3]); co.strokeRect(redrawCoords[j][0], redrawCoords[j][1], redrawCoords[j][2], redrawCoords[j][3]); } co.fill(); co.stroke(); redrawCoords = []; } } else { this.coords.push([]); } co.closePath(); } // If 3D, redraw the right hand Y axis if (prop['chart.variant'] === '3d' && prop['chart.yaxispos'] === 'right') { RG.draw3DYAxis(this); } /** * Turn off any shadow */ RGraph.noShadow(this); }; /** * Draws the labels for the graph */ this.drawLabels = this.DrawLabels = function () { var context = co; var text_angle = prop['chart.text.angle'], text_size = prop['chart.text.size'], labels = prop['chart.labels'] // Draw the Y axis labels: if (prop['chart.ylabels']) { if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top') this.Drawlabels_top(); if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') this.Drawlabels_center(); if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'bottom') this.Drawlabels_bottom(); } /** * The X axis labels */ if (typeof(labels) == 'object' && labels) { var yOffset = Number(prop['chart.labels.offsety']), xOffset = Number(prop['chart.labels.offsetx']), bold = prop['chart.labels.bold'] /** * Text angle */ if (prop['chart.text.angle'] != 0) { var valign = 'center'; var halign = 'right'; var angle = 0 - prop['chart.text.angle']; } else { var valign = 'top'; var halign = 'center'; var angle = 0; } // Draw the X axis labels co.fillStyle = prop['chart.labels.color'] || prop['chart.text.color']; // How wide is each bar var barWidth = (ca.width - this.gutterRight - this.gutterLeft) / labels.length; // Reset the xTickGap xTickGap = (ca.width - this.gutterRight - this.gutterLeft) / labels.length // Draw the X tickmarks var i=0; var font = prop['chart.text.font']; for (x=this.gutterLeft + (xTickGap / 2); x<=ca.width - this.gutterRight; x+=xTickGap) { RG.text2(this, { 'font': font, 'size': text_size, 'x': x + xOffset, 'y': prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top' ? this.gutterTop + yOffset - 5: (ca.height - this.gutterBottom) + yOffset + 3, 'bold': bold, 'text': String(labels[i++]), 'valign': prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top' ? 'bottom' : valign, 'halign': halign, 'tag':'label', 'marker':false, 'angle':angle, 'tag': 'labels' }); } } /** * Draw above labels */ this.drawAboveLabels(); }; /** * Draws the X axis at the top */ this.drawlabels_top = this.Drawlabels_top = function () { var ca = this.canvas; var co = this.context; var prop = this.properties; co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color']; co.strokeStyle = 'black'; if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top') { var context = co; var text_size = prop['chart.text.size']; var units_pre = prop['chart.units.pre']; var units_post = prop['chart.units.post']; var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'; var font = prop['chart.text.font']; var numYLabels = prop['chart.ylabels.count']; var ymin = prop['chart.ymin']; var offsetx = prop['chart.ylabels.offsetx']; var offsety = prop['chart.ylabels.offsety']; if (prop['chart.ylabels.inside'] == true) { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft + 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight - 5; var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'left' : 'right'; var boxed = true; } else { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft - 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight + 5; var boxed = false; } /** * Draw specific Y labels here so that the local variables can be reused */ if (typeof(prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) == 'object' && prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) { var labels = RGraph.array_reverse(prop['chart.ylabels.specific']); var grapharea = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom; for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) { var y = this.gutterTop + (grapharea * (i / labels.length)) + (grapharea / labels.length); RG.text2(this, { 'font': font, 'size': text_size, 'x': xpos + offsetx, 'y': y + offsety, 'text': String(labels[i]), 'valign': 'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered':boxed, 'tag': 'scale' }); } return; } /** * Draw the scale */ var labels = this.scale2.labels; for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) { RGraph.Text2(this, { 'font': font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':this.gutterTop + ((this.grapharea / labels.length) * (i + 1)) + offsety, 'text': '-' + labels[i], 'valign': 'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } /** * Show the minimum value if its not zero */ if (prop['chart.ymin'] != 0 || prop['chart.noxaxis'] || prop['chart.scale.zerostart']) { RGraph.Text2(this, { 'font': font, 'size': text_size, 'x': xpos + offsetx, 'y': this.gutterTop + offsety, 'text': (this.scale2.min != 0 ? '-' : '') + RGraph.numberFormat(this,(this.scale2.min.toFixed((this.scale2.min === 0 ? 0 : prop['chart.scale.decimals']))), units_pre, units_post), 'valign': 'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag': 'scale' }); } } co.fill(); }; /** * Draws the X axis in the middle */ this.drawlabels_center = this.Drawlabels_center = function () { var ca = this.canvas; var co = this.context; var prop = this.properties; var font = prop['chart.text.font']; var numYLabels = prop['chart.ylabels.count']; co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color']; if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') { /** * Draw the top labels */ var text_size = prop['chart.text.size']; var units_pre = prop['chart.units.pre']; var units_post = prop['chart.units.post']; var context = co; var align = ''; var xpos = 0; var boxed = false; var ymin = prop['chart.ymin']; var offsetx = prop['chart.ylabels.offsetx']; var offsety = prop['chart.ylabels.offsety']; co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color']; co.strokeStyle = 'black'; if (prop['chart.ylabels.inside'] == true) { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft + 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight - 5; var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'left' : 'right'; var boxed = true; } else { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft - 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight + 5; var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'; var boxed = false; } /** * Draw specific Y labels here so that the local variables can be reused */ if (typeof(prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) == 'object' && prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) { var labels = prop['chart.ylabels.specific']; var grapharea = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom; // Draw the top halves labels for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) { var y = this.gutterTop + ((grapharea / 2) / (labels.length - 1)) * i; RGraph.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':y + offsety, 'text':String(labels[i]), 'valign':'center', 'halign':align, 'bordered':boxed, 'tag': 'scale' }); } // Draw the bottom halves labels for (var i=labels.length-1; i>=1; --i) { var y = this.gutterTop + (grapharea * (i / ((labels.length - 1) * 2) )) + (grapharea / 2); RG.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':y + offsety, 'text':String(labels[labels.length - i - 1]), 'valign':'center', 'halign':align, 'bordered':boxed, 'tag': 'scale' }); } return; } /** * Draw the top halfs labels */ for (var i=0; i<this.scale2.labels.length; ++i) { var y = this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea - ((this.halfgrapharea / numYLabels) * (i + 1)); var text = this.scale2.labels[i]; RG.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':y + offsety, 'text': text, 'valign': 'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } /** * Draw the bottom halfs labels */ for (var i=(this.scale2.labels.length - 1); i>=0; --i) { var y = this.gutterTop + ((this.halfgrapharea / numYLabels) * (i + 1)) + this.halfgrapharea; var text = this.scale2.labels[i]; RG.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':y + offsety, 'text': '-' + text, 'valign':'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } /** * Show the minimum value if its not zero */ if (this.scale2.min != 0 || prop['chart.scale.zerostart']) { RG.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':this.gutterTop + this.halfgrapharea + offsety, 'text': RG.number_format(this,(this.scale2.min.toFixed((this.scale2.min === 0 ? 0 : prop['chart.scale.decimals']))), units_pre, units_post), 'valign':'center', 'valign':'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } } }; /** * Draws the X axdis at the bottom (the default) */ this.drawlabels_bottom = this.Drawlabels_bottom = function () { var text_size = prop['chart.text.size'], units_pre = prop['chart.units.pre'], units_post = prop['chart.units.post'], context = this.context, align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left', font = prop['chart.text.font'], numYLabels = prop['chart.ylabels.count'], ymin = prop['chart.ymin'], offsetx = prop['chart.ylabels.offsetx'], offsety = prop['chart.ylabels.offsety'] co.beginPath(); co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color']; co.strokeStyle = 'black'; if (prop['chart.ylabels.inside'] == true) { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft + 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight - 5; var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? 'left' : 'right'; var boxed = true; } else { var xpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft - 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight + 5; var boxed = false; } /** * Draw specific Y labels here so that the local variables can be reused */ if (prop['chart.ylabels.specific'] && typeof(prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) == 'object') { var labels = prop['chart.ylabels.specific']; var grapharea = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom; for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) { var y = this.gutterTop + (grapharea * (i / (labels.length - 1))); RGraph.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':y + offsety, 'text': labels[i], 'valign':'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } return; } var gutterTop = this.gutterTop; var halfTextHeight = this.halfTextHeight; var scale = this.scale; for (var i=0; i<numYLabels; ++i) { var text = this.scale2.labels[i]; RGraph.Text2(this, { 'font':font, 'size':text_size, 'x':xpos + offsetx, 'y':this.gutterTop + this.grapharea - ((this.grapharea / numYLabels) * (i+1)) + offsety, 'text': text, 'valign':'center', 'halign': align, 'bordered': boxed, 'tag':'scale' }); } /** * Show the minimum value if its not zero */ if (prop['chart.ymin'] != 0 || prop['chart.noxaxis'] || prop['chart.scale.zerostart']) { RG.text2(this, { font:font, size:text_size, x:xpos + offsetx, y:ca.height - this.gutterBottom + offsety, text: RG.numberFormat(this,(this.scale2.min.toFixed((this.scale2.min === 0 ? 0 : prop['chart.scale.decimals']))), units_pre, units_post), valign:'center', halign: align, bordered: boxed, tag:'scale' }); } co.fill(); }; /** * This function is used by MSIE only to manually draw the shadow * * @param array coords The coords for the bar */ this.drawIEShadow = this.DrawIEShadow = function (coords) { var co = this.context; var ca = this.canvas; var prop = this.properties; var prevFillStyle = co.fillStyle; var offsetx = prop['chart.shadow.offsetx']; var offsety = prop['chart.shadow.offsety']; co.lineWidth = prop['chart.linewidth']; co.fillStyle = prop['chart.shadow.color']; co.beginPath(); // Draw shadow here co.fillRect(coords[0] + offsetx, coords[1] + offsety, coords[2], coords[3]); co.fill(); // Change the fillstyle back to what it was co.fillStyle = prevFillStyle; }; /** * Not used by the class during creating the graph, but is used by event handlers * to get the coordinates (if any) of the selected bar * * @param object e The event object * @param object OPTIONAL You can pass in the bar object instead of the * function using "this" */ this.getShape = this.getBar = function (e) { // This facilitates you being able to pass in the bar object as a parameter instead of // the function getting it from itself var obj = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this; var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e), mouseX = mouseXY[0], mouseY = mouseXY[1], canvas = obj.canvas, context = obj.context, coords = obj.coords for (var i=0,len=coords.length; i<len; i+=1) { if (obj.coords[i].length == 0) { continue; } var left = coords[i][0], top = coords[i][1], width = coords[i][2], height = coords[i][3], prop = obj.properties // Old way of testing //if (mouseX >= left && mouseX <= (left + width) && mouseY >= top && mouseY <= (top + height)) { // Recreate the path/rectangle so that it can be tested // ** DO NOT STROKE OR FILL IT ** if (prop['chart.tooltips.hotspot.xonly']) { pa2(co, 'b r % % % %', left, this.gutterTop, width, ca.height - this.gutterBottom ); } else { pa2(co, 'b r % % % %', left, top, width, height ); } if (co.isPointInPath(mouseX, mouseY)) { if (prop['chart.tooltips']) { var tooltip = RG.parseTooltipText ? RG.parseTooltipText(prop['chart.tooltips'], i) : prop['chart.tooltips'][i]; } // Work out the dataset var dataset = 0, idx = i while (idx >= (typeof obj.data[dataset] === 'object' && obj.data[dataset] ? obj.data[dataset].length : 1)) { if (typeof obj.data[dataset] === 'number') { idx -= 1; } else if (obj.data[dataset]) { // Accounts for null being an object idx -= obj.data[dataset].length; } else { idx -= 1; } dataset++; } if (typeof(obj.data[dataset]) == 'number') { idx = null; } return { 0: obj, 1: left, 2: top, 3: width, 4: height, 5: i, object: obj, x: left, y: top, width: width, height: height, index: i, tooltip: tooltip, index_adjusted: idx, dataset: dataset }; } } return null; }; /** * This retrives the bar based on the X coordinate only. * * @param object e The event object * @param object OPTIONAL You can pass in the bar object instead of the * function using "this" */ this.getShapeByX = function (e) { var canvas = e.target; var mouseCoords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e); // This facilitates you being able to pass in the bar object as a parameter instead of // the function getting it from itself var obj = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this; /** * Loop through the bars determining if the mouse is over a bar */ for (var i=0,len=obj.coords.length; i<len; i++) { if (obj.coords[i].length == 0) { continue; } var mouseX = mouseCoords[0]; var mouseY = mouseCoords[1]; var left = obj.coords[i][0]; var top = obj.coords[i][1]; var width = obj.coords[i][2]; var height = obj.coords[i][3]; var prop = obj.properties; if (mouseX >= left && mouseX <= (left + width)) { if (prop['chart.tooltips']) { var tooltip = RGraph.parseTooltipText ? RGraph.parseTooltipText(prop['chart.tooltips'], i) : prop['chart.tooltips'][i]; } return { 0: obj, 1: left, 2: top, 3: width, 4: height, 5: i, 'object': obj, 'x': left, 'y': top, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'index': i, 'tooltip': tooltip }; } } return null; }; /** * When you click on the chart, this method can return the Y value at that point. It works for any point on the * chart (that is inside the gutters) - not just points within the Bars. * * EITHER: * * @param object arg The event object * * OR: * * @param object arg A two element array containing the X and Y coordinates */ this.getValue = function (arg) { var co = this.context; var ca = this.canvas; var prop = this.properties; if (arg.length == 2) { var mouseX = arg[0]; var mouseY = arg[1]; } else { var mouseCoords = RG.getMouseXY(arg); var mouseX = mouseCoords[0]; var mouseY = mouseCoords[1]; } if ( mouseY < prop['chart.gutter.top'] || mouseY > (ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom']) || mouseX < prop['chart.gutter.left'] || mouseX > (ca.width - prop['chart.gutter.right']) ) { return null; } if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') { var value = (((this.grapharea / 2) - (mouseY - prop['chart.gutter.top'])) / this.grapharea) * (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min) value *= 2; if (value >= 0) { value += this.scale2.min; } else { value -= this.scale2.min; } } else if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top') { var value = ((this.grapharea - (mouseY - prop['chart.gutter.top'])) / this.grapharea) * (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min) value = this.scale2.max - value; value = ma.abs(value) * -1; } else { var value = ((this.grapharea - (mouseY - prop['chart.gutter.top'])) / this.grapharea) * (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min) value += this.scale2.min; } return value; }; /** * This function can be used when the canvas is clicked on (or similar - depending on the event) * to retrieve the relevant Y coordinate for a particular value. * * @param int value The value to get the Y coordinate for */ this.getYCoord = function (value) { if (value > this.scale2.max) { return null; } var co = this.context, ca = this.canvas, prop = this.properties; var y, xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos']; if (xaxispos == 'top') { // Account for negative numbers if (value < 0) { value = ma.abs(value); } y = ((value - this.scale2.min) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min)) * this.grapharea; y = y + this.gutterTop } else if (xaxispos == 'center') { y = ((value - this.scale2.min) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min)) * (this.grapharea / 2); y = (this.grapharea / 2) - y; y += this.gutterTop; } else { if (value < this.scale2.min) { value = this.scale2.min; } y = ((value - this.scale2.min) / (this.scale2.max - this.scale2.min)); y *= (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom); y = ca.height - this.gutterBottom - y; } return y; }; /** * Each object type has its own Highlight() function which highlights the appropriate shape * * @param object shape The shape to highlight */ this.highlight = this.Highlight = function (shape) { if (typeof prop['chart.highlight.style'] === 'function') { (prop['chart.highlight.style'])(shape); } else { // Add the new highlight RG.Highlight.Rect(this, shape); } }; /** * The getObjectByXY() worker method */ this.getObjectByXY = function (e) { var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e); // Adjust the mouse Y coordinate for when the bar chart is // a 3D variant if (prop['chart.variant'] === '3d') { var adjustment = prop['chart.variant.threed.angle'] * mouseXY[0]; mouseXY[1] -= adjustment; } if ( mouseXY[0] >= prop['chart.gutter.left'] && mouseXY[0] <= (ca.width - prop['chart.gutter.right']) && mouseXY[1] >= prop['chart.gutter.top'] && mouseXY[1] <= (ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom']) ) { return this; } }; /** * This method handles the adjusting calculation for when the mouse is moved * * @param object e The event object */ this.adjusting_mousemove = this.Adjusting_mousemove = function (e) { /** * Handle adjusting for the Bar */ if (prop['chart.adjustable'] && RG.Registry.Get('chart.adjusting') && RG.Registry.Get('chart.adjusting').uid == this.uid) { // Rounding the value to the given number of decimals make the chart step var value = Number(this.getValue(e)); var shape = RG.Registry.Get('chart.adjusting.shape') if (shape) { RG.Registry.Set('chart.adjusting.shape', shape); if (this.stackedOrGrouped && prop['chart.grouping'] == 'grouped') { var indexes = RG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(shape['index'], this.data); if (typeof this.data[indexes[0]] == 'number') { this.data[indexes[0]] = Number(value); } else if (!RG.isNull(this.data[indexes[0]])) { this.data[indexes[0]][indexes[1]] = Number(value); } } else if (typeof this.data[shape['index']] == 'number') { this.data[shape['index']] = Number(value); } RG.redrawCanvas(e.target); RG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onadjust'); } } }; /** * This allows for easy specification of gradients */ this.parseColors = function () { // Save the original colors so that they can be restored when the canvas is reset if (this.original_colors.length === 0) { this.original_colors['chart.colors'] = RGraph.array_clone(prop['chart.colors']); this.original_colors['chart.key.colors'] = RGraph.array_clone(prop['chart.key.colors']); this.original_colors['chart.crosshairs.color'] = prop['chart.crosshairs.color']; this.original_colors['chart.highlight.stroke'] = prop['chart.highlight.stroke']; this.original_colors['chart.highlight.fill'] = prop['chart.highlight.fill']; this.original_colors['chart.text.color'] = prop['chart.text.color']; this.original_colors['chart.background.barcolor1'] = prop['chart.background.barcolor1']; this.original_colors['chart.background.barcolor2'] = prop['chart.background.barcolor2']; this.original_colors['chart.background.grid.color'] = prop['chart.background.grid.color']; this.original_colors['chart.background.color'] = prop['chart.background.color']; this.original_colors['chart.strokecolor'] = prop['chart.strokecolor']; this.original_colors['chart.axis.color'] = prop['chart.axis.color']; } // chart.colors var colors = prop['chart.colors']; if (colors) { for (var i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) { colors[i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(colors[i]); } } // chart.key.colors var colors = prop['chart.key.colors']; if (colors) { for (var i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) { colors[i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(colors[i]); } } prop['chart.crosshairs.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.crosshairs.color']); prop['chart.highlight.stroke'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.stroke']); prop['chart.highlight.fill'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.fill']); prop['chart.text.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.text.color']); prop['chart.background.barcolor1'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.barcolor1']); prop['chart.background.barcolor2'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.barcolor2']); prop['chart.background.grid.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.grid.color']); prop['chart.background.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.color']); prop['chart.strokecolor'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.strokecolor']); prop['chart.axis.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.axis.color']); }; /** * Use this function to reset the object to the post-constructor state. Eg reset colors if * need be etc */ this.reset = function () { }; /** * This parses a single color value */ this.parseSingleColorForGradient = function (color) { if (!color || typeof(color) != 'string') { return color; } if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) { var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':'); // Create the gradient var grad = co.createLinearGradient(0,ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom'], 0, prop['chart.gutter.top']); var diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1); grad.addColorStop(0, RG.trim(parts[0])); for (var j=1,len=parts.length; j<len; ++j) { grad.addColorStop(j * diff, RGraph.trim(parts[j])); } } return grad ? grad : color; }; this.drawBevel = this.DrawBevel = function () { var coords = this.coords; var coords2 = this.coords2; var prop = this.properties; var co = this.context; var ca = this.canvas; if (prop['chart.grouping'] == 'stacked') { for (var i=0; i<coords2.length; ++i) { if (coords2[i] && coords2[i][0] && coords2[i][0][0]) { var x = coords2[i][0][0]; var y = coords2[i][0][1]; var w = coords2[i][0][2]; var arr = []; for (var j=0; j<coords2[i].length; ++j) { arr.push(coords2[i][j][3]); } var h = RGraph.array_sum(arr); co.save(); co.strokeStyle = 'black'; // Clip to the rect co.beginPath(); co.rect(x, y, w, h); co.clip(); // Add the shadow co.shadowColor = 'black'; co.shadowOffsetX = 0; co.shadowOffsetY = 0; co.shadowBlur = 20; co.beginPath(); co.rect(x - 3, y - 3, w + 6, h + 100); co.lineWidth = 5; co.stroke(); co.restore(); } } } else { for (var i=0; i<coords.length; ++i) { if (coords[i]) { var x = coords[i][0]; var y = coords[i][1]; var w = coords[i][2]; var h = coords[i][3]; var xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos']; var xaxis_ycoord = ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop; co.save(); co.strokeStyle = 'black'; // Clip to the rect co.beginPath(); co.rect(x, y, w, h); co.clip(); // Add the shadow co.shadowColor = 'black'; co.shadowOffsetX = 0; co.shadowOffsetY = 0; co.shadowBlur = 20; if (xaxispos == 'top' || (xaxispos == 'center' && (y + h) > xaxis_ycoord)) { y = y - 100; h = h + 100; } else { y = y; h = h + 100; } co.beginPath(); co.rect(x - 3, y - 3, w + 6, h + 6); co.lineWidth = 5; co.stroke(); co.restore(); } } } }; /** * This function handles highlighting an entire data-series for the interactive * key * * @param int index The index of the data series to be highlighted */ this.interactiveKeyHighlight = function (index) { this.coords2.forEach(function (value, idx, arr) { if (typeof value[index] == 'object' && value[index]) { var x = value[index][0] var y = value[index][1] var w = value[index][2] var h = value[index][3] co.fillStyle = prop['chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.fill']; co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.stroke']; co.lineWidth = 2; co.strokeRect(x, y, w, h); co.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } }); }; /** * Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method chaining * * @param string type The type of even to add * @param function func */ this.on = function (type, func) { if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') { type = 'on' + type; } if (typeof this[type] !== 'function') { this[type] = func; } else { RG.addCustomEventListener(this, type, func); } return this; }; /** * Draws the above labels */ this.drawAboveLabels = function () { var labels = prop['chart.labels.above'], specific = prop['chart.labels.above.specific'], color = prop['chart.labels.above.color'], background= prop['chart.labels.above.background'], decimals = prop['chart.labels.above.decimals'], size = prop['chart.labels.above.size'], angle = -1 * prop['chart.labels.above.angle'], unitsPre = prop['chart.labels.above.units.pre'], unitsPost = prop['chart.labels.above.units.post'], coords = this.coords, coords2 = this.coords2, data = this.data, ldata = RG.arrayLinearize(this.data), offset = prop['chart.labels.above.offset'], text_font = prop['chart.text.font'], text_size = prop['chart.text.size'], grouping = prop['chart.grouping'] // Turn off any shadow RG.noShadow(this); // Color co.fillStyle = typeof color === 'string' ? color : prop['chart.text.color']; // This bit draws the text labels that appear above the bars if requested if (labels && grouping === 'grouped') { for (var i=0,len=data.length,sequentialIndex=0; i<len; i+=1) { // Alignment for regular, positive bars if (typeof data[i] === 'number' && data[i] >= 0) { var angle = angle; var halign = (angle ? 'left' : 'center'); var valign = angle !== 0 ? 'center' : 'bottom'; RG.text2(this, { 'font': text_font, 'size': typeof size === 'number' ? size : text_size - 3, 'x': coords2[i][0][0] + (coords2[i][0][2] / 2), 'y': coords2[i][0][1] - offset, 'text': specific ? (specific[sequentialIndex] || '') : RG.numberFormat(this, Number(typeof data[i] === 'object' ? data[i][0] : data[i]).toFixed(decimals), unitsPre, unitsPost), 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign, 'angle': angle, 'marker': false, 'bounding': true, 'bounding.fill': background, 'bounding.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'tag': 'labels.above' }); sequentialIndex++; // Alignment for regular, negative bars } else if (typeof data[i] === 'number' && data[i] < 0) { var angle = angle; var halign = angle ? 'right' : 'center'; var valign = angle !== 0 ? 'center' : 'top'; RG.text2(this, { 'font': text_font, 'size': typeof size === 'number' ? size : text_size - 3, 'x': coords2[i][0][0] + (coords2[i][0][2] / 2), 'y': coords2[i][0][1] + coords2[i][0][3] + offset, 'text': specific ? (specific[sequentialIndex] || '') : RG.numberFormat(this, Number(typeof data[i] === 'object' ? data[i][0] : data[i]).toFixed(decimals), unitsPre, unitsPost), 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign, 'angle': angle, 'bounding': true, 'bounding.fill': background, 'bounding.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'marker': false, 'tag': 'labels.above' }); sequentialIndex++; // Alignment for grouped bars } else if (typeof data[i] === 'object') { for (var j=0,len2=data[i].length; j<len2; j+=1) { var angle = angle; var halign = data[i][j] < 0 ? 'right' : 'left'; halign = angle === 0 ? 'center' : halign; var valign = data[i][j] < 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom'; valign = angle != 0 ? 'center' : valign; RG.text2(this, { 'font': text_font, 'size': typeof size === 'number' ? size : text_size - 3, 'x': coords2[i][j][0] + (coords2[i][j][2] / 2), 'y': coords2[i][j][1] + (data[i][j] < 0 ? coords2[i][j][3] + offset: -offset), 'text': specific ? (specific[sequentialIndex] || '') : RG.numberFormat(this, Number(data[i][j]).toFixed(decimals), unitsPre, unitsPost), 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign, 'angle': angle, 'bounding': true, 'bounding.fill': background, 'bounding.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'marker': false, 'tag': 'labels.above' }); sequentialIndex++; } } } /** * STACKED bars */ } else if (labels && grouping === 'stacked') { for (var i=0,len=data.length,sequentialIndex=0; i<len; i+=1) { if (typeof data[i] === 'object') { var angle = angle; var halign = angle != 0 ? 'left' : 'center'; var valign = angle != 0 ? 'center' : 'bottom'; RG.text2(this, { 'font': text_font, 'size': typeof size === 'number' ? size : text_size - 3, 'x': coords2[i][0][0] + (coords2[i][0][2] / 2), 'y': coords2[i][0][1] + (data[i][0] < 0 ? coords2[i][0][3] : 0) - offset, 'text': specific ? (specific[sequentialIndex] || '') : RG.numberFormat(this, Number(RG.arraySum(data[i])).toFixed(decimals), unitsPre, unitsPost), 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign, 'angle': angle, 'bounding': true, 'bounding.fill': background, 'bounding.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'marker': false, 'tag': 'labels.above' }); sequentialIndex += data[i].length; /** * Regular numbers but in a stacked grouping */ } else { var angle = angle; var halign = angle != 0 ? 'left' : 'center'; var valign = angle != 0 ? 'center' : 'bottom'; RG.text2(this, { 'font': text_font, 'size': typeof size === 'number' ? size : text_size - 3, 'x': coords2[i][0][0] + (coords2[i][0][2] / 2), 'y': coords2[i][0][1] + (data[i][0] < 0 ? coords2[i][0][3] : 0) - offset, 'text': specific ? (specific[sequentialIndex] || '') : RG.numberFormat(this, Number(data[i]).toFixed(decimals), unitsPre, unitsPost), 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign, 'angle': angle, 'bounding': true, 'bounding.fill': background, 'bounding.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'marker': false, 'tag': 'labels.above' }); sequentialIndex++; } } } }; /** * This function runs once only */ this.firstDrawFunc = function () { }; /** * (new) Bar chart Wave effect. This is a rewrite that should be smoother * because it just uses a single loop and not setTimeout * * @param object OPTIONAL An object map of options. You specify 'frames' here to give the number of frames in the effect * @param function OPTIONAL A function that will be called when the effect is complete */ this.wave = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, labelsAbove = this.get('labelsAbove'); opt.frames = opt.frames || 60; opt.startFrames = []; opt.counters = []; var framesperbar = opt.frames / 3, frame = -1, callback = arguments[1] || function () {}, original = RG.arrayClone(this.original_data); // // turn off the labelsAbove option whilst animating // this.set('labelsAbove', false); for (var i=0,len=obj.data.length; i<len; i+=1) { opt.startFrames[i] = ((opt.frames / 2) / (obj.data.length - 1)) * i; if (typeof obj.data[i] === 'object' && obj.data[i]) { opt.counters[i] = []; for (var j=0; j<obj.data[i].length; j++) { opt.counters[i][j] = 0; } } else { opt.counters[i] = 0; } } /** * This stops the chart from jumping */ obj.draw(); obj.Set('ymax', obj.scale2.max); RG.clear(obj.canvas); function iterator () { ++frame; for (var i=0,len=obj.data.length; i<len; i+=1) { if (frame > opt.startFrames[i]) { if (typeof obj.data[i] === 'number') { obj.data[i] = ma.min( ma.abs(original[i]), ma.abs(original[i] * ( (opt.counters[i]++) / framesperbar)) ); // Make the number negative if the original was if (original[i] < 0) { obj.data[i] *= -1; } } else if (!RG.isNull(obj.data[i])) { for (var j=0,len2=obj.data[i].length; j<len2; j+=1) { obj.data[i][j] = ma.min( ma.abs(original[i][j]), ma.abs(original[i][j] * ( (opt.counters[i][j]++) / framesperbar)) ); // Make the number negative if the original was if (original[i][j] < 0) { obj.data[i][j] *= -1; } } } } else { obj.data[i] = typeof obj.data[i] === 'object' && obj.data[i] ? RG.arrayPad([], obj.data[i].length, 0) : (RG.isNull(obj.data[i]) ? null : 0); } } if (frame >= opt.frames) { if (labelsAbove) { obj.set('labelsAbove', true); RG.redraw(); } callback(obj); } else { RG.redrawCanvas(obj.canvas); RG.Effects.updateCanvas(iterator); } } iterator(); return this; }; /** * Color Wave effect. This fades in color sequentially like the wave effect * makes the bars grow. * * @param object OPTIONAL An object map of options. You specify 'frames' * here to give the number of frames in the effect * @param function OPTIONAL A function that will be called when the effect * is complete */ this.colorWave = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}; opt.frames = opt.frames || 60; opt.startFrames = []; opt.counters = [], colors = obj.properties['chart.colors']; // If just one color is specified and colorsSequential is not, then // pad the colors array out if (colors.length <= obj.data.length) { obj.set('chart.colors.sequential', true); colors = RG.arrayPad(colors, obj.data.length, colors[colors.length - 1]); } var framesperbar = opt.frames / 2, frame = -1, callback = arguments[1] || function () {}, originalColors = RG.arrayClone(obj.properties['chart.colors']); for (var i=0,len=originalColors.length; i<len; i+=1) { opt.startFrames[i] = ((opt.frames / 2) / (originalColors.length - 1)) * i; opt.counters[i] = 0; } function iterator () { ++frame; for (var i=0,len=colors.length; i<len; i+=1) { if (frame > opt.startFrames[i] && colors[i].match(/^rgba?\(([0-9 ]+),([0-9 ]+),([0-9 ]+)(,([ 0-9.]+)?)\)/)) { // DO NOT USE SPACES! colors[i] = 'rgba({1},{2},{3},{4})'.format( RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, RegExp.$3, (frame - opt.startFrames[i]) / framesperbar ); } else { colors[i] = colors[i].replace(/,[0-9. ]+\)/, ',0)'); } } if (frame >= opt.frames) { callback(obj); } else { RG.redrawCanvas(obj.canvas); RG.Effects.updateCanvas(iterator); } } iterator(); return this; }; /** * Grow * * The Bar chart Grow effect gradually increases the values of the bars * * @param object An object of options - eg: {frames: 30} * @param function A function to call when the effect is complete */ this.grow = function () { // Callback var opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 30, frame = 0, callback = arguments[1] || function () {}, obj = this, labelsAbove = this.get('labelsAbove') // Go through the data and change string arguments of the format +/-[0-9] // to absolute numbers if (RG.isArray(opt.data)) { var ymax = 0; for (var i=0; i<opt.data.length; ++i) { if (typeof opt.data[i] === 'object') { for (var j=0; j<opt.data[i].length; ++j) { if (typeof opt.data[i][j] === 'string'&& opt.data[i][j].match(/(\+|\-)([0-9]+)/)) { if (RegExp.$1 === '+') { opt.data[i][j] = this.original_data[i][j] + parseInt(RegExp.$2); } else { opt.data[i][j] = this.original_data[i][j] - parseInt(RegExp.$2); } } ymax = ma.max(ymax, opt.data[i][j]); } } else if (typeof opt.data[i] === 'string' && opt.data[i].match(/(\+|\-)([0-9]+)/)) { if (RegExp.$1 === '+') { opt.data[i] = this.original_data[i] + parseInt(RegExp.$2); } else { opt.data[i] = this.original_data[i] - parseInt(RegExp.$2); } ymax = ma.max(ymax, opt.data[i]); } else { ymax = ma.max(ymax, opt.data[i]); } } var scale = RG.getScale2(this, {'max':ymax}); this.Set('chart.ymax', scale.max); } // // turn off the labelsAbove option whilst animating // this.set('labelsAbove', false); // Stop the scale from changing by setting chart.ymax (if it's not already set) if (prop['chart.ymax'] == null) { var ymax = 0; for (var i=0; i<obj.data.length; ++i) { if (RG.isArray(this.data[i]) && prop['chart.grouping'] === 'stacked') { ymax = ma.max(ymax, ma.abs(RG.arraySum(this.data[i]))); } else if (RG.isArray(this.data[i]) && prop['chart.grouping'] === 'grouped') { for (var j=0,group=[]; j<this.data[i].length; j++) { group.push(ma.abs(this.data[i][j])); } ymax = ma.max(ymax, ma.abs(RG.arrayMax(group))); } else { ymax = ma.max(ymax, ma.abs(this.data[i])); } } var scale = RG.getScale2(this, {'max':ymax}); this.Set('chart.ymax', scale.max); } // You can give a ymax to the grow function if (typeof opt.ymax === 'number') { obj.set('ymax', opt.ymax); } var iterator = function () { var easingMultiplier = RG.Effects.getEasingMultiplier(frames, frame); // Alter the Bar chart data depending on the frame for (var j=0,len=obj.original_data.length; j<len; ++j) { if (typeof obj.data[j] === 'object' && !RG.isNull(obj.data[j])) { for (var k=0,len2=obj.data[j].length; k<len2; ++k) { if (obj.firstDraw || !opt.data) { obj.data[j][k] = easingMultiplier * obj.original_data[j][k]; } else if (opt.data && opt.data.length === obj.original_data.length) { var diff = opt.data[j][k] - obj.original_data[j][k]; obj.data[j][k] = (easingMultiplier * diff) + obj.original_data[j][k]; } } } else { if (obj.firstDraw || !opt.data) { obj.data[j] = easingMultiplier * obj.original_data[j]; } else if (opt.data && opt.data.length === obj.original_data.length) { var diff = opt.data[j] - obj.original_data[j]; obj.data[j] = (easingMultiplier * diff) + obj.original_data[j]; } } } //RGraph.clear(obj.canvas); RG.redrawCanvas(obj.canvas); if (frame < frames) { frame += 1; RG.Effects.updateCanvas(iterator); // Call the callback function } else { // Do some housekeeping if new data was specified thats done in // the constructor - but needs to be redone because new data // has been specified if (RG.isArray(opt.data)) { var linear_data = RG.arrayLinearize(data); for (var i=0; i<linear_data.length; ++i) { if (!obj['$' + i]) { obj['$' + i] = {}; } } } obj.data = data; obj.original_data = RG.arrayClone(data); if (labelsAbove) { obj.set('labelsAbove', true); RG.redraw(); } callback(obj); } }; iterator(); return this; }; // // Draws error-bars for the Bar and Line charts // this.drawErrorbars = function () { var coords = this.coords, color = prop['chart.errorbars.color'] || 'black', default_halfwidth = ma.min(prop['chart.errorbars.capped.width'], coords[0][2]) / 2, x = 0, errorbars = prop['chart.errorbars'], length = 0; // If not capped set the width of the cqap to zero if (!prop['chart.errorbars.capped']) { prop['chart.errorbars.capped.width'] = 0; halfwidth = 0; } // Set the linewidth co.lineWidth = prop['chart.errorbars.linewidth']; for (var i=0; i<coords.length; ++i) { // Default to black color = prop['chart.errorbars.color'] || 'black'; // Set the perbar linewidth if the fourth option in the array // is specified if (errorbars[i] && typeof errorbars[i][3] === 'number') { co.lineWidth = errorbars[i][3]; } // Set the halfwidth var halfwidth = (errorbars[i]&& typeof errorbars[i][4] === 'number') ? errorbars[i][4] / 2 : default_halfwidth; if (!prop['chart.errorbars.capped']) { halfwidth = 0; } // Calulate the pixel size if (typeof errorbars[i] === 'number') { length = ma.abs(this.getYCoord(errorbars[i]) - this.getYCoord(0)); if (length) { pa2( co, 'b m % % l % % l % % l % % s %', coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1], coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1] - length, coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) - halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] - length), coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) + halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] - length), color ); } } else if (typeof errorbars[i] === 'object' && !RG.isNull(errorbars[i])) { var positiveLength = ma.abs(this.getYCoord(errorbars[i][0]) - this.getYCoord(0)); // Color if (typeof errorbars[i][1] === 'string') { color = errorbars[i][1]; } else if (typeof errorbars[i][2] === 'string') { color = errorbars[i][2]; } // Cap width halfwidth = typeof errorbars[i][4] === 'number' ? errorbars[i][4] / 2 : default_halfwidth; if (!prop['chart.errorbars.capped']) { halfwidth = 0; } if (!RG.isNull(errorbars[i][0])) { pa2( co, 'b m % % l % % l % % l % % s %', coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1], coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1] - positiveLength, coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) - halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] - positiveLength), coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) + halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] - positiveLength), color ); } if (typeof errorbars[i][1] === 'number') { var negativeLength = ma.abs(this.getYCoord(errorbars[i][1]) - this.getYCoord(0)); pa2( co, 'b m % % l % % l % % l % % s %', coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1], coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2), coords[i][1] + negativeLength, coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) - halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] + negativeLength), coords[i][0] + (coords[i][2] / 2) + halfwidth, ma.round(coords[i][1] + negativeLength), color ); } } // Reset the perbar linewidth to the default if the fourth option // in the array was specified specified if (errorbars[i] && typeof errorbars[i][3] === 'number') { co.lineWidth = prop['chart.errorbars.linewidth']; } } }; // // A per-object to test whether a particular bar is adjustable or not // // @param shape The shape object // this.isAdjustable = function (shape) { if (RG.isNull(prop['chart.adjustable.only']) || !RG.isArray(prop['chart.adjustable.only'])) { return true; } if (RG.isArray(prop['chart.adjustable.only']) && prop['chart.adjustable.only'][shape.index]) { return true; } return false; }; /** * Register the object */ RG.register(this); /** * This is the 'end' of the constructor so if the first argument * contains configuration dsta - handle that. */ if (parseConfObjectForOptions) { RG.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, conf.options); } }; /********************************************************************************************************* * This is the combined bar and Line class which makes creating bar/line combo charts a little bit easier * /*********************************************************************************************************/ RGraph.CombinedChart = function () { /** * Create a default empty array for the objects */ this.objects = []; var objects = []; if (RGraph.isArray(arguments[0])) { objects = arguments[0]; } else { for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i+=1) { objects[i] = arguments[i]; } } for (var i=0; i<objects.length; ++i) { this.objects[i] = objects[i]; /** * Set the Line chart gutters to match the Bar chart gutters */ this.objects[i].set({ gutterLeft: this.objects[0].get('gutter.left'), // Needs to use the dot form to skirt an IE9 bug gutterRight: this.objects[0].get('gutter.right'), // Needs to use the dot form to skirt an IE9 bug gutterTop: this.objects[0].get('gutter.top'), // Needs to use the dot form to skirt an IE9 bug gutterBottom: this.objects[0].get('gutter.bottom') // Needs to use the dot form to skirt an IE9 bug }); if (this.objects[i].type == 'line') { var obj = this.objects[i]; /** * Set the line chart hmargin */ obj.set('hmargin', ((this.objects[0].canvas.width - this.objects[0].Get('chart.gutter.right') - this.objects[0].Get('chart.gutter.left')) / this.objects[0].data.length) / 2 ); /** * No labels, axes or grid on the Line chart */ obj.set('noaxes', true); obj.set('backgroundGrid', false); obj.set('ylabels', false); } /** * Resizing */ if (this.objects[i].get('chart.resizable')) { var resizable_object = obj; } } /** * Resizing */ if (resizable_object) { /** * This recalculates the Line chart hmargin when the chart is resized */ function myOnresizebeforedraw (obj) { var gutterLeft = obj.get('gutterLeft'); var gutterRight = obj.get('gutterRight'); obj.set('hmargin', (obj.canvas.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight) / (obj.original_data[0].length * 2)); } RGraph.AddCustomEventListener( resizable_object, 'onresizebeforedraw', myOnresizebeforedraw ); } }; /** * The Add method can be used to add methods to the CombinedChart object. */ RGraph.CombinedChart.prototype.add = RGraph.CombinedChart.prototype.Add = function (obj) { this.objects.push(obj); }; /** * The Draw method goes through all of the objects drawing them (sequentially) */ RGraph.CombinedChart.prototype.draw = RGraph.CombinedChart.prototype.Draw = function () { for (var i=0; i<this.objects.length; ++i) { if (this.objects[i].properties['chart.combinedchart.effect']) { // The options must be given as a string because of the // RGraph configuration system var options = this.objects[i].properties['chart.combinedchart.effect.options'] ? eval('(' + this.objects[i].properties['chart.combinedchart.effect.options'] + ')') : null, callback = this.objects[i].properties['chart.combinedchart.effect.callback'], func = this.objects[i].properties['chart.combinedchart.effect']; (this.objects[i][func])(options, callback); } else { this.objects[i].draw(); } } };