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// version: 2017-11-25
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | |
* | RGraph is licensed under the Open Source MIT license. That means that it's |
* | totally free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it! |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
* This is a useful function which is basically a shortcut for drawing left, right, top and bottom alligned text.
* @param object context The context
* @param string font The font
* @param int size The size of the text
* @param int x The X coordinate
* @param int y The Y coordinate
* @param string text The text to draw
* @parm string The vertical alignment. Can be null. "center" gives center aligned text, "top" gives top aligned text.
* Anything else produces bottom aligned text. Default is bottom.
* @param string The horizontal alignment. Can be null. "center" gives center aligned text, "right" gives right aligned text.
* Anything else produces left aligned text. Default is left.
* @param bool Whether to show a bounding box around the text. Defaults not to
* @param int The angle that the text should be rotate at (IN DEGREES)
* @param string Background color for the text
* @param bool Whether the text is bold or not
RG.text =
RG.Text = function (context, font, size, x, y, text)
// "Cache" the args as a local variable
var args = arguments;
// Handle undefined - change it to an empty string
if ((typeof(text) != 'string' && typeof(text) != 'number') || text == 'undefined') {
* This accommodates multi-line text
if (typeof(text) == 'string' && text.match(/\r\n/)) {
var dimensions = RGraph.MeasureText('M', args[11], font, size);
* Measure the text (width and height)
var arr = text.split('\r\n');
* Adjust the Y position
// This adjusts the initial y position
if (args[6] && args[6] == 'center') y = (y - (dimensions[1] * ((arr.length - 1) / 2)));
for (var i=1; i<arr.length; ++i) {
args[9] == -90 ? (x + (size * 1.5)) : x,
y + (dimensions[1] * i),
args[6] ? args[6] : null,
// Update text to just be the first line
text = arr[0];
// Accommodate MSIE
if (document.all && RGraph.ISOLD) {
y += 2;
context.font = (args[11] ? 'Bold ': '') + size + 'pt ' + font;
var i;
var origX = x;
var origY = y;
var originalFillStyle = context.fillStyle;
var originalLineWidth = context.lineWidth;
// Need these now the angle can be specified, ie defaults for the former two args
if (typeof(args[6]) == 'undefined') args[6] = 'bottom'; // Vertical alignment. Default to bottom/baseline
if (typeof(args[7]) == 'undefined') args[7] = 'left'; // Horizontal alignment. Default to left
if (typeof(args[8]) == 'undefined') args[8] = null; // Show a bounding box. Useful for positioning during development. Defaults to false
if (typeof(args[9]) == 'undefined') args[9] = 0; // Angle (IN DEGREES) that the text should be drawn at. 0 is middle right, and it goes clockwise
// The alignment is recorded here for purposes of Opera compatibility
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1) {
context.canvas.__rgraph_valign__ = args[6];
context.canvas.__rgraph_halign__ = args[7];
// First, translate to x/y coords;
context.canvas.__rgraph_originalx__ = x;
context.canvas.__rgraph_originaly__ = y;
context.translate(x, y);
x = 0;
y = 0;
// Rotate the canvas if need be
if (args[9]) {
context.rotate(args[9] / (180 / RGraph.PI));
// Vertical alignment - defaults to bottom
if (args[6]) {
var vAlign = args[6];
if (vAlign == 'center') {
context.textBaseline = 'middle';
} else if (vAlign == 'top') {
context.textBaseline = 'top';
// Hoeizontal alignment - defaults to left
if (args[7]) {
var hAlign = args[7];
var width = context.measureText(text).width;
if (hAlign) {
if (hAlign == 'center') {
context.textAlign = 'center';
} else if (hAlign == 'right') {
context.textAlign = 'right';
context.fillStyle = originalFillStyle;
* Draw a bounding box if requested
context.lineWidth = 1;
var width = context.measureText(text).width;
var width_offset = (hAlign == 'center' ? (width / 2) : (hAlign == 'right' ? width : 0));
var height = size * 1.5; // !!!
var height_offset = (vAlign == 'center' ? (height / 2) : (vAlign == 'top' ? height : 0));
var ieOffset = RGraph.ISOLD ? 2 : 0;
if (args[8]) {
context.strokeRect(-3 - width_offset,
0 - 3 - height - ieOffset + height_offset,
width + 6,
height + 6);
* If requested, draw a background for the text
if (args[10]) {
context.fillStyle = args[10];
context.fillRect(-3 - width_offset,
0 - 3 - height - ieOffset + height_offset,
width + 6,
height + 6);
context.fillStyle = originalFillStyle;
* Do the actual drawing of the text
// Reset the lineWidth
context.lineWidth = originalLineWidth;
* This function returns the mouse position in relation to the canvas
* @param object e The event object.
RG.getMouseXY = function (e)
var el = (RGraph.ISOLD ? event.srcElement :;
var x;
var y;
// ???
var paddingLeft = ? parseInt( : 0;
var paddingTop = ? parseInt( : 0;
var borderLeft = ? parseInt( : 0;
var borderTop = ? parseInt( : 0;
if (RGraph.ISIE8) e = event;
// Browser with offsetX and offsetY
if (typeof(e.offsetX) == 'number' && typeof(e.offsetY) == 'number') {
x = e.offsetX;
y = e.offsetY;
// FF and other
} else {
x = 0;
y = 0;
while (el != document.body && el) {
x += el.offsetLeft;
y += el.offsetTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
x = e.pageX - x;
y = e.pageY - y;
return [x, y];
* This function attempts to "fill in" missing functions from the canvas
* context object. Only two at the moment - measureText() nd fillText().
* @param object context The canvas 2D context
RG.oldBrowserCompat =
RG.OldBrowserCompat = function (co)
if (!co) {
if (!co.measureText) {
// This emulates the measureText() function
co.measureText = function (text)
var textObj = document.createElement('DIV');
textObj.innerHTML = text; = 'absolute'; = '-100px'; = 0;
var width = {width: textObj.offsetWidth}; = 'none';
return width;
if (!co.fillText) {
// This emulates the fillText() method
co.fillText = function (text, targetX, targetY)
return false;
// If IE8, add addEventListener()
if (!co.canvas.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener = function (ev, func, bubble)
return this.attachEvent('on' + ev, func);
co.canvas.addEventListener = function (ev, func, bubble)
return this.attachEvent('on' + ev, func);
* Similar to the jQuery each() function - this lets you iterate easily over an array. The 'this' variable is set]
* to the array in the callback function.
* @param array arr The array
* @param function func The function to call
* @param object Optionally you can specify the object that the "this" variable is set to
RG.each = function (arr, func)
for(var i=0, len=arr.length; i<len; i+=1) {
if (typeof arguments[2] !== 'undefined') {
var ret =[2], i, arr[i]);
} else {
var ret =, i, arr[i]);
if (ret === false) {
* An old function the was used before all 4 gutters were added
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.getHeight =
RG.GetHeight = function (obj)
return obj.canvas.height;
* An old function the was used before all 4 gutters were added
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.getWidth =
RG.GetWidth = function (obj)
return obj.canvas.width;
* A timer function for measuring... time!
* @param string label A string to associate with this 'checkpoint'
RG.timer =
RG.Timer = function (label)
if(typeof RG.TIMER_LAST_CHECKPOINT == 'undefined') {
var now =;
console.log(label+': ' + (now - RG.TIMER_LAST_CHECKPOINT).toString());
* If you prefer, you can use the SetConfig() method to set the configuration information
* for your chart. You may find that setting the configuration this way eases reuse.
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param object config The graph configuration information
RG.setConfig =
RG.SetConfig = function (obj, config)
for (i in config) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
obj.Set(i, config[i]);
return obj;
// End module pattern
})(window, document);
* Checks whether strings or numbers are empty or not. It also
* handles null or variables set to undefined. If a variable really
* is undefined - ie it hasn't been declared at all - you need to use
* "typeof variable" and check the return value - which will be undefined.
* @param mixed value The variable to check
window.$empty = function (value)
if (!value || value.length <= 0) {
return true;
return false;