The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

// version: 2017-11-25
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | |
* | RGraph is licensed under the Open Source MIT license. That means that it's |
* | totally free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it! |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true,isRGraphSVG: true};
RGraph.SVG = RGraph.SVG || {};
RGraph.SVG.FX = RGraph.SVG.FX || {};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
store: []
// ObjectRegistry
RG.SVG.OR = {objects: []};
// Used to categorise trigonometery functions
RG.SVG.TRIG.HALFPI = ma.PI * .4999;
RG.SVG.ISIE = ua.indexOf('rident') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISFF = ua.indexOf('irefox') > 0; = [];
// This allows you to set globalconfiguration values that are copied to
// all objects automatically.
RG.SVG.ISFF = ua.indexOf('Firefox') != -1;
RG.SVG.ISOPERA = ua.indexOf('Opera') != -1;
RG.SVG.ISCHROME = ua.indexOf('Chrome') != -1;
RG.SVG.ISSAFARI = ua.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && !RG.ISCHROME;
RG.SVG.ISWEBKIT = ua.indexOf('WebKit') != -1;
RG.SVG.ISIE = ua.indexOf('Trident') > 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE6 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE7 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 7') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE8 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 8') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE9 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 9') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE10 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 10') > 0;
RG.SVG.ISIE11UP = ua.indexOf('MSIE') == -1 && ua.indexOf('Trident') > 0;
// Create an SVG tag
RG.SVG.createSVG = function (opt)
var container = opt.container,
obj = opt.object;
if (container.__svg__) {
return container.__svg__;
var svg = doc.createElementNS("", "svg");
svg.setAttribute('style', 'top: 0; left: 0; position: absolute');
svg.setAttribute('width', container.offsetWidth);
svg.setAttribute('height', container.offsetHeight);
svg.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
svg.setAttributeNS("", 'xmlns', '');
svg.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:xlink", "");
container.__svg__ = svg;
var style = getComputedStyle(container);
if (style.position !== 'absolute' && style.position !== 'fixed' && style.position !== 'sticky') { = 'relative';
// Add the groups that facilitate "background layers"
var numLayers = 10;
for (var i=1; i<=numLayers; ++i) {
var group = RG.SVG.create({
svg: svg,
type: 'g',
attr: {
className: 'background' + i
// Store a reference to the group
obj.layers['background' + i] = group;
svg['background' + i] = group;
// Add the group tag to the SVG that contains all of the elements
var group = RG.SVG.create({
svg: svg,
type: 'g',
attr: {
className: 'all-elements'
container.__svg__.all = group;
return svg;
// Create a defs tag inside the SVG
RG.SVG.createDefs = function (obj)
if (!obj.svg.defs) {
var defs = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'defs'
obj.svg.defs = defs;
return defs;
// Creates a tag depending on the args that you give
//@param opt object The options for the function
RG.SVG.create = function (opt)
tag = doc.createElementNS(ns, opt.type);
// Add the attributes
for (var o in opt.attr) {
if (typeof o === 'string') {
var name = o;
if (o === 'className') {
name = 'class';
if ( (opt.type === 'a' || opt.type === 'image') && o === 'xlink:href') {
tag.setAttributeNS('', o, String(opt.attr[o]));
} else {
tag.setAttribute(name, String(opt.attr[o]));
// Add the style
for (var o in {
if (typeof o === 'string') {[o] = String([o]);
if (opt.parent) {
} else {
return tag;
// Function that adds up all of the offsetLeft and offsetTops to get
// X/Y coords for the mouse
//@param object e The event object
//@return array The X/Y coordinate pair representing the mouse
// location in relation to the SVG tag.
RG.SVG.getMouseXY = function(e)
// This is necessary for IE9
if (! {
var el =, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, x, y;
if (typeof el.offsetParent !== 'undefined') {
do {
offsetX += el.offsetLeft;
offsetY += el.offsetTop;
} while ((el = el.offsetParent));
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
x -= (2 * (parseInt( || 0));
y -= (2 * (parseInt( || 0));
// We return a javascript array with x and y defined
return [x, y];
// Draws an X axis
//@param The chart object
RG.SVG.drawXAxis = function (obj)
var prop =;
// Draw the axis
if (prop.xaxis) {
var y = obj.type === 'hbar' ? obj.height - prop.gutterBottom : obj.getYCoord(obj.scale.min < 0 && obj.scale.max < 0 ? obj.scale.max : (obj.scale.min > 0 && obj.scale.max > 0 ? obj.scale.min : 0));
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
obj.width - prop.gutterRight,
fill: prop.xaxisColor,
stroke: prop.xaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.xaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': 'crispEdges',
'stroke-linecap': 'square'
// HBar X axis
if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var width = obj.graphWidth /,
x = prop.gutterLeft,
startY = (obj.height - prop.gutterBottom),
endY = (obj.height - prop.gutterBottom) + prop.xaxisTickmarksLength;
// Line/Bar/Waterfall/Scatter X axis
} else {
var width = obj.graphWidth /,
x = prop.gutterLeft,
startY = obj.getYCoord(0) - (prop.yaxisMin < 0 ? prop.xaxisTickmarksLength : 0),
endY = obj.getYCoord(0) + prop.xaxisTickmarksLength;
if (obj.scale.min < 0 && obj.scale.max <= 0) {
startY = prop.gutterTop;
endY = prop.gutterTop - prop.xaxisTickmarksLength;
if (obj.scale.min > 0 && obj.scale.max > 0) {
startY = obj.getYCoord(obj.scale.min);
endY = obj.getYCoord(obj.scale.min) + prop.xaxisTickmarksLength;
// Draw the tickmarks
if (prop.xaxisTickmarks) {
// The HBar uses a scale
if (prop.xaxisScale) {
for (var i=0; i<(typeof prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount : (obj.scale.numlabels + (prop.yaxis && prop.xaxisMin === 0 ? 0 : 1))); ++i) {
if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var dataPoints =;
x = prop.gutterLeft + ((i+(prop.yaxis && prop.xaxisMin === 0 ? 1 : 0)) * (obj.graphWidth / obj.scale.numlabels));
// Allow Manual specification of number of tickmarks
if (typeof prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount === 'number') {
dataPoints = prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount;
var gap = (obj.graphWidth / prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount);
x = (gap * i) + prop.gutterLeft + gap;
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
stroke: prop.xaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.xaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
} else {
// This style is used by Bar and Scatter charts
if (prop.xaxisLabelsPosition === 'section') {
if (obj.type === 'bar' || obj.type === 'waterfall') {
var dataPoints =;
} else if (obj.type === 'line'){
var dataPoints =[0].length;
} else if (obj.type === 'scatter') {
var dataPoints = prop.xaxisLabels ? prop.xaxisLabels.length : 10;
// Allow Manual specification of number of tickmarks
if (typeof prop.xaxisLabelsPositionSectionTickmarksCount === 'number') {
dataPoints = prop.xaxisLabelsPositionSectionTickmarksCount;
for (var i=0; i<dataPoints; ++i) {
x = prop.gutterLeft + ((i+1) * (obj.graphWidth / dataPoints));
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
x + 0.001,
stroke: prop.xaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.xaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
// This style is used by line charts
} else if (prop.xaxisLabelsPosition === 'edge') {
if (typeof prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount === 'number') {
var len = prop.xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount;
} else {
var len = &&[0] &&[0].length ?[0].length : 0;
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
var gap = ( (obj.graphWidth) / (len - 1)),
x = prop.gutterLeft + ((i+1) * gap);
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
x + 0.001,
stroke: prop.xaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.xaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
// Draw an extra tick if the Y axis is not being shown
if (prop.yaxis === false) {
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
prop.gutterLeft + 0.001,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.xaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.xaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges",
parent: obj.svg.all,
// Draw an X axis scale
if (prop.xaxisScale) {
if (obj.type === 'scatter') {
obj.xscale = RG.SVG.getScale({
object: obj,
numlabels: prop.xaxisLabelsCount,
unitsPre: prop.xaxisUnitsPre,
unitsPost: prop.xaxisUnitsPost,
max: prop.xaxisMax,
min: prop.xaxisMin,
point: prop.xaxisPoint,
round: prop.xaxisRound,
thousand: prop.xaxisThousand,
decimals: prop.xaxisDecimals,
strict: typeof prop.xaxisMax === 'number',
formatter: prop.xaxisFormatter
var segment = obj.graphWidth / prop.xaxisLabelsCount
for (var i=0; i<obj.xscale.labels.length; ++i) {
var x = prop.gutterLeft + (segment * i) + segment + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx;
var y = (obj.height - prop.gutterBottom) + (prop.xaxis ? prop.xaxisTickmarksLength + 6 : 10) + (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety;
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: obj.xscale.labels[i],
x: x,
y: y,
halign: 'center',
valign: 'top',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Add the minimum label if labels are enabled
if (prop.xaxisLabelsCount > 0) {
var y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety + (prop.xaxis ? prop.xaxisTickmarksLength + 6 : 10),
str = RG.SVG.numberFormat({
object: obj,
num: prop.xaxisMin.toFixed(prop.xaxisDecimals),
prepend: prop.xaxisUnitsPre,
append: prop.xaxisUnitsPost,
point: prop.xaxisPoint,
thousand: prop.xaxisThousand,
formatter: prop.xaxisFormatter
var text = RG.SVG.text({
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: typeof prop.xaxisFormatter === 'function' ? (prop.xaxisFormatter)(this, prop.xaxisMin) : str,
x: prop.gutterLeft + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y,
halign: 'center',
valign: 'top',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// =========================================================================
} else {
var segment = obj.graphWidth / prop.xaxisLabelsCount,
scale = obj.scale;
for (var i=0; i<scale.labels.length; ++i) {
var x = prop.gutterLeft + (segment * i) + segment + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx;
var y = (obj.height - prop.gutterBottom) + (prop.xaxis ? prop.xaxisTickmarksLength + 6 : 10) + (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety;
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: obj.scale.labels[i],
x: x,
y: y,
halign: 'center',
valign: 'top',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Add the minimum label if labels are enabled
if (prop.xaxisLabelsCount > 0) {
var y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety + (prop.xaxis ? prop.xaxisTickmarksLength + 6 : 10),
str = RG.SVG.numberFormat({
object: obj,
num: prop.xaxisMin.toFixed(prop.xaxisDecimals),
prepend: prop.xaxisUnitsPre,
append: prop.xaxisUnitsPost,
point: prop.xaxisPoint,
thousand: prop.xaxisThousand,
formatter: prop.xaxisFormatter
var text = RG.SVG.text({
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: typeof prop.xaxisFormatter === 'function' ? (prop.xaxisFormatter)(this, prop.xaxisMin) : str,
x: prop.gutterLeft + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y,
halign: 'center',
valign: 'top',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Draw the X axis labels
} else {
if (typeof prop.xaxisLabels === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.xaxisLabels) ) {
// Loop through the X labels
if (prop.xaxisLabelsPosition === 'section') {
var segment = (obj.width - prop.gutterLeft - prop.gutterRight) / prop.xaxisLabels.length;
for (var i=0; i<prop.xaxisLabels.length; ++i) {
var x = prop.gutterLeft + (segment / 2) + (i * segment);
if (obj.scale.max <=0 && obj.scale.min < obj.scale.max) {
var y = prop.gutterTop - (RG.SVG.ISFF ? 5 : 10) - (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety;
var valign = 'bottom';
} else {
var y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom + (RG.SVG.ISFF ? 5 : 10) + (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety;
var valign = 'top';
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: prop.xaxisLabels[i],
x: x + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y,
valign: valign,
halign: 'center',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || prop.textSize,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
} else if (prop.xaxisLabelsPosition === 'edge') {
if (obj.type === 'line') {
var hmargin = prop.hmargin;
} else {
var hmargin = 0;
var segment = (obj.graphWidth - hmargin - hmargin) / (prop.xaxisLabels.length - 1);
for (var i=0; i<prop.xaxisLabels.length; ++i) {
var x = prop.gutterLeft + (i * segment) + hmargin;
if (obj.scale.max <= 0 && obj.scale.min < 0) {
valign = 'bottom';
y = prop.gutterTop - (RG.SVG.ISFF ? 5 : 10) - (prop.xaxisTickmarksLength - 5) - (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety
} else {
valign = 'top';
y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom + (RG.SVG.ISFF ? 5 : 10) + (prop.xaxisTickmarksLength - 5) + (prop.xaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsety;
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: prop.xaxisLabels[i],
x: x + prop.xaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y,
valign: valign,
halign: 'center',
tag: 'labels.xaxis',
size: prop.xaxisTextSize || prop.textSize,
italic: prop.xaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
font: prop.xaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
bold: prop.xaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
color: prop.xaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Draws an Y axis
//@param The chart object
RG.SVG.drawYAxis = function (obj)
var prop =;
if (prop.yaxis) {
// The X coordinate that the Y axis is positioned at
if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var x = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMin > 0 ? prop.xaxisMin : 0);
if (prop.xaxisMin < 0 && prop.xaxisMax <= 0) {
x = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMax);
} else {
var x = prop.gutterLeft;
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom
stroke: prop.yaxisColor,
fill: prop.yaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.yaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.yaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges",
'stroke-linecap': 'square'
if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var height = (obj.graphHeight - prop.vmarginTop - prop.vmarginBottom) / prop.yaxisLabels.length,
y = prop.gutterTop + prop.vmarginTop,
len = prop.yaxisLabels.length,
startX = obj.getXCoord(0) + (prop.xaxisMin < 0 ? prop.yaxisTickmarksLength : 0),
endX = obj.getXCoord(0) - prop.yaxisTickmarksLength;
if (prop.xaxisMin < 0 && prop.xaxisMax <=0) {
startX = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMax);
endX = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMax) + 5;
// A custom number of tickmarks
if (typeof prop.yaxisLabelsPositionSectionTickmarksCount === 'number') {
len = prop.yaxisLabelsPositionSectionTickmarksCount;
height = (obj.graphHeight - prop.vmarginTop - prop.vmarginBottom) / len;
// Draw the tickmarks
if (prop.yaxisTickmarks) {
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
// Draw the axis
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
y + 0.001
stroke: prop.yaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.yaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.yaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
y += height;
// Draw an extra tick if the X axis position is not zero or
// if the xaxis is not being shown
if (prop.xaxis === false) {
if (obj.type === 'hbar' && prop.xaxisMin <= 0 && prop.xaxisMax < 0) {
var startX = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMax);
var endX = obj.getXCoord(prop.xaxisMax) + prop.yaxisTickmarksLength;
} else {
var startX = obj.getXCoord(0) - prop.yaxisTickmarksLength;
var endX = obj.getXCoord(0) + (prop.xaxisMin < 0 ? prop.yaxisTickmarksLength : 0);
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
ma.round(obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - parseFloat(prop.vmarginBottom)),
ma.round(obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - parseFloat(prop.vmarginBottom))
'stroke-width': typeof prop.yaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.yaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
// Bar, Line etc types of chart
} else {
var height = obj.graphHeight / prop.yaxisLabelsCount,
y = prop.gutterTop,
len = prop.yaxisLabelsCount,
startX = prop.gutterLeft,
endX = prop.gutterLeft - prop.yaxisTickmarksLength;
// A custom number of tickmarks
if (typeof prop.yaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount === 'number') {
len = prop.yaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount;
height = obj.graphHeight / len;
// Draw the tickmarks
if (prop.yaxisTickmarks) {
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
// Draw the axis
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
stroke: prop.yaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.yaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.yaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
y += height;
// Draw an extra tick if the X axis position is not zero or
//if the xaxis is not being shown
if ( (prop.yaxisMin !== 0 || prop.xaxis === false)
&& !(obj.scale.min > 0 && obj.scale.max > 0) ) {
var axis = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: 'M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
prop.gutterLeft - prop.yaxisTickmarksLength,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - 0.001
stroke: prop.yaxisColor,
'stroke-width': typeof prop.yaxisLinewidth === 'number' ? prop.yaxisLinewidth : 1,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges"
// Draw the Y axis labels
if (prop.yaxisScale) {
var segment = (obj.height - prop.gutterTop - prop.gutterBottom) / prop.yaxisLabelsCount;
for (var i=0; i<obj.scale.labels.length; ++i) {
var y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - (segment * i) - segment;
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: obj.scale.labels[i],
x: prop.gutterLeft - 7 - (prop.yaxis ? (prop.yaxisTickmarksLength - 3) : 0) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsety,
halign: prop.yaxisLabelsHalign || 'right',
valign: prop.yaxisLabelsValign || 'center',
tag: 'labels.yaxis',
font: prop.yaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.yaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.yaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.yaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.yaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Add the minimum label
var y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom,
str = (prop.yaxisUnitsPre + prop.yaxisMin.toFixed(prop.yaxisDecimals).replace(/\./, prop.yaxisPoint) + prop.yaxisUnitsPost);
var text = RG.SVG.text({
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: typeof prop.yaxisFormatter === 'function' ? (prop.yaxisFormatter)(this, prop.yaxisMin) : str,
x: prop.gutterLeft - 7 - (prop.yaxis ? (prop.yaxisTickmarksLength - 3) : 0) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsetx,
y: y + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsety,
halign: 'right',
valign: 'center',
tag: 'labels.yaxis',
font: prop.yaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.yaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: prop.yaxisTextBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.yaxisTextItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.yaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Draw Y axis labels (eg when specific labels are defined or
//the chart is an HBar
} else if (prop.yaxisLabels && prop.yaxisLabels.length) {
for (var i=0; i<prop.yaxisLabels.length; ++i) {
var segment = (obj.graphHeight - (prop.vmarginTop || 0) - (prop.vmarginBottom || 0) ) / prop.yaxisLabels.length,
y = prop.gutterTop + (prop.vmarginTop || 0) + (segment * i) + (segment / 2) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsety,
x = prop.gutterLeft - 7 /*- (prop.yaxis ? (prop.yaxisTickmarksLength) : 0)*/ - (prop.yaxisLinewidth || 1) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsetx,
halign = 'right';
// HBar labels
if (obj.type === 'hbar' && obj.scale.min < obj.scale.max && obj.scale.max <= 0) {
halign = 'left';
x = obj.width - prop.gutterRight + 7 + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsetx;
// HBar labels (again?)
} else if (obj.type === 'hbar' && !prop.yaxisLabelsSpecific) {
var segment = (obj.graphHeight - (prop.vmarginTop || 0) - (prop.vmarginBottom || 0) ) / (prop.yaxisLabels.length);
y = prop.gutterTop + (prop.vmarginTop || 0) + (segment * i) + (segment / 2) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsety;
// Specific scale
} else {
var segment = (obj.graphHeight - (prop.vmarginTop || 0) - (prop.vmarginBottom || 0) ) / (prop.yaxisLabels.length - 1);
y = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - (segment * i) + prop.yaxisLabelsOffsety;
var text = RG.SVG.text({
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
text: prop.yaxisLabels[i] ? prop.yaxisLabels[i] : '',
x: x,
y: y,
halign: halign,
valign: 'center',
tag: 'labels.yaxis',
font: prop.yaxisTextFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.yaxisTextSize || (typeof prop.textSize === 'number' ? prop.textSize + 'pt' : prop.textSize),
bold: typeof prop.yaxisTextBold === 'boolean' ? prop.yaxisTextBold : prop.textBold,
italic: typeof prop.yaxisTextItalic === 'boolean' ? prop.yaxisTextItalic : prop.textItalic,
color: prop.yaxisTextColor || prop.textColor
// Draws the background
//@param The chart object
RG.SVG.drawBackground = function (obj)
var prop =;
// Set these properties so that if it doesn't exist things don't fail
if (typeof prop.variant3dOffsetx !== 'number') prop.variant3dOffsetx = 0;
if (typeof prop.variant3dOffsety !== 'number') prop.variant3dOffsety = 0;
if (prop.backgroundColor) {
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
x: -1 + prop.variant3dOffsetx + prop.gutterLeft,
y: -1 - prop.variant3dOffsety + prop.gutterTop,
width: parseFloat(obj.svg.getAttribute('width')) + 2 - prop.gutterLeft - prop.gutterRight,
height: parseFloat(obj.svg.getAttribute('height')) + 2 - prop.gutterTop - prop.gutterBottom,
fill: prop.backgroundColor
// Render a background image
// <image xlink:href="firefox.jpg" x="0" y="0" height="50px" width="50px"/>
if (prop.backgroundImage) {
var attr = {
'xlink:href': prop.backgroundImage,
//preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice',
preserveAspectRatio: prop.backgroundImageAspect || 'none',
x: prop.gutterLeft,
y: prop.gutterTop
if (prop.backgroundImageStretch) {
attr.x = prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx;
attr.y = prop.gutterTop + prop.variant3dOffsety;
attr.width = obj.width - prop.gutterLeft - prop.gutterRight;
attr.height = obj.height - prop.gutterTop - prop.gutterBottom;
} else {
if (typeof prop.backgroundImageX === 'number') {
attr.x = prop.backgroundImageX + prop.variant3dOffsetx;
} else {
attr.x = prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx;
if (typeof prop.backgroundImageY === 'number') {
attr.y = prop.backgroundImageY + prop.variant3dOffsety;
} else {
attr.y = prop.gutterTop + prop.variant3dOffsety;
if (typeof prop.backgroundImageW === 'number') {
attr.width = prop.backgroundImageW;
if (typeof prop.backgroundImageH === 'number') {
attr.height = prop.backgroundImageH;
// Account for the chart being 3d
if (prop.variant === '3d') {
attr.x += prop.variant3dOffsetx;
attr.y -= prop.variant3dOffsety;
var img = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'image',
attr: attr,
style: {
opacity: typeof prop.backgroundImageOpacity === 'number' ? prop.backgroundImageOpacity : 1
// Set the width and height if necessary
if (!prop.backgroundImageStretch) {
var img2 = new Image();
img2.src = prop.backgroundImage;
img2.onload = function ()
img.setAttribute('width', typeof prop.backgroundImageW === 'number' ? prop.backgroundImageW : img2.width);
img.setAttribute('height', typeof prop.backgroundImageH === 'number' ? prop.backgroundImageH : img2.height);
if (prop .backgroundGrid) {
var parts = [];
// Add the horizontal lines to the path
if (prop.backgroundGridHlines) {
if (typeof prop.backgroundGridHlinesCount === 'number') {
var count = prop.backgroundGridHlinesCount;
} else if (obj.type === 'hbar' || obj.type === 'bipolar') {
if (typeof prop.yaxisLabels === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.yaxisLabels)) {
var count = prop.yaxisLabels.length;
} else if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var count =;
} else if (obj.type === 'bipolar') {
var count = obj.left.length;
} else {
var count = prop.yaxisLabelsCount || 5;
for (var i=0; i<=count; ++i) {
parts.push('M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
prop.gutterTop + (obj.graphHeight / count) * i - prop.variant3dOffsety,
obj.width - prop.gutterRight + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
prop.gutterTop + (obj.graphHeight / count) * i - prop.variant3dOffsety
// Add an extra background grid line to the path - this its
// underneath the X axis and shows up if its not there.
parts.push('M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - prop.variant3dOffsety,
obj.width - prop.gutterRight + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - prop.variant3dOffsety
// Add the vertical lines to the path
if (prop.backgroundGridVlines) {
if (obj.type === 'line' && RG.SVG.isArray([0])) {
var len =[0].length;
} else if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
var len = prop.xaxisLabelsCount || 10;
} else if (obj.type === 'bipolar') {
var len = prop.xaxisLabelsCount || 10;
} else if (obj.type === 'scatter') {
var len = (prop.xaxisLabels && prop.xaxisLabels.length) || 10;
} else {
var len =;
var count = typeof prop.backgroundGridVlinesCount === 'number' ? prop.backgroundGridVlinesCount : len;
if (prop.xaxisLabelsPosition === 'edge') {
for (var i=0; i<=count; ++i) {
parts.push('M{1} {2} L{3} {4}'.format(
prop.gutterLeft + ((obj.graphWidth / count) * i) + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
prop.gutterTop - prop.variant3dOffsety,
prop.gutterLeft + ((obj.graphWidth / count) * i) + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - prop.variant3dOffsety
// Add the box around the grid
if (prop.backgroundGridBorder) {
parts.push('M{1} {2} L{3} {4} L{5} {6} L{7} {8} z'.format(
prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
prop.gutterTop - prop.variant3dOffsety,
obj.width - prop.gutterRight + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
prop.gutterTop - prop.variant3dOffsety,
obj.width - prop.gutterRight + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - prop.variant3dOffsety,
prop.gutterLeft + prop.variant3dOffsetx,
obj.height - prop.gutterBottom - prop.variant3dOffsety
// Get the dash array if its defined to be dotted or dashed
var dasharray;
if (prop.backgroundGridDashed) {
dasharray = [3,5];
} else if (prop.backgroundGridDotted) {
dasharray = [1,3];
} else if (prop.backgroundGridDashArray) {
dasharray = prop.backgroundGridDashArray;
} else {
dasharray = '';
// Now draw the path
var grid = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
className: 'rgraph_background_grid',
d: parts.join(' '),
stroke: prop.backgroundGridColor,
fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'stroke-width': prop.backgroundGridLinewidth,
'shape-rendering': "crispEdges",
'stroke-dasharray': dasharray
// Draw the title and subtitle
if (obj.type !== 'bipolar') {
* Returns true/false as to whether the given variable is null or not
* @param mixed arg The argument to check
RG.SVG.isNull = function (arg)
if (arg == null || typeof arg === 'object' && !arg) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns an appropriate scale. The return value is actualy an object consisting of:
* scale.max
* scale.min
* scale.scale
* @param obj object The graph object
* @param prop object An object consisting of configuration properties
* @return object An object containg scale information
RG.SVG.getScale = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
numlabels = opt.numlabels,
unitsPre = opt.unitsPre,
unitsPost = opt.unitsPost,
max = Number(opt.max),
min = Number(opt.min),
strict = opt.strict,
decimals = Number(opt.decimals),
point = opt.point,
thousand = opt.thousand,
originalMax = max,
round = opt.round,
scale = {max:1,labels:[],values:[]},
formatter = opt.formatter;
* Special case for 0
* ** Must be first **
if (max === 0 && min === 0) {
var max = 1;
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = ((((max - min) / numlabels) * (i + 1)) + min).toFixed(decimals);
scale.labels.push(unitsPre + label + unitsPost);
* Manually do decimals
} else if (max <= 1 && !strict) {
var arr = [
], vals = [];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; ++i) {
if (max > arr[i]) {
scale.max = arr[i]
scale.labels = [];
scale.values = [];
for (var j=0; j<numlabels; ++j) {
var value = ((((arr[i] - min) / numlabels) * (j + 1)) + min).toFixed(decimals);
object: obj,
num: value,
prepend: unitsPre,
append: unitsPost,
point: prop.yaxisPoint,
thousand: prop.yaxisThousand,
formatter: formatter
} else if (!strict) {
* Now comes the scale handling for integer values
// This accomodates decimals by rounding the max up to the next integer
max = ma.ceil(max);
var interval = ma.pow(10, ma.max(1, Number(String(Number(max) - Number(min)).length - 1)) );
var topValue = interval;
while (topValue < max) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Handles cases where the max is (for example) 50.5
if (Number(originalMax) > Number(topValue)) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Custom if the max is greater than 5 and less than 10
if (max <= 10) {
topValue = (Number(originalMax) <= 5 ? 5 : 10);
// Added 02/11/2010 to create "nicer" scales
if (obj && typeof(round) == 'boolean' && round) {
topValue = 10 * interval;
scale.max = topValue;
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = RG.SVG.numberFormat({
object: obj,
num: ((((i+1) / numlabels) * (topValue - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals),
prepend: unitsPre,
append: unitsPost,
point: point,
thousand: thousand,
formatter: formatter
scale.values.push(((((i+1) / numlabels) * (topValue - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals));
} else if (typeof max === 'number' && strict) {
* ymax is set and also strict
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
object: obj,
formatter: formatter,
num: ((((i+1) / numlabels) * (max - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals),
prepend: unitsPre,
append: unitsPost,
point: point,
thousand: thousand
((((i+1) / numlabels) * (max - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals)
// ???
scale.max = max;
scale.unitsPre = unitsPre;
scale.unitsPost = unitsPost;
scale.point = point;
scale.decimals = decimals;
scale.thousand = thousand;
scale.numlabels = numlabels;
scale.round = Boolean(round);
scale.min = min;
// Convert all of the scale values to numbers
for (var i=0; i<scale.values.length; ++i) {
scale.values[i] = parseFloat(scale.values[i]);
return scale;
* Pads/fills the array
* @param array arr The array
* @param int len The length to pad the array to
* @param mixed The value to use to pad the array (optional)
RG.SVG.arrayFill =
RG.SVG.arrayPad = function (opt)
var arr = opt.array,
len = opt.length,
value = (typeof opt.value === 'undefined' ? null : opt.value);
if (arr.length < len) {
for (var i=arr.length; i<len; i+=1) {
arr[i] = value;
return arr;
* An array sum function
* @param array arr The array to calculate the total of
* @return int The summed total of the arrays elements
RG.SVG.arraySum = function (arr)
// Allow integers
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
// Account for null
if (RG.SVG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
var i, sum, len = arr.length;
return sum;
* Returns the maximum numeric value which is in an array. This function IS NOT
* recursive
* @param array arr The array (can also be a number, in which case it's returned as-is)
* @param int Whether to ignore signs (ie negative/positive)
* @return int The maximum value in the array
RG.SVG.arrayMax = function (arr)
var max = null
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
if (RG.SVG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof arr[i] === 'number') {
var val = arguments[1] ? ma.abs(arr[i]) : arr[i];
if (typeof max === 'number') {
max = ma.max(max, val);
} else {
max = val;
return max;
* Returns the minimum numeric value which is in an array
* @param array arr The array (can also be a number, in which case it's returned as-is)
* @param int Whether to ignore signs (ie negative/positive)
* @return int The minimum value in the array
RG.SVG.arrayMin = function (arr)
var max = null,
min = null,
ma = Math;
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
if (RG.SVG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof arr[i] === 'number') {
var val = arguments[1] ? ma.abs(arr[i]) : arr[i];
if (typeof min === 'number') {
min = ma.min(min, val);
} else {
min = val;
return min;
* Returns the maximum value which is in an array
* @param array arr The array
* @param int len The length to pad the array to
* @param mixed The value to use to pad the array (optional)
RG.SVG.arrayPad = function (arr, len)
if (arr.length < len) {
var val = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null;
for (var i=arr.length; i<len; i+=1) {
arr[i] = val;
return arr;
* An array sum function
* @param array arr The array to calculate the total of
* @return int The summed total of the arrays elements
RG.SVG.arraySum = function (arr)
// Allow integers
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
// Account for null
if (RG.SVG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
var i, sum, len = arr.length;
return sum;
* Takes any number of arguments and adds them to one big linear array
* which is then returned
* @param ... mixed The data to linearise. You can strings, booleans, numbers or arrays
RG.SVG.arrayLinearize = function ()
var arr = [],
args = arguments
for (var i=0,len=args.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof args[i] === 'object' && args[i]) {
for (var j=0,len2=args[i].length; j<len2; ++j) {
var sub = RG.SVG.arrayLinearize(args[i][j]);
for (var k=0,len3=sub.length; k<len3; ++k) {
} else {
return arr;
* Takes one off the front of the given array and returns the new array.
* @param array arr The array from which to take one off the front of array
* @return array The new array
RG.SVG.arrayShift = function(arr)
var ret = [];
for(var i=1,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
return ret;
* Reverses the order of an array
* @param array arr The array to reverse
RG.SVG.arrayReverse = function (arr)
if (!arr) {
var newarr=[];
for(var i=arr.length - 1; i>=0; i-=1) {
return newarr;
* Makes a clone of an object
* @param obj val The object to clone
RG.SVG.arrayClone = function (obj)
if(obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj;
if (RG.SVG.isArray(obj)) {
var temp = [];
for (var i=0,len=obj.length;i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof obj[i] === 'number') {
temp[i] = (function (arg) {return Number(arg);})(obj[i]);
} else if (typeof obj[i] === 'string') {
temp[i] = (function (arg) {return String(arg);})(obj[i]);
} else if (typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
temp[i] = obj[i];
} else {
temp[i] = RG.SVG.arrayClone(obj[i]);
} else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
var temp = {};
for (var i in obj) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
temp[i] = obj[i];
return temp;
// Converts an the truthy values to falsey values and vice-versa
RG.SVG.arrayInvert = function (arr)
for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
arr[i] = !arr[i];
return arr;
// An array_trim function that removes the empty elements off
//both ends
RG.SVG.arrayTrim = function (arr)
var out = [], content = false;
// Trim the start
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i]) {
content = true;
if (content) {
// Reverse the array and trim the start again
out = RG.SVG.arrayReverse(out);
var out2 = [], content = false ;
for (var i=0; i<out.length; i++) {
if (out[i]) {
content = true;
if (content) {
// Now reverse the array and return it
out2 = RG.SVG.arrayReverse(out2);
return out2;
* Determines if the given object is an array or not
* @param mixed obj The variable to test
RG.SVG.isArray = function (obj)
if (obj && obj.constructor) {
var pos = obj.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array');
} else {
return false;
return obj != null &&
typeof pos === 'number' &&
pos > 0 &&
pos < 20;
* Returns the absolute value of a number. You can also pass in an
* array and it will run the abs() function on each element. It
* operates recursively so sub-arrays are also traversed.
* @param array arr The number or array to work on
RG.SVG.abs = function (value)
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = parseFloat(value) || 0;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return ma.abs(value);
if (typeof value === 'object') {
for (i in value) {
if ( typeof i === 'string'
|| typeof i === 'number'
|| typeof i === 'object') {
value[i] = RG.SVG.abs(value[i]);
return value;
return 0;
// Formats a number with thousand seperators so it's easier to read
// @param opt object The options to the function
RG.SVG.numberFormat = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prepend = opt.prepend ? String(opt.prepend) : '',
append = opt.append ? String(opt.append) : '',
output = '',
decimal_seperator = typeof opt.point === 'string' ? opt.point : '.',
thousand_seperator = typeof opt.thousand === 'string' ? opt.thousand : ',',
num = opt.num
decimals_trim = opt.decimals_trim;
RegExp.$1 = '';
if (typeof opt.formatter === 'function') {
return opt.formatter(obj, num);
// Ignore the preformatted version of "1e-2"
if (String(num).indexOf('e') > 0) {
return String(prepend + String(num) + append);
// We need then number as a string
num = String(num);
// Take off the decimal part - we re-append it later
if (num.indexOf('.') > 0) {
var tmp = num;
num = num.replace(/\.(.*)/, ''); // The front part of the number
decimal = tmp.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)/, '$2'); // The decimal part of the number
} else {
decimal = '';
// Thousand seperator
//var seperator = arguments[1] ? String(arguments[1]) : ',';
var seperator = thousand_seperator;
* Work backwards adding the thousand seperators
var foundPoint;
for (i=(num.length - 1),j=0; i>=0; j++,i--) {
var character = num.charAt(i);
if ( j % 3 == 0 && j != 0) {
output += seperator;
* Build the output
output += character;
* Now need to reverse the string
var rev = output;
output = '';
for (i=(rev.length - 1); i>=0; i--) {
output += rev.charAt(i);
// Tidy up
//output = output.replace(/^-,/, '-');
if (output.indexOf('-' + thousand_seperator) == 0) {
output = '-' + output.substr(('-' + thousand_seperator).length);
// Reappend the decimal
if (decimal.length) {
output = output + decimal_seperator + decimal;
decimal = '';
RegExp.$1 = '';
// Trim the decimals if it's all zeros
if (decimals_trim) {
output = output.replace(/0+$/,'');
output = output.replace(/\.$/,'');
// Minor bugette
if (output.charAt(0) == '-') {
output = output.replace(/-/, '');
prepend = '-' + prepend;
return prepend + output + append;
// A function that adds text to the chart
RG.SVG.text = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
parent = opt.parent || opt.object.svg.all,
size = typeof opt.size === 'number' ? opt.size + 'pt' : (typeof opt.size === 'string' ? opt.size.replace(/pt$/,'') : 12) + 'pt',
bold = opt.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal',
font = opt.font ? opt.font : 'sans-serif',
italic = opt.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal',
halign = opt.halign,
valign = opt.valign,
str = opt.text,
x = opt.x,
y = opt.y,
color = opt.color ? opt.color : 'black',
background = opt.background || null,
padding = opt.padding || 0,
link = || '',
linkTarget = opt.linkTarget || '_blank',
events = ( === false ? false : true);
// Change numbers to strings
if (typeof str === 'number') {
str = String(str);
// Horizontal alignment
if (halign === 'right') {
halign = 'end';
} else if (halign === 'center' || halign === 'middle') {
halign = 'middle';
} else {
halign = 'start';
// Vertical alignment
if (valign === 'top') {
valign = 'hanging';
} else if (valign === 'center' || valign === 'middle') {
valign = 'central';
valign = 'middle';
} else {
valign = 'bottom';
// If a link has been specified then the text node should
// be a child of an a node
if (link) {
var a = RGraph.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'a',
parent: parent,
attr: {
'xlink:href': link,
target: linkTarget
// Text does not include carriage returns
if (str && str.indexOf && str.indexOf("\n") === -1) {
var text = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: link ? a : opt.parent,
type: 'text',
attr: {
tag: opt.tag ? opt.tag : '',
fill: color,
x: x,
y: y,
'font-size': size,
'font-weight': bold,
'font-family': font,
'font-style': italic,
'text-anchor': halign,
'dominant-baseline': valign
var textNode = document.createTextNode(str);
if (!events) { = 'none';
// Includes carriage returns
} else if (str && str.indexOf) {
// Measure the text
var dimensions = RG.SVG.measureText({
text: 'My',
bold: bold,
font: font,
size: size
var lineHeight = dimensions[1];
str = str.split(/\r?\n/);
// Account for the carriage returns and move the text
// up as required
if (valign === 'bottom') {
y -= str.length * lineHeight;
if (valign === 'center' || valign === 'middle') {
y -= (str.length * lineHeight) / 2;
var text = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: link ? a : opt.parent,
type: 'text',
attr: {
tag: opt.tag ? opt.tag : '',
fill: color,
x: x,
y: y,
'font-size': size,
'font-weight': bold,
'font-family': font,
'font-style': italic,
'text-anchor': halign,
'dominant-baseline': valign
if (!events) { = 'none';
for (var i=0; i<str.length; ++i) {
var tspan = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: text,
type: 'tspan',
attr: {
x: x,
dy: dimensions ? (dimensions[1] * (i ? 1 : 0)) + 3 : 0
var textNode = document.createTextNode(str[i]);
if (!events) { = 'none';
var dimensions = RG.SVG.measureText({
text: str[i],
bold: bold,
font: font,
size: parseInt(size)
// Add a background color if specified
if (typeof background === 'string') {
var parent = link ? a : parent;
var bbox = text.getBBox(),
rect = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: parent,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
x: bbox.x - padding,
y: bbox.y - padding,
width: bbox.width + (padding * 2),
height: bbox.height + (padding * 2),
fill: background
if (!events) { = 'none';
text.parentNode.insertBefore(rect, text);
if (RG.SVG.ISIE && (valign === 'hanging') && text) {
text.setAttribute('y', y + (text.scrollHeight / 2));
} else if (RG.SVG.ISIE && valign === 'middle') {
text.setAttribute('y', y + (text.scrollHeight / 3));
if (RG.SVG.ISFF && text) {
Y = y + (text.scrollHeight / 3);
return text;
// Helps you get hold of the SPAN tag nodes that hold the text on the chart
RG.SVG.text.find = function (opt)
// Search criteria should include:
// o text (literal string and regex)
if (typeof opt.object === 'object' && opt.object.isRGraph) {
var svg = opt.object.svg;
} else if (typeof opt.svg === 'object' && opt.svg.all) {
var svg = opt.svg;
// Look for text nodes based on the text
var nodes = svg.getElementsByTagName('text');
var found = [];
for (var i=0,len=nodes.length; i<len; ++i) {
var text = false,
tag = false;
// Exact match or regex on the text
if (typeof opt.text === 'string' && nodes[i].innerHTML === opt.text) {
text = true;
} else if (typeof opt.text === 'object' && nodes[i].innerHTML.match(opt.text)) {
text = true;
} else if (typeof opt.text === 'undefined') {
text = true;
// Exact match or regex on the tag
if (typeof opt.tag === 'string' && nodes[i].getAttribute('tag') === opt.tag) {
tag = true;
} else if (typeof opt.tag === 'object' && nodes[i].getAttribute('tag').match(opt.tag)) {
tag = true;
} else if (typeof opt.tag === 'undefined') {
tag = true;
// Did all of the conditions pass?
if (text === true && tag === true) {
return found;
// Creates a UID that is applied to the object
RG.SVG.createUID = function ()
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c)
var r = ma.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
// Determines if the SVG DIV container is fixed
RG.SVG.isFixed = function (svg)
var obj = svg.parentNode,
i = 0;
while (obj && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' && i < 99) {
if ( === 'fixed') {
return obj;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
return false;
* Sets an object in the RGraph registry
* @param string name The name of the value to set
RG.SVG.REG.set = function (name, value)
{[name] = value;
return value;
* Gets an object from the RGraph registry
* @param string name The name of the value to fetch
RG.SVG.REG.get = function (name)
* Removes white-space from the start aqnd end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.trim = function (str)
return RG.SVG.ltrim(RG.SVG.rtrim(str));
* Trims the white-space from the start of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.ltrim = function (str)
return str.replace(/^(\s|\0)+/, '');
* Trims the white-space off of the end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.rtrim = function (str)
return str.replace(/(\s|\0)+$/, '');
// Hides the currently shown tooltip
RG.SVG.hideTooltip = function ()
var tooltip = RG.SVG.REG.get('tooltip');
if (tooltip && tooltip.parentNode /*&& (!uid || uid == tooltip.__canvas__.uid)*/) {
tooltip.parentNode.removeChild(tooltip); = 'none'; = 'hidden';
RG.SVG.REG.set('tooltip', null);
if (tooltip && tooltip.__object__) {
// Creates a shadow
RG.SVG.setShadow = function (options)
var obj = options.object,
offsetx = options.offsetx || 0,
offsety = options.offsety || 0,
blur = options.blur || 0,
opacity = options.opacity || 0,
id =;
var filter = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.defs,
type: 'filter',
attr: {
id: id,
width: "130%",
height: "130%"
svg: obj.svg,
parent: filter,
type: 'feOffset',
attr: {
result: 'offOut',
'in': 'SourceGraphic',
dx: offsetx,
dy: offsety
svg: obj.svg,
parent: filter,
type: 'feColorMatrix',
attr: {
result: 'matrixOut',
'in': 'offOut',
type: 'matrix',
values: '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {1} 0'.format(
svg: obj.svg,
parent: filter,
type: 'feGaussianBlur',
attr: {
result: 'blurOut',
'in': 'matrixOut',
stdDeviation: blur
svg: obj.svg,
parent: filter,
type: 'feBlend',
attr: {
'in': 'SourceGraphic',
'in2': 'blurOut',
mode: 'normal'
* Takes a sequential index and returns the group/index variation of it. Eg if you have a
* sequential index from a grouped bar chart this function can be used to convert that into
* an appropriate group/index combination
* @param nindex number The sequential index
* @param data array The original data (which is grouped)
* @return The group/index information
RG.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped = function (index, data)
var group = 0,
grouped_index = 0;
while (--index >= 0) {
if (RG.SVG.isNull(data[group])) {
grouped_index = 0;
// Allow for numbers as well as arrays in the dataset
if (typeof data[group] == 'number') {
grouped_index = 0;
if (grouped_index >= data[group].length) {
grouped_index = 0;
return [group, grouped_index];
// This is the reverse of the above function - converting
// group/index to a sequential index
// @return number The sequential index
RG.SVG.groupedIndexToSequential = function (opt)
var dataset = opt.dataset,
index = opt.index,
obj = opt.object;
for (var i=0,seq=0; i<=dataset; ++i) {
for (var j=0; j<[dataset].length; ++j) {
if (i === dataset && j === index) {
return seq;
return seq;
// This function converts coordinates into the type understood by
// SVG for drawing arcs
RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian = function (options)
return {
x: + (options.r * ma.cos(options.angle)),
y: + (options.r * ma.sin(options.angle))
// Gets a path that is usable by the SVG A path command
// @patam object options The options/arg to the function
// NB ** Still used by the Pie chart and the semi-circular Meter **
RG.SVG.TRIG.getArcPath = function (options)
// Make circles start at the top instead of the right hand side
options.start -= 1.57;
options.end -= 1.57;
var start = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.start}
var end = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.end
var diff = options.end - options.start;
// Initial values
var largeArc = '0';
var sweep = '0';
if (options.anticlockwise && diff > 3.14) {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '0';
} else if (options.anticlockwise && diff <= 3.14) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '0';
} else if (!options.anticlockwise && diff > 3.14) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '1';
} else if (!options.anticlockwise && diff <= 3.14) {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '1';
if (options.start > options.end && options.anticlockwise && diff <= 3.14) {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '0';
if (options.start > options.end && options.anticlockwise && diff > 3.14) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '1';
if (typeof options.moveto === 'boolean' && options.moveto === false) {
var d = [
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
} else {
var d = [
"M", start.x, start.y,
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
if (options.array === true) {
return d;
} else {
return d.join(" ");
// Gets a path that is usable by the SVG A path command
// @patam object options The options/arg to the function
RG.SVG.TRIG.getArcPath2 = function (options)
// Make circles start at the top instead of the right hand side
options.start -= 1.57;
options.end -= 1.57;
var start = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.start
var end = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.end
var diff = ma.abs(options.end - options.start);
// Initial values
var largeArc = '0';
var sweep = '0';
//TODO Put various options here for the correct combination of flags to use
if (!options.anticlockwise) {
if (diff > RG.SVG.TRIG.PI) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '1';
} else {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '1';
} else {
if (diff > RG.SVG.TRIG.PI) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '0';
} else {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '0';
if (typeof options.lineto === 'boolean' && options.lineto === false) {
var d = [
"M", start.x, start.y,
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
} else {
var d = [
"L", start.x, start.y,
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
if (options.array === true) {
return d;
} else {
return d.join(" ");
// Gets a path that is usable by the SVG A path command
// @param object options The options/arg to the function
RG.SVG.TRIG.getArcPath3 = function (options)
// Make circles start at the top instead of the right hand side
options.start -= (ma.PI / 2);
options.end -= (ma.PI / 2);
var start = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.start
var end = RG.SVG.TRIG.toCartesian({
r: options.r,
angle: options.end
var diff = ma.abs(options.end - options.start);
// Initial values
var largeArc = '0';
var sweep = '0';
//TODO Put various options here for the correct combination of flags to use
if (!options.anticlockwise) {
if (diff > RG.SVG.TRIG.PI) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '1';
} else {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '1';
} else {
if (diff > RG.SVG.TRIG.PI) {
largeArc = '1';
sweep = '0';
} else {
largeArc = '0';
sweep = '0';
if (typeof options.lineto === 'boolean' && options.lineto === false) {
var d = [
"M", start.x, start.y,
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
} else {
var d = [
"L", start.x, start.y,
"A", options.r, options.r, 0, largeArc, sweep, end.x, end.y
if (options.array === true) {
return d;
} else {
return d.join(" ");
* This function gets the end point (X/Y coordinates) of a given radius.
* You pass it the center X/Y and the radius and this function will return
* the endpoint X/Y coordinates.
* @param number cx The center X coord
* @param number cy The center Y coord
* @param number r The length of the radius
* @param number angle The anle to use
RG.SVG.TRIG.getRadiusEndPoint = function (opt)
// Allow for two arguments style
if (arguments.length === 1) {
var angle = opt.angle,
r = opt.r;
} else if (arguments.length === 4) {
var angle = arguments[0],
r = arguments[1];
var x = ma.cos(angle) * r,
y = ma.sin(angle) * r;
return [x, y];
* This function draws the title. This function also draws the subtitle.
RG.SVG.drawTitle = function (obj)
var prop =,
valign = 'bottom',
originalTitleX = prop.titleX,
originalTitleY = prop.titleY,
originalTitleSubtitleX = prop.titleSubtitleX,
originalTitleSubtitleY = prop.titleSubtitleY;
if (typeof originalTitleX === 'string') originalTitleX.replace(/^\+/,'');
if (typeof originalTitleY === 'string') originalTitleY.replace(/^\+/,'');
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleX === 'string') originalTitleSubtitleX.replace(/^\+/,'');
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleY === 'string') originalTitleSubtitleY.replace(/^\+/,'');
// The Pie chart title should default to being above the centerx
if (obj.type === 'pie') {
if (RG.SVG.isNull(prop.titleX)) {
prop.titleX = obj.centerx;
prop.titleSubtitleX = obj.centerx;
if (RG.SVG.isNull(prop.titleY)) {
prop.titleY = obj.centery - obj.radius - 10;
if (obj.scale && obj.scale.max <= 0 && obj.scale.min < 0 && typeof prop.titleY !== 'number' && obj.type !== 'hbar') {
prop.titleY = obj.height - prop.gutterBottom + 10;
var positionBottom = true;
valign = 'top';
} else if (typeof prop.titleY !== 'number') {
var positionBottom = false;
prop.titleY = prop.gutterTop - 10;
valign = 'bottom';
// Account for the key
if (!RG.SVG.isNull(prop.key)) {
prop.titleY -= (2 * (prop.keyTextSize || prop.textSize));
// If a subtitle is specified move the title up a bit in
// order to accommodate it
if (prop.titleSubtitle && typeof prop.titleSubtitleY !== 'number' && !positionBottom) {
prop.titleY = prop.titleY - (prop.titleSubtitleSize * 1.5);
// Work out the subtitle size
prop.titleSubTitleSize = prop.titleSubTitleSize || prop.textSize;
// Work out the subtitle Y position
prop.titleSubtitleY = prop.titleSubtitleY || prop.titleY + 18;
if (positionBottom && typeof prop.titleSubtitleY !== 'number') {
prop.titleSubtitleY = prop.titleY + 26;
// Draw the title
if (prop.title) {
var x = typeof prop.titleX === 'number' ? prop.titleX + (prop.variant3dOffsetx || 0) : prop.gutterLeft + (obj.graphWidth / 2) + (prop.variant3dOffsetx || 0);
var y = prop.titleY + (prop.variant3dOffsety || 0);
// Add any adjustment to the positioning
if (typeof originalTitleX === 'string') {
x += parseFloat(originalTitleX);
if (typeof originalTitleY === 'string') {
y += parseFloat(originalTitleY);
object: obj,
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
tag: 'title',
text: prop.title.toString(),
size: prop.titleSize || (prop.textSize + 4) || 16,
x: x,
y: y,
halign: prop.titleHalign || 'center',
valign: prop.titleValign || valign,
color: prop.titleColor || prop.textColor || 'black',
bold: prop.titleBold || false,
italic: prop.titleItalic || false,
font: prop.titleFont || prop.textFont || 'Arial'
// Draw the subtitle
if (typeof prop.title === 'string' && typeof prop.titleSubtitle === 'string') {
// By default, the X and Y coordinates place the subtitle
// underneath the title. Though the y coord is now adjusted
// so that the subtitle sits underneath the title.
y += (prop.titleSubtitleSize * 1.5);
// Is the subtitleX or subtitleY are numbers then just use those
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleX === 'number') {
x = originalTitleSubtitleX;
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleY === 'number') {
y = originalTitleSubtitleY;
// Add the subtitles adjustment to the position
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleX === 'string') {
x += parseFloat(originalTitleSubtitleX);
// Add the subtitles adjustment to the position
if (typeof originalTitleSubtitleY === 'string') {
y += parseFloat(originalTitleSubtitleY);
object: obj,
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
tag: 'subtitle',
text: prop.titleSubtitle,
size: prop.titleSubtitleSize,
x: x,
y: y,
halign: prop.titleSubtitleHalign || 'center',
valign: prop.titleSubtitleValign || valign,
color: prop.titleSubtitleColor || prop.textColor || '#aaa',
bold: prop.titleSubtitleBold || false,
italic: prop.titleSubtitleItalic || false,
font: prop.titleSubtitleFont || prop.textFont || 'Arial'
* Removes white-space from the start and end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.trim = function (str)
return RG.SVG.ltrim(RG.SVG.rtrim(str));
* Trims the white-space from the start of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.ltrim = function (str)
return String(str).replace(/^(\s|\0)+/, '');
* Trims the white-space off of the end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.SVG.rtrim = function (str)
return String(str).replace(/(\s|\0)+$/, '');
* This parses a single color value
RG.SVG.parseColorLinear = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
color = opt.color;
if (!color || typeof color !== 'string') {
return color;
if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) {
var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':'),
diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1);
if (opt && opt.direction && opt.direction === 'horizontal') {
var grad = RG.SVG.create({
type: 'linearGradient',
parent: obj.svg.defs,
attr: {
id: 'RGraph-linear-gradient-' + obj.uid + '-' + obj.gradientCounter,
x1: opt.start || 0,
x2: opt.end || '100%',
y1: 0,
y2: 0,
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
} else {
var grad = RG.SVG.create({
type: 'linearGradient',
parent: obj.svg.defs,
attr: {
id: 'RGraph-linear-gradient-' + obj.uid + '-' + obj.gradientCounter,
x1: 0,
x2: 0,
y1: opt.start || 0,
y2: opt.end || '100%',
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
// Add the first color stop
var stop = RG.SVG.create({
type: 'stop',
parent: grad,
attr: {
offset: '0%',
'stop-color': RG.SVG.trim(parts[0])
// Add the rest of the color stops
for (var j=1,len=parts.length; j<len; ++j) {
type: 'stop',
parent: grad,
attr: {
offset: (j * diff * 100) + '%',
'stop-color': RG.SVG.trim(parts[j])
color = grad ? 'url(#RGraph-linear-gradient-' + obj.uid + '-' + (obj.gradientCounter++) + ')' : color;
return color;
* This parses a single color value
RG.SVG.parseColorRadial = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
color = opt.color;
if (!color || typeof color !== 'string') {
return color;
if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) {
var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':'),
diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1);
var grad = RG.SVG.create({
type: 'radialGradient',
parent: obj.svg.defs,
attr: {
id: 'RGraph-radial-gradient-' + obj.uid + '-' + obj.gradientCounter,
gradientUnits: opt.gradientUnits || 'userSpaceOnUse',
cx: || obj.centerx,
cy: || obj.centery,
fx: opt.fx || obj.centerx,
fy: opt.fy || obj.centery,
r: opt.r || obj.radius
// Add the first color stop
var stop = RG.SVG.create({
type: 'stop',
parent: grad,
attr: {
offset: '0%',
'stop-color': RG.SVG.trim(parts[0])
// Add the rest of the color stops
for (var j=1,len=parts.length; j<len; ++j) {
type: 'stop',
parent: grad,
attr: {
offset: (j * diff * 100) + '%',
'stop-color': RG.SVG.trim(parts[j])
color = grad ? 'url(#RGraph-radial-gradient-' + obj.uid + '-' + (obj.gradientCounter++) + ')' : color;
return color;
* Reset all of the color values to their original values
* @param object
RG.SVG.resetColorsToOriginalValues = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object;
if (obj.originalColors) {
// Reset the colors to their original values
for (var j in obj.originalColors) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {[j] = RG.SVG.arrayClone(obj.originalColors[j]);
* If the function is present on the object to reset specific
* colors - use that
if (typeof obj.resetColorsToOriginalValues === 'function') {
// Hmmm... Should this be necessary? I don't think it will
// do any harm to leave it in.
obj.originalColors = {};
// Reset the colorsParsed flag so that they're parsed for gradients again
obj.colorsParsed = false;
// Reset the gradient counter
obj.gradientCounter = 1;
// Clear the SVG tag by deleting all of its
// child nodes
// @param object svg The SVG tag (same as what is returned
// by document.getElementById() )
RG.SVG.clear = function (svg)
// Clear all the layer nodes
for (var i=1; i<=100; ++i) {
if (svg['background' + i]) {
// Clear all the nodes within this group
while (svg['background' + i].lastChild) {
svg['background' + i].removeChild(svg['background' + i].lastChild);
} else {
// Clear all the node within the "all" group
while (svg.all.lastChild) {
* Adds an event listener
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param string event The name of the event, eg ontooltip
* @param object func The callback function
RG.SVG.addCustomEventListener = function (obj, name, func)
// Initialise the events array if necessary
if (typeof[obj.uid] === 'undefined') {[obj.uid] = [];
// Prepend "on" if necessary
if (name.substr(0, 2) !== 'on') {
name = 'on' + name;
object: obj,
event: name,
func: func
return[obj.uid].length - 1;
* Used to fire one of the RGraph custom events
* @param object obj The graph object that fires the event
* @param string event The name of the event to fire
RG.SVG.fireCustomEvent = function (obj, name)
if (obj && obj.isRGraph) {
var uid = obj.uid;
if ( typeof uid === 'string'
&& typeof === 'object'
&& typeof[uid] === 'object'
&&[uid].length > 0) {
for(var j=0,[uid].length; j<len; ++j) {
if ([uid][j] &&[uid][j].event === name) {[uid][j].func(obj);
* Clears all the custom event listeners that have been registered
* @param string optional Limits the clearing to this object UID
RG.SVG.removeAllCustomEventListeners = function ()
var uid = arguments[0];
if (uid &&[uid]) {[uid] = {};
} else { = [];
* Clears a particular custom event listener
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param number i This is the index that is return by .addCustomEventListener()
RG.SVG.removeCustomEventListener = function (obj, i)
if ( typeof === 'object'
&& typeof[obj.uid] === 'object'
&& typeof[obj.uid][i] === 'object') {[obj.uid][i] = null;
// Removes the highlight from the chart added by tooltips (possibly others too)
RG.SVG.removeHighlight = function (obj)
var highlight = RG.SVG.REG.get('highlight');
if (highlight && RG.SVG.isArray(highlight) && highlight.length) {
for (var i=0,len=highlight.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (highlight[i].parentNode) {
} else if (highlight && highlight.parentNode) {
if (obj.type === 'scatter') {
highlight.setAttribute('fill', 'transparent');
} else {
// Removes the highlight from the chart added by tooltips (possibly others too)
RG.SVG.redraw = function ()
if (arguments.length === 1) {
var svg = arguments[0];
var objects = RG.SVG.OR.get('id:' +;
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
// Reset the colors to the original values
RG.SVG.resetColorsToOriginalValues({object: objects[i]});
} else {
var tags = RG.SVG.OR.tags();
for (var i in tags) {
// A better, more flexible, date parsing function
//@param string str The string to parse
//@return number A number, as returned by Date.parse()
RG.SVG.parseDate = function (str)
var d = new Date();
// Initialise the default values
var defaults = {
seconds: '00',
minutes: '00',
hours: '00',
date: d.getDate(),
month: d.getMonth() + 1,
year: d.getFullYear()
// Create the months array for turning textual months back to numbers
var months = ['january','february','march','april','may','june','july','august','september','october','november','december'],
months_regex = months.join('|');
for (var i=0; i<months.length; ++i) {
months[months[i]] = i;
months[months[i].substring(0,3)] = i;
months_regex = months_regex + '|' + months[i].substring(0,3);
// These are the seperators allowable for d/m/y and y/m/d dates
// (Its part of a regexp so the position of the square brackets
// is crucial)
var sep = '[-./_=+~#:;,]+';
// Tokenise the string
var tokens = str.split(/ +/);
// Loop through each token checking what is is
for (var i=0,len=tokens.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (tokens[i]) {
// Year
if (tokens[i].match(/^\d\d\d\d$/)) {
defaults.year = tokens[i];
// Month
var res = isMonth(tokens[i]);
if (typeof res === 'number') {
defaults.month = res + 1; // Months are zero indexed
// Date
if (tokens[i].match(/^\d?\d(?:st|nd|rd|th)?$/)) { = parseInt(tokens[i]);
// Time
if (tokens[i].match(/^(\d\d):(\d\d):?(?:(\d\d))?$/)) {
defaults.hours = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
defaults.minutes = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
if (RegExp.$3) {
defaults.seconds = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
// Dateformat: XXXX-XX-XX
if (tokens[i].match(new RegExp('^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)' + sep + '(\\d\\d)' + sep + '(\\d\\d)$', 'i'))) { = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
defaults.month = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
defaults.year = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
// Dateformat: XX-XX-XXXX
if (tokens[i].match(new RegExp('^(\\d\\d)' + sep + '(\\d\\d)' + sep + '(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$','i') )) { = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
defaults.month = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
defaults.year = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
// Now put the defaults into a format thats recognised by Date.parse()
str = '{1}/{2}/{3} {4}:{5}:{6}'.format(
String(defaults.month).length === 1 ? '0' + (defaults.month) : defaults.month,
String( === 1 ? '0' + ( :,
String(defaults.hours).length === 1 ? '0' + (defaults.hours) : defaults.hours,
String(defaults.minutes).length === 1 ? '0' + (defaults.minutes) : defaults.minutes,
String(defaults.seconds).length === 1 ? '0' + (defaults.seconds) : defaults.seconds
return Date.parse(str);
// Support functions
function isMonth(str)
var res = str.toLowerCase().match(months_regex);
return res ? months[res[0]] : false;
// The ObjectRegistry add function
RG.SVG.OR.add = function (obj)
return obj;
// The ObjectRegistry function that returns all of the objects. Th argument
// can aither be:
// o omitted All of the registered objects are returned
// o id:XXX All of the objects on that SVG tag are returned
// o type:XXX All the objects of that type are returned
RG.SVG.OR.get = function ()
// Fetch objects that are on a particular SVG tag
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && arguments[0].substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() === 'id:') {
var ret = [];
for (var i=0; i<RG.SVG.OR.objects.length; ++i) {
if (RG.SVG.OR.objects[i].id === arguments[0].substr(3)) {
return ret;
// Fetch objects that are of a particular type
// TODO Allow multiple types to be specified
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && arguments[0].substr(0, 4).toLowerCase() === 'type') {
var ret = [];
for (var i=0; i<RG.SVG.OR.objects.length; ++i) {
if (RG.SVG.OR.objects[i].type === arguments[0].substr(5)) {
return ret;
// Fetch an object that has a specific UID
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && arguments[0].substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() === 'uid') {
var ret = [];
for (var i=0; i<RG.SVG.OR.objects.length; ++i) {
if (RG.SVG.OR.objects[i].uid === arguments[0].substr(4)) {
return ret;
return RG.SVG.OR.objects;
// The ObjectRegistry function that returns all of the registeredt SVG tags
RG.SVG.OR.tags = function ()
var tags = [];
for (var i=0; i<RG.SVG.OR.objects.length; ++i) {
if (!tags[RG.SVG.OR.objects[i]]) {
tags[RG.SVG.OR.objects[i]] = RG.SVG.OR.objects[i].svg;
return tags;
// This function returns a two element array of the SVG x/y position in
// relation to the page
// @param object svg
RG.SVG.getSVGXY = function (svg)
var x = 0,
y = 0,
el = svg.parentNode; // !!!
do {
x += el.offsetLeft;
y += el.offsetTop;
// Account for tables in webkit
if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table' && (RG.SVG.ISCHROME || RG.SVG.ISSAFARI)) {
x += parseInt(el.border) || 0;
y += parseInt(el.border) || 0;
el = el.offsetParent;
} while (el && el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body');
var paddingLeft = ? parseInt( : 0,
paddingTop = ? parseInt( : 0,
borderLeft = ? parseInt( : 0,
borderTop = ? parseInt( : 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0) {
x += parseInt( || 0;
y += parseInt( || 0;
return [x + paddingLeft + borderLeft, y + paddingTop + borderTop];
// This function is a compatibility wrapper around
// the requestAnimationFrame function.
// @param function func The function to give to the
// requestAnimationFrame function
RG.SVG.FX.update = function (func)
win.requestAnimationFrame =
win.requestAnimationFrame ||
win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
win.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
win.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
(function (func){setTimeout(func, 16.666);});
* This function returns an easing multiplier for effects so they eas out towards the
* end of the effect.
* @param number frames The total number of frames
* @param number frame The frame number
RG.SVG.FX.getEasingMultiplier = function (frames, frame)
var multiplier = ma.pow(ma.sin((frame / frames) * RG.SVG.TRIG.HALFPI), 3);
return multiplier;
* Measures text by creating a DIV in the document and adding the relevant
* text to it, then checking the .offsetWidth and .offsetHeight.
* @param object opt An object containing the following:
* o text( string) The text to measure
* o bold (bool) Whether the text is bold or not
* o font (string) The font to use
* o size (number) The size of the text (in pts)
* @return array A two element array of the width and height of the text
RG.SVG.measureText = function (opt)
//text, bold, font, size
var text = opt.text || '',
bold = opt.bold || false,
font = opt.font || 'Arial',
size = opt.size || 10,
str = text + ':' + bold + ':' + font + ':' + size;
// Add the sizes to the cache as adding DOM elements is costly and causes slow downs
if (typeof RG.SVG.measuretext_cache === 'undefined') {
RG.SVG.measuretext_cache = [];
if (typeof RG.SVG.measuretext_cache == 'object' && RG.SVG.measuretext_cache[str]) {
return RG.SVG.measuretext_cache[str];
if (!RG.SVG.measuretext_cache['text-span']) {
var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = 'absolute';
// = 'red'; = 0; = 'inline'; = '-200px'; = '-200px'; = '1em';
// Now store the newly created DIV
RG.SVG.measuretext_cache['text-span'] = span;
} else if (RG.SVG.measuretext_cache['text-span']) {
var span = RG.SVG.measuretext_cache['text-span'];
span.innerHTML = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br />'); = font; = bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = String(size).replace(/pt$/, '') + 'pt';
var sizes = [span.offsetWidth, span.offsetHeight];
RG.SVG.measuretext_cache[str] = sizes;
return sizes;
* This function converts an array of strings to an array of numbers. Its used by the meter/gauge
* style charts so that if you want you can pass in a string. It supports various formats:
* '45.2'
* '-45.2'
* ['45.2']
* ['-45.2']
* '45.2,45.2,45.2' // A CSV style string
* @param number frames The string or array to parse
RG.SVG.stringsToNumbers = function (str)
// An optional seperator to use intead of a comma
var sep = arguments[1] || ',';
// If it's already a number just return it
if (typeof str === 'number') {
return str;
if (typeof str === 'string') {
if (str.indexOf(sep) != -1) {
str = str.split(sep);
} else {
str = parseFloat(str);
if (typeof str === 'object') {
for (var i=0,len=str.length; i<len; i+=1) {
str[i] = parseFloat(str[i]);
return str;
// This function allows for numbers that are given as a +/- adjustment
RG.SVG.getAdjustedNumber = function (opt)
var value = opt.value,
prop = opt.prop;
if (typeof prop === 'string' && match(/^(\+|-)([0-9.]+)/)) {
if (RegExp.$1 === '+') {
value += parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
} else if (RegExp.$1 === '-') {
value -= parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
return value;
* Parse a gradient and returns the various parts
* @param string str The gradient string
RG.SVG.parseGradient = function (str)
* Generates a random number between the minimum and maximum
* @param number min The minimum value
* @param number max The maximum value
* @param number OPTIONAL Number of decimal places
RG.SVG.random = function (opt)
var min = opt.min,
max = opt.max,
dp = opt.dp || opt.decimals || 0,
r = ma.random();
return Number((((max - min) * r) + min).toFixed(dp));
* Fill an array full of random numbers
RG.SVG.arrayRand =
RG.SVG.arrayRandom =
RG.SVG.random.array = function (opt)
var num = opt.num,
min = opt.min,
max = opt.max,
dp = opt.dp || opt.decimals || 0;
for(var i=0,arr=[]; i<num; i+=1) {
arr.push(RG.SVG.random({min: min, max: max, dp: dp}));
return arr;
// This function is called by each objects setter so that common BC
// and adjustments are centralised. And there's less typing for me too.
// @param object opt An object of options to the function, which are:
// object: The chart object
// name: The name of the config parameter
// value: The value thats being set
RG.SVG.commonSetter = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
name =,
value = opt.value;
// The default event for tooltips is click
if (name === 'tooltipsEvent'&& value !== 'click' && value !== 'mousemove') {
value = 'click';
return {
name: name,
value: value
// Generates logs for... log charts
// @param object opt The options:
// o num The number
// o base The base
RG.SVG.log = function (opt)
var num = opt.num,
base = opt.base;
return ma.log(num) / (base ? ma.log(base) : 1);
RG.SVG.donut = function (opt)
var arcPath1 = RG.SVG.TRIG.getArcPath3({
r: opt.outerRadius,
start: 0,
anticlockwise: false,
lineto: false
var arcPath2 = RG.SVG.TRIG.getArcPath3({
r: opt.innerRadius,
end: 0,
anticlockwise: true,
lineto: false
// Create the red circle
var path = RG.SVG.create({
svg: opt.svg,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: arcPath1 + arcPath2,
stroke: opt.stroke,
fill: opt.fill
return path;
// Copy the globals (if any have been set) from the global object to
// this instances configuration
RG.SVG.getGlobals = function (obj)
var prop =;
for (i in RG.SVG.GLOBALS) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
prop[i] = RG.SVG.arrayClone(RG.SVG.GLOBALS[i]);
// This function adds a link to the SVG document
// @param object opt The various options to the function
// = function (opt)
var a = RGraph.SVG.create({
svg: bar.svg,
type: 'a',
parent: bar.svg.all,
attr: {
'xlink:href': href,
target: target
var text = RGraph.SVG.create({
svg: bar.svg,
type: 'text',
parent: a,
attr: {
x: x,
y: y,
fill: fill
text.innerHTML = text;
// This function is used to get the errorbar MAXIMUM value. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
// @param object opt An object containing the arguments to the function
// o object: The chart object
// o index: The index to fetch
RG.SVG.getErrorbarsMaxValue = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
index = opt.index;
if (typeof prop.errorbars === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars) && typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'number') {
var value = prop.errorbars[index];
} else if ( typeof prop.errorbars === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars)
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars[index])
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index].max === 'number'
) {
var value = prop.errorbars[index].max;
} else {
var value = 0;
return value;
// This function is used to get the errorbar MINIMUM value. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
// @param object opt An object containing the arguments to the function
// o object: The chart object
// o index: The index to fetch
RG.SVG.getErrorbarsMinValue = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
index = opt.index;
if ( typeof prop.errorbars === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars)
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars[index])
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index].min === 'number'
) {
var value = prop.errorbars[index].min;
} else {
var value = null;
return value;
// This function is used to get the errorbar color. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
// @param object opt An object containing the arguments to the function
// o object: The chart object
// o index: The index to fetch
RG.SVG.getErrorbarsColor = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
index = opt.index;
var color = prop.errorbarsColor || 'black';
if (typeof prop.errorbars === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars) && typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars[index]) && typeof prop.errorbars[index].color === 'string') {
color = prop.errorbars[index].color;
return color;
// This function is used to get the errorbar linewidth. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
// @param object opt An object containing the arguments to the function
// o object: The chart object
// o index: The index to fetch
RG.SVG.getErrorbarsLinewidth = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
index = opt.index;
var linewidth = prop.errorbarsLinewidth || 1
if (typeof prop.errorbars === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars) && typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'object' && !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars[index]) && typeof prop.errorbars[index].linewidth === 'number') {
linewidth = prop.errorbars[index].linewidth;
return linewidth;
// This function is used to get the errorbar capWidth. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
// @param object opt An object containing the arguments to the function
// o object: The chart object
// o index: The index to fetch
RG.SVG.getErrorbarsCapWidth = function (opt)
var obj = opt.object,
prop =,
index = opt.index;
var capwidth = prop.errorbarsCapwidth || 10
if ( typeof prop.errorbars === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars)
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index] === 'object'
&& !RG.SVG.isNull(prop.errorbars[index])
&& typeof prop.errorbars[index].capwidth === 'number'
) {
capwidth = prop.errorbars[index].capwidth;
return capwidth;
// This is here so that if the tooltip library has not
// been included, this function will show an alert
//informing the user
if (typeof RG.SVG.tooltip !== 'function') {
RG.SVG.tooltip = function ()
$a('The tooltip library has not been included!');
// End module pattern
})(window, document);
* Loosly mimicks the PHP function print_r();
window.$p = function (obj)
var indent = (arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ' ');
var str = '';
var counter = typeof arguments[3] == 'number' ? arguments[3] : 0;
if (counter >= 5) {
return '';
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'string': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ', ' + obj.length + ')'; break;
case 'number': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ')'; break;
case 'boolean': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ')'; break;
case 'function': str += 'function () {}'; break;
case 'undefined': str += 'undefined'; break;
case 'null': str += 'null'; break;
case 'object':
// In case of null
if (RGraph.SVG.isNull(obj)) {
str += indent + 'null\n';
} else {
str += indent + 'Object {' + '\n'
for (j in obj) {
str += indent + ' ' + j + ' => ' + window.$p(obj[j], true, indent + ' ', counter + 1) + '\n';
str += indent + '}';
str += 'Unknown type: ' + typeof obj + '';
* Finished, now either return if we're in a recursed call, or alert()
* if we're not.
if (!arguments[1]) {
return str;
* A shorthand for the default alert() function
window.$a = function (v)
* Short-hand for console.log
* @param mixed v The variable to log to the console
window.$cl = function (v)
return console.log(v);
* A basic string formatting function. Use it like this:
* var str = '{1} {2} {3}'.format('a', 'b', 'c');
* Outputs: a b c
if (!String.prototype.format) {
String.prototype.format = function()
var args = arguments;
return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(str, idx)
return typeof args[idx - 1] !== 'undefined' ? args[idx - 1] : str;