Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

// version: 2017-11-25
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | |
* | RGraph is licensed under the Open Source MIT license. That means that it's |
* | totally free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it! |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
RGraph.SVG = RGraph.SVG || {};
RGraph.SVG.HTML = RGraph.SVG.HTML || {};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
* Draws the graph key (used by various graphs)
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param array key An array of the texts to be listed in the key
* @param colors An array of the colors to be used
RG.SVG.drawKey = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties,
key = prop.key,
colors = prop.keyColors || prop.colors,
defaultFont = 'Arial',
blobSize = 0,
width = 0,
keyColorShape = prop.keyColorShape;
// Work out the center point of the SVG tag
var centerx = obj.svg.getAttribute('width') / 2;
// If we're drawing a key on a funnel then work out the center of
// the chart differently. This may be useful to other chart types
// too
if (obj.type === 'funnel') {
centerx = (obj.graphWidth / 2) + prop.gutterLeft;
// Loop thru the key and draw them
if (key && key.length) {
// First measure the length so that the key can be centered
for (var i=0,length = 0; i<key.length; i++) {
// First measure the text
var textDimensions = RG.SVG.measureText({
text: key[i],
bold: prop.keyTextBold || false,
font: prop.keyTextFont || prop.textFont || defaultFont,
size: prop.keyTextSize || prop.textSize
blobSize = ma.max(blobSize, textDimensions[1]);
width = width + 10 + blobSize + 5 + textDimensions[0];
// Center the key
x = centerx - width / 2;
for (var i=0,y=prop.gutterTop - 5; i<key.length; ++i) {
// Do this on the first iteration only
if (i === 0) {
if (obj.type === 'pie' && prop.highlightStyle == 'outline') {
y -= prop.highlightStyleOutlineWidth;
// First measure the text
var textDimensions = RG.SVG.measureText({
text: key[i],
bold: prop.keyTextBold || false,
font: prop.keyTextFont || prop.textFont || defaultFont,
size: prop.keyTextSize || prop.textSize
// Draw the blob of color (accounting for it being an array first)
var shape = prop.keyColorShape;
if (typeof shape === 'object') {
shape = prop.keyColorShape[i];
// A circle
if (shape === 'circle') {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'circle',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
cx: x + (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
cy: y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
r: blobSize / 2,
fill: colors[i]
// A triangle
} else if (shape === 'triangle') {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'path',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4} L {5} {6} z'.format(
x + prop.keyOffsetx + (blobSize / 2),
y - blobSize + prop.keyOffsety,
x + prop.keyOffsetx + blobSize,
y + prop.keyOffsety,
x + prop.keyOffsetx,
y + prop.keyOffsety
fill: colors[i]
// A line
} else if (shape === 'line') {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'path',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4}'.format(
x + prop.keyOffsetx,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
x + prop.keyOffsetx + blobSize,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety
stroke: colors[i],
'stroke-width': 2,
'stroke-linecap': 'round'
// A dot
} else if (shape === 'dot') {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'path',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4}'.format(
x + prop.keyOffsetx,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
x + prop.keyOffsetx + blobSize,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety
stroke: colors[i],
'stroke-width': 2,
'stroke-linecap': 'round'
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'circle',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
cx: x + (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
cy: y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
r: blobSize / 4,
fill: colors[i]
// Ccustom
} else if (typeof shape === 'function') {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'path',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4}'.format(
x + prop.keyOffsetx,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety,
x + prop.keyOffsetx + blobSize,
y - (blobSize / 2) + prop.keyOffsety
stroke: colors[i],
'stroke-width': 2,
'stroke-linecap': 'round'
// A rectangle default
} else {
svg: obj.svg,
type: 'rect',
parent: obj.svg.all,
attr: {
x: x + prop.keyOffsetx,
y: y - blobSize + prop.keyOffsety,
width: blobSize,
height: blobSize,
fill: colors[i]
// Add the text
object: obj,
parent: obj.svg.all,
tag: 'key',
size: prop.keyTextSize || prop.textSize,
bold: typeof prop.keyTextBold === 'boolean' ? prop.keyTextBold : prop.textBold,
italic: typeof prop.keyTextItalic === 'boolean' ? prop.keyTextItalic : prop.textItalic,
font: prop.keyTextFont || prop.textFont,
halign: 'left',
valign: 'bottom',
text: key[i],
x: x + blobSize + 5 + prop.keyTextOffsetx + prop.keyOffsetx,
y: y + prop.keyTextOffsety + prop.keyOffsety,
color: 'black',
background: 'white',
padding: 0
x += 10 + blobSize + 5 + textDimensions[0];
* Create a TABLE based HTML key. There's lots of options so it's
* suggested that you consult the documentation page
* @param mixed id This should be a string consisting of the ID of the container
* @param object prop An object map of the various properties that you can use to
* configure the key. See the documentation page for a list.
RG.SVG.HTML.key = function (id, prop)
var div = doc.getElementById(id);
* Create the table that becomes the key
var str = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="rgraph_key" style="display: inline;' + (function ()
var style = ''
for (i in prop.tableCss) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
style = style + i + ': ' + prop.tableCss[i] + ';';
return style;
})() + '" ' + (prop.tableClass ? 'class="' + prop.tableClass + '"' : '') + '>';
* Add the individual key elements
for (var i=0; i<prop.labels.length; i+=1) {
str += '<tr><td><div style="' + (function ()
var style = '';
for (var j in prop.blobCss) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop.blobCss[j] + ';';
return style;
})() + 'display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 4px; width: 15px; height: 15px; background-color: ' + prop.colors[i] + '"' + (prop.blobClass ? 'class="' + prop.blobClass + '"' : '') + '>&nbsp;</div><td>' + (prop.links && prop.links[i] ? '<a href="' + prop.links[i] + '">' : '') + '<span ' + (prop.labelClass ? 'class="' + prop.labelClass + '"' : '') + '" style="' + (function ()
var style = '';
for (var j in prop.labelCss) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop.labelCss[j] + ';';
return style;
})() + '" ' + (function ()
var style = '';
if (prop['labelCss_' + i]) {
for (var j in prop['labelCss_' + i]) {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop['labelCss_' + i][j] + ';';
return style ? 'style="' + style + '"' : '';
})() + '>' + prop.labels[i] + '</span>' + (prop.links && prop.links[i] ? '</a>' : '') + '</td></tr>';
div.innerHTML += (str + '</table>');
// Return the TABLE object that is the HTML key
return doc.getElementById('rgraph_key');
// End module pattern
})(window, document);