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// version: 2017-11-25
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | |
* | RGraph is licensed under the Open Source MIT license. That means that it's |
* | totally free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it! |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
RGraph.SVG = RGraph.SVG || {};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math,
win = window,
doc = document;
RG.SVG.Line = function (conf)
// A setter that the constructor uses (at the end)
// to set all of the properties
// @param string name The name of the property to set
// @param string value The value to set the property to
this.set = function (name, value)
if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof name === 'object') {
for (i in arguments[0]) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
var ret = RG.SVG.commonSetter({
object: this,
name: i,
value: arguments[0][i]
name =;
value = ret.value;
this.set(name, value);
} else {
var ret = RG.SVG.commonSetter({
object: this,
name: name,
value: value
name =;
value = ret.value;[name] = value;
// If setting the colors, update the originalColors
// property too
if (name === 'colors') {
this.originalColors = RG.SVG.arrayClone(value);
this.colorsParsed = false;
return this;
}; =;
this.uid = RG.SVG.createUID();
this.container = document.getElementById(;
this.layers = {}; // MUST be before the SVG tag is created!
this.svg = RG.SVG.createSVG({object: this,container: this.container});
this.isRGraph = true;
this.width = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('width'));
this.height = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('height'));
// Convert single datasets to a multi-dimensional format
if (RG.SVG.isArray( && RG.SVG.isArray([0])) { = RG.SVG.arrayClone(;
} else if (RG.SVG.isArray( { = [RG.SVG.arrayClone(];
} else { = [[]];
this.type = 'line';
this.coords = [];
this.coords2 = [];
this.coordsSpline = [];
this.hasMultipleDatasets = typeof[0] === 'object' && typeof[1] === 'object' ? true : false;
this.colorsParsed = false;
this.originalColors = {};
this.gradientCounter = 1;
this.originalData = RG.SVG.arrayClone(;
this.filledGroups = [];
// Add this object to the ObjectRegistry
RG.SVG.OR.add(this); = 'inline-block'; =
gutterLeft: 35,
gutterRight: 35,
gutterTop: 35,
gutterBottom: 35,
backgroundColor: null,
backgroundImage: null,
backgroundImageStretch: true,
backgroundImageAspect: 'none',
backgroundImageOpacity: null,
backgroundImageX: null,
backgroundImageY: null,
backgroundImageW: null,
backgroundImageH: null,
backgroundGrid: true,
backgroundGridColor: '#ddd',
backgroundGridLinewidth: 1,
backgroundGridHlines: true,
backgroundGridHlinesCount: null,
backgroundGridVlines: true,
backgroundGridVlinesCount: null,
backgroundGridBorder: true,
backgroundGridDashed: false,
backgroundGridDotted: false,
backgroundGridDashArray: null,
colors: ['red', '#0f0', 'blue', '#ff0', '#0ff', 'green'],
filled: false,
filledColors: [],
filledClick: null,
filledOpacity: 1,
filledAccumulative: false,
hmargin: 0,
yaxis: true,
yaxisTickmarks: true,
yaxisTickmarksLength: 3,
yaxisColor: 'black',
yaxisScale: true,
yaxisLabels: null,
yaxisLabelsOffsetx: 0,
yaxisLabelsOffsety: 0,
yaxisLabelsCount: 5,
yaxisUnitsPre: '',
yaxisUnitsPost: '',
yaxisStrict: false,
yaxisDecimals: 0,
yaxisPoint: '.',
yaxisThousand: ',',
yaxisRound: false,
yaxisMax: null,
yaxisMin: 0,
yaxisFormatter: null,
xaxis: true,
xaxisTickmarks: true,
xaxisTickmarksLength: 5,
xaxisLabels: null,
xaxisLabelsOffsetx: 0,
xaxisLabelsOffsety: 0,
xaxisLabelsPosition: 'edge',
xaxisLabelsPositionEdgeTickmarksCount: null,
xaxisColor: 'black',
textColor: 'black',
textFont: 'sans-serif',
textSize: 12,
textBold: false,
textItalic: false,
linewidth: 1,
tooltips: null,
tooltipsOverride: null,
tooltipsEffect: 'fade',
tooltipsCssClass: 'RGraph_tooltip',
tooltipsEvent: 'mousemove',
highlightStroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
highlightFill: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
highlightLinewidth: 1,
tickmarksStyle: 'none',
tickmarksSize: 5,
tickmarksFill: 'white',
tickmarksLinewidth: 1,
labelsAbove: false,
labelsAboveFont: null,
labelsAboveSize: null,
labelsAboveBold: null,
labelsAboveItalic: null,
labelsAboveColor: null,
labelsAboveBackground: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
labelsAboveBackgroundPadding: 2,
labelsAboveUnitsPre: null,
labelsAboveUnitsPost: null,
labelsAbovePoint: null,
labelsAboveThousand: null,
labelsAboveFormatter: null,
labelsAboveDecimals: null,
labelsAboveOffsetx: 0,
labelsAboveOffsety: -10,
labelsAboveHalign: 'center',
labelsAboveValign: 'bottom',
labelsAboveSpecific: null,
shadow: false,
shadowOffsetx: 2,
shadowOffsety: 2,
shadowBlur: 2,
shadowOpacity: 0.25,
spline: false,
stepped: false,
title: '',
titleSize: null,
titleX: null,
titleY: null,
titleHalign: 'center',
titleValign: null,
titleColor: null,
titleFont: null,
titleBold: false,
titleItalic: false,
titleSubtitle: null,
titleSubtitleSize: 10,
titleSubtitleX: null,
titleSubtitleY: null,
titleSubtitleHalign: 'center',
titleSubtitleValign: null,
titleSubtitleColor: '#aaa',
titleSubtitleFont: null,
titleSubtitleBold: false,
titleSubtitleItalic: false,
errorbars: null,
errorbarsColor: 'black',
errorbarsLinewidth: 1,
errorbarsCapwidth: 10,
key: null,
keyColors: null,
keyOffsetx: 0,
keyOffsety: 0,
keyTextOffsetx: 0,
keyTextOffsety: -1,
keyTextSize: null,
keyTextBold: null,
keyTextItalic: null
// Copy the global object properties to this instance
* "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included
if (RG.SVG.FX && typeof RG.SVG.FX.decorate === 'function') {
var prop =;
// The draw method draws the Bar chart
this.draw = function ()
// Fire the beforedraw event
RG.SVG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw');
// Should the first thing that's done inthe.draw() function
// except for the onbeforedraw event
this.width = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('width'));
this.height = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('height'));
// Create the defs tag
this.graphWidth = this.width - prop.gutterLeft - prop.gutterRight;
this.graphHeight = this.height - prop.gutterTop - prop.gutterBottom;
// Parse the colors for gradients
// Clear the coords arrays
this.coords = [];
this.coords2 = [];
this.coordsSpline = [];
// Reset the data back to the original = RG.SVG.arrayClone(this.originalData);
// Set this to zero
this.tooltipsSequentialIndex = 0;
// Go through all the data working out the max value
// whilst taking errorbars into account
for (var i=0,tmp=[]; i<; ++i) {
for (var j=0; j<[i].length; ++j) {
// Init the tmp array slot
if (typeof tmp[j] === 'undefined') {
tmp[j] = 0;
if (prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative) {
tmp[j] +=[i][j];
// Only add this once (from the last dataset)
if (i === ( - 1) ) {
tmp[j] += (prop.errorbars ? prop.errorbars[RG.SVG.groupedIndexToSequential({object: this, dataset: i, index: j})].max : 0)
} else {
tmp[j] = ma.max(tmp[j],[i][j] + (prop.errorbars ? prop.errorbars[RG.SVG.groupedIndexToSequential({object: this, dataset: i, index: j})].max : 0) );
// Go through the data and work out the maximum value
var values = [];
// Go thru each dataset
for (var i=0,max=0; i<; ++i) {
if (RG.SVG.isArray([i]) && !prop.filledAccumulative) {
} else if (RG.SVG.isArray([i]) && prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative) {
for (var j=0; j<[i].length; ++j) {
values[j] = values[j] || 0;
values[j] = values[j] +[i][j];
// This adds values to prior values in order
// to create the stacking effect.[i][j] = values[j];
if (prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative) {
var max = RG.SVG.arrayMax(tmp)
} else {
var max = RG.SVG.arrayMax(values);
// A custom, user-specified maximum value
if (typeof prop.yaxisMax === 'number') {
max = prop.yaxisMax;
// Set the ymin to zero if it's set mirror
if (prop.yaxisMin === 'mirror') {
var mirrorScale = true;
prop.yaxisMin = 0;
// Generate an appropiate scale
this.scale = RG.SVG.getScale({
object: this,
numlabels: prop.yaxisLabelsCount,
unitsPre: prop.yaxisUnitsPre,
unitsPost: prop.yaxisUnitsPost,
max: max,
min: prop.yaxisMin,
point: prop.yaxisPoint,
round: prop.yaxisRound,
thousand: prop.yaxisThousand,
decimals: prop.yaxisDecimals,
strict: typeof prop.yaxisMax === 'number',
formatter: prop.yaxisFormatter
// Get the scale a second time if the ymin should be mirored
// Set the ymin to zero if it's szet mirror
if (mirrorScale) {
this.scale = RG.SVG.getScale({
object: this,
numlabels: prop.yaxisLabelsCount,
unitsPre: prop.yaxisUnitsPre,
unitsPost: prop.yaxisUnitsPost,
max: this.scale.max,
min: this.scale.max * -1,
point: prop.yaxisPoint,
round: false,
thousand: prop.yaxisThousand,
decimals: prop.yaxisDecimals,
strict: typeof prop.yaxisMax === 'number',
formatter: prop.yaxisFormatter
// Now the scale has been generated adopt its max value
this.max = this.scale.max;
this.min = this.scale.min;
prop.yaxisMax = this.scale.max;
prop.yaxisMin = this.scale.min;
// Draw the background first
// Draw the axes over the bars
for (var i=0; i<; ++i) {
this.drawLine([i], i);
// Always redraw the liines now so that tickmarks are drawn
// Draw the key
if (typeof prop.key !== null && RG.SVG.drawKey) {
} else if (!RGraph.SVG.isNull(prop.key)) {
alert('The drawKey() function does not exist - have you forgotten to include the key library?');
// Draw the labelsAbove labels
// Add the event listener that clears the highlight if
// there is any. Must be MOUSEDOWN (ie before the click event)
var obj = this;
document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e)
}, false);
// Fire the draw event
RG.SVG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw');
return this;
// Draws the bars
this.drawLine = function (data, index)
var coords = [],
path = [];
// Generate the coordinates
for (var i=0,len=data.length; i<len; ++i) {
var val = data[i],
x = (( (this.graphWidth - prop.hmargin - prop.hmargin) / (len - 1) ) * i) + prop.gutterLeft + prop.hmargin,
y = this.getYCoord(val);
// Go through the coordinates and create the path that draws the line
for (var i=0; i<coords.length; ++i) {
if (i === 0 || RG.SVG.isNull(data[i]) || RG.SVG.isNull(data[i - 1])) {
var action = 'M';
} else {
// STEPPED Add extra lines
if (prop.stepped) {
path.push('L {1} {2}'.format(
coords[i - 1][1]
var action = 'L';
path.push(action + '{1} {2}'.format(
// Add the coordinates to the coords array, coords2 array and if
// necessary, the coordsSpline array
// The coords array
for (var k=0; k<coords.length; ++k) {
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].x = coords[k][0];
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].y = coords[k][1];
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].object = this;
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].value = data[k];
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].index = k;
this.coords[this.coords.length - 1].path = path;
// The coords2 array
this.coords2[index] = RG.SVG.arrayClone(coords);
for (var k=0; k<coords.length; ++k) {
this.coords2[index][k].x = coords[k][0];
this.coords2[index][k].y = coords[k][1];
this.coords2[index][k].object = this;
this.coords2[index][k].value = data[k];
this.coords2[index][k].index = k;
this.coords2[index][k].path = path;
// Draw the errorbar if required
if (prop.errorbars) {
object: this,
dataset: index,
index: k,
x: x,
y: y
// The coordsSpline array
if (prop.spline) {
this.coordsSpline[index] = this.drawSpline(coords);
// If the line should be filled, draw the fill part
if (prop.filled === true || (typeof prop.filled === 'object' && prop.filled[index]) ) {
if (prop.spline) {
var fillPath = ['M{1} {2}'.format(
for (var i=1; i<this.coordsSpline[index].length; ++i) {
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coordsSpline[index][i][0] + ((i === (this.coordsSpline[index].length) - 1) ? 1 : 0),
} else {
var fillPath = RG.SVG.arrayClone(path);
// Draw a line down to the X axis
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index][this.coords2[index].length - 1][0] + 1,
index > 0 && prop.filledAccumulative ? (prop.spline ? this.coordsSpline[index - 1][this.coordsSpline[index - 1].length - 1][1] : this.coords2[index - 1][this.coords2[index - 1].length - 1][1]) : this.getYCoord(prop.yaxisMin > 0 ? prop.yaxisMin : 0) + (prop.xaxis ? 0 : 1)
if (index > 0 && prop.filledAccumulative) {
var path2 = RG.SVG.arrayClone(path);
if (index > 0 && prop.filledAccumulative) {
if (prop.spline) {
for (var i=this.coordsSpline[index - 1].length-1; i>=0; --i) {
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coordsSpline[index - 1][i][0],
this.coordsSpline[index - 1][i][1]
} else {
for (var i=this.coords2[index - 1].length-1; i>=0; --i) {
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index - 1][i][0],
this.coords2[index - 1][i][1]
// For STEPPED charts
if (prop.stepped && i > 0) {
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index - 1][i][0],
this.coords2[index - 1][i - 1][1]
} else {
// This is the bottom left corner. The +1 is so that
// the fill doesn't go over the axis
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index][0][0] + (prop.yaxis ? 1 : 0),
this.getYCoord(prop.yaxisMin > 0 ? prop.yaxisMin : 0) + (prop.xaxis ? 0 : 1)
// Find the first none-null value and use that
// values X value
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index][0][0] + (prop.yaxis ? 1 : 0),
for (var i=0; i<[index].length; ++i) {
if (!RG.SVG.isNull([index][i])) {
fillPath.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
// Create a group that the fill is added to. Later the line
// will also be added to it
this.filledGroups[index] = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'g',
parent: this.svg.all,
attr: {
'class': 'rgraph_filled_line_' + index
// Add the fill path to the scene
var fillPathObject = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.filledGroups[index],
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: fillPath.join(' '),
stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'fill': prop.filledColors && prop.filledColors[index] ? prop.filledColors[index] : prop.colors[index],
'fill-opacity': prop.filledOpacity,
'stroke-width': 1,
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
if (prop.filledClick) {
var obj = this;
fillPathObject.addEventListener('click', function (e)
prop.filledClick(e, obj, index);
}, false);
fillPathObject.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
{ = 'pointer';
}, false);
// Create the drop shadow effect if its required
if (prop.shadow) {
object: this,
offsetx: prop.shadowOffsetx,
offsety: prop.shadowOffsety,
blur: prop.shadowBlur,
opacity: prop.shadowOpacity,
id: 'dropShadow'
// Add the path to the scene
if (prop.spline) {
// Make the raw coords into a path
var str = ['M{1} {2}'.format(
for (var i=1; i<this.coordsSpline[index].length; ++i) {
str.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
str = str.join(' ');
var line = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: prop.filled ? this.filledGroups[index] : this.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: str,
stroke: prop['colors'][index],
'stroke-width': this.hasMultipleDatasets && prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative ? 0.1 : (RG.SVG.isArray(prop.linewidth) ? prop.linewidth[index] : prop.linewidth + 0.01),
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
filter: prop.shadow ? 'url(#dropShadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
} else {
var path2 = RG.SVG.arrayClone(path);
if (prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative && index > 0) {
for (var i=this.coords2[index - 1].length-1; i>=0; --i) {
path2.push('L{1} {2}'.format(
this.coords2[index - 1][i][0],
this.coords2[index - 1][i][1]
path2 = path2.join(' ');
var line = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: prop.filled ? this.filledGroups[index] : this.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: path2,
stroke: prop.colors[index],
'stroke-width': this.hasMultipleDatasets && prop.filled && prop.filledAccumulative ? 0.1 : (RG.SVG.isArray(prop.linewidth) ? prop.linewidth[index]: prop.linewidth + 0.01),
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
filter: prop.shadow ? 'url(#dropShadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
if (prop.tooltips && prop.tooltips.length) {
var group = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.all,
type: 'g',
attr: {
'fill': 'transparent',
className: "rgraph_hotspots"
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
//for (var i=0; i<this.coords2[index].length; ++i,++this.tooltipsSequentialIndex) {
for (var i=0; i<this.coords2[index].length && this.tooltipsSequentialIndex < prop.tooltips.length; ++i,++this.tooltipsSequentialIndex) {
if (prop.tooltips[this.tooltipsSequentialIndex] && this.coords2[index][i][0] && this.coords2[index][i][1]) {
var hotspot = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
// Intentionally omitted So that the hotspotis on top of
// everything else
//parent: group,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: this.coords2[index][i][0],
cy: this.coords2[index][i][1],
r: 10,
fill: 'transparent',
'data-dataset': index,
'data-index': i
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
var obj = this;
(function (sequentialIndex)
hotspot.addEventListener(prop.tooltipsEvent, function (e)
var indexes = RG.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(sequentialIndex,,
index = indexes[1],
dataset = indexes[0];
if (RG.SVG.REG.get('tooltip') && RG.SVG.REG.get('tooltip').__index__ === index && RG.SVG.REG.get('tooltip').__dataset__ === dataset) {
// Show the tooltip
if (prop.tooltips[sequentialIndex]) {
var text = prop.tooltips[sequentialIndex];
object: obj,
index: index,
dataset: dataset,
sequentialIndex: sequentialIndex,
text: text,
event: e
// Highlight the chart here
var outer_highlight1 = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: obj.coords2[dataset][index][0],
cy: obj.coords2[dataset][index][1],
r: 13,
'fill-opacity': 0.5
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
var outer_highlight2 = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: obj.coords2[dataset][index][0],
cy: obj.coords2[dataset][index][1],
r: 14,
fill: 'white',
'fill-opacity': 0.75
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
var inner_highlight1 = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: obj.coords2[dataset][index][0],
cy: obj.coords2[dataset][index][1],
r: 6,
fill: 'white'
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
var inner_highlight2 = RG.SVG.create({
svg: obj.svg,
parent: obj.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: obj.coords2[dataset][index][0],
cy: obj.coords2[dataset][index][1],
r: 5,
style: {
cursor: 'pointer'
// Set the highlight in the registry
RG.SVG.REG.set('highlight', [
}, false);
// Draws tickmarks
// @param number index The index of the line/dataset of coordinates
// @param object data The origvinal line data points
// @param object coords The coordinates of the points
this.drawTickmarks = function (index, data, coords)
for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) {
if (typeof data[i] === 'number') {
switch (prop.tickmarksStyle) {
case 'filledcircle':
case 'filledendcircle':
if (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'filledcircle' || (i === 0 || i === data.length - 1) ) {
var circle = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: coords[index][i][0],
cy: coords[index][i][1],
r: prop.tickmarksSize,
'fill': prop.colors[index],
filter: prop.shadow? 'url(#dropShadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
case 'circle':
case 'endcircle':
if (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'circle' || (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'endcircle' && (i === 0 || i === data.length - 1)) ) {
var outerCircle = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: coords[index][i][0],
cy: coords[index][i][1],
r: prop.tickmarksSize + prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
'fill': prop.colors[index],
filter: prop.shadow? 'url(#dropShadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
var innerCircle = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.all,
type: 'circle',
attr: {
cx: coords[index][i][0],
cy: coords[index][i][1],
r: prop.tickmarksSize,
'fill': prop.tickmarksFill,
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
case 'endrect':
case 'rect':
if (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'rect' || (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'endrect' && (i === 0 || i === data.length - 1)) ) {
var half = (prop.tickmarksSize + prop.tickmarksLinewidth) / 2;
var fill = typeof prop.tickmarksFill === 'object'&& typeof prop.tickmarksFill[index] === 'string' ? prop.tickmarksFill[index] : prop.tickmarksFill;
var rect = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.all,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
x: coords[index][i][0] - half,
y: coords[index][i][1] - half,
width: prop.tickmarksSize+ prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
height: prop.tickmarksSize+ prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
'stroke-width': prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
'stroke': prop.colors[index],
'fill': fill,
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
case 'filledendrect':
case 'filledrect':
if (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'filledrect' || (prop.tickmarksStyle === 'filledendrect' && (i === 0 || i === data.length - 1)) ) {
var half = (prop.tickmarksSize + prop.tickmarksLinewidth) / 2;
var fill = prop.colors[index];
var rect = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.all,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
x: coords[index][i][0] - half,
y: coords[index][i][1] - half,
width: prop.tickmarksSize+ prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
height: prop.tickmarksSize+ prop.tickmarksLinewidth,
'fill': fill,
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
// Redraws the line in certain circumstances:
// o filled
// o filledAccumulative
// o Multiple lines
this.redrawLines = function ()
if (prop.spline) {
for (var i=0; i<this.coordsSpline.length; ++i) {
var linewidth = RG.SVG.isArray(prop.linewidth) ? prop.linewidth[i] : prop.linewidth,
color = prop['colors'][i],
path = '';
// Create the path from the spline coordinates
for (var j=0; j<this.coordsSpline[i].length; ++j) {
if (j === 0) {
path += 'M{1} {2} '.format(
} else {
path += 'L{1} {2} '.format(
svg: this.svg,
parent: prop.filled ? this.filledGroups[i] : this.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: path,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth + 0.01,
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
filter: prop.shadow ? 'url(#dropShadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
// Now draw the tickmarks
for (var dataset=0; dataset<this.coords2.length; ++dataset) {
} else {
for (var i=0; i<this.coords2.length; ++i) {
var linewidth = RG.SVG.isArray(prop.linewidth) ? prop.linewidth[i] : prop.linewidth,
color = prop['colors'][i],
path = '';
// Create the path from the coordinates
for (var j=0; j<this.coords2[i].length; ++j) {
if (j === 0 || RG.SVG.isNull([i][j]) || RG.SVG.isNull([i][j - 1])) {
path += 'M{1} {2} '.format(
} else {
if (prop.stepped) {
path += 'L{1} {2} '.format(
this.coords2[i][j - 1][1]
path += 'L{1} {2} '.format(
svg: this.svg,
parent: prop.filled ? this.filledGroups[i] : this.svg.all,
type: 'path',
attr: {
d: path,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth + 0.01,
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
filter: prop.shadow ? 'url(#dropshadow)' : '',
'clip-path': this.isTrace ? 'url(#trace-effect-clip)' : ''
// Now draw the tickmarks
for (var dataset=0; dataset<this.coords2.length; ++dataset) {
* This function can be used to retrieve the relevant Y coordinate for a
* particular value.
* @param int value The value to get the Y coordinate for
this.getYCoord = function (value)
var prop =, y;
if (value > this.scale.max) {
return null;
if (value < this.scale.min) {
return null;
y = ((value - this.scale.min) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min));
y *= (this.height - prop.gutterTop - prop.gutterBottom);
y = this.height - prop.gutterBottom - y;
return y;
* This function can be used to highlight a bar on the chart
* TODO This function looks like its needs updating
* @param object rect The rectangle to highlight
this.highlight = function (rect)
var x = rect.getAttribute('x'),
y = rect.getAttribute('y');
var highlight = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
stroke: prop.highlightStroke,
fill: prop.highlightFill,
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
'stroke-width': prop.highlightLinewidth
if (prop.tooltipsEvent === 'mousemove') {
highlight.addEventListener('mouseout', function (e)
RG.SVG.REG.set('highlight', null);
}, false);
// Store the highlight rect in the rebistry so
// it can be cleared later
RG.SVG.REG.set('highlight', highlight);
// Remove highlight from the chart (tooltips)
this.removeHighlight = function ()
var highlight = RG.SVG.REG.get('highlight');
if (highlight && highlight.parentNode) {
} else if (highlight) {
// The highlight is an array
for (var i=0; i<highlight.length; ++i) {
if (highlight[i] && highlight[i].parentNode) {
RG.SVG.REG.set('highlight', null);
// Draw a spline Line chart
// @param array coords The coords for the line
this.drawSpline = function (coords)
var xCoords = [];
gutterLeft = prop.gutterLeft,
gutterRight = prop.gutterRight,
hmargin = prop.hmargin,
interval = (this.graphWidth - (2 * hmargin)) / (coords.length - 1),
coordsSpline = [];
* The drawSpline function takes an array of JUST Y coords - not X/Y coords. So the line coords need converting
* if we've been given X/Y pairs
for (var i=0,len=coords.length; i<len;i+=1) {
if (typeof coords[i] == 'object' && coords[i] && coords[i].length == 2) {
coords[i] = Number(coords[i][1]);
* Get the Points array in the format we want - the first value should
* be null along with the lst value
var P = [coords[0]];
for (var i=0; i<coords.length; ++i) {
P.push(coords[coords.length - 1] + (coords[coords.length - 1] - coords[coords.length - 2]));
for (var j=1; j<P.length-2; ++j) {
for (var t=0; t<10; ++t) {
var yCoord = spline( t/10, P[j-1], P[j], P[j+1], P[j+2] );
xCoords.push(((j-1) * interval) + (t * (interval / 10)) + gutterLeft + hmargin);
xCoords[xCoords.length - 1],
if (typeof index === 'number') {
xCoords[xCoords.length - 1],
// Draw the last section
((j-1) * interval) + gutterLeft + hmargin,
if (typeof index === 'number') {
((j-1) * interval) + gutterLeft + hmargin,
function spline (t, P0, P1, P2, P3)
return 0.5 * ((2 * P1) +
((0-P0) + P2) * t +
((2*P0 - (5*P1) + (4*P2) - P3) * (t*t) +
((0-P0) + (3*P1)- (3*P2) + P3) * (t*t*t)));
// Add some properties to the coordinates
for (var i=0; i<coordsSpline.length; ++i) {
coordsSpline[i].object = this;
coordsSpline[i].x = this;
coordsSpline[i].y = this;
return coordsSpline;
* This allows for easy specification of gradients
this.parseColors = function ()
if (!Object.keys(this.originalColors).length) {
this.originalColors = {
colors: RG.SVG.arrayClone(prop.colors),
filledColors: RG.SVG.arrayClone(prop.filledColors),
backgroundGridColor: RG.SVG.arrayClone(prop.backgroundGridColor),
highlightFill: RG.SVG.arrayClone(prop.highlightFill),
backgroundColor: RG.SVG.arrayClone(prop.backgroundColor)
// colors
var colors = prop.colors;
if (colors) {
for (var i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) {
colors[i] = RG.SVG.parseColorLinear({
object: this,
color: colors[i]
// Fill colors
var filledColors = prop.filledColors;
if (filledColors) {
for (var i=0; i<filledColors.length; ++i) {
filledColors[i] = RG.SVG.parseColorLinear({
object: this,
color: filledColors[i]
prop.backgroundGridColor = RG.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: prop.backgroundGridColor});
prop.highlightFill = RG.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: prop.highlightFill});
prop.backgroundColor = RG.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: prop.backgroundColor});
// Draws the labelsAbove
this.drawLabelsAbove = function ()
// Go through the above labels
if (prop.labelsAbove) {
var data_seq = RG.SVG.arrayLinearize(,
seq = 0;
for (var dataset=0; dataset<this.coords2.length; ++dataset,seq++) {
for (var i=0; i<this.coords2[dataset].length; ++i,seq++) {
var str = RG.SVG.numberFormat({
object: this,
num:[dataset][i].toFixed(prop.labelsAboveDecimals ),
prepend: typeof prop.labelsAboveUnitsPre === 'string' ? prop.labelsAboveUnitsPre : null,
append: typeof prop.labelsAboveUnitsPost === 'string' ? prop.labelsAboveUnitsPost : null,
point: typeof prop.labelsAbovePoint === 'string' ? prop.labelsAbovePoint : null,
thousand: typeof prop.labelsAboveThousand === 'string' ? prop.labelsAboveThousand : null,
formatter: typeof prop.labelsAboveFormatter === 'function' ? prop.labelsAboveFormatter : null
// Facilitate labelsAboveSpecific
if (prop.labelsAboveSpecific && prop.labelsAboveSpecific.length && (typeof prop.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] === 'string' || typeof prop.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] === 'number') ) {
str = prop.labelsAboveSpecific[seq];
} else if ( prop.labelsAboveSpecific && prop.labelsAboveSpecific.length && typeof prop.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] !== 'string' && typeof prop.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] !== 'number') {
object: this,
parent: this.svg.all,
tag: 'labels.above',
text: str,
x: parseFloat(this.coords2[dataset][i][0]) + prop.labelsAboveOffsetx,
y: parseFloat(this.coords2[dataset][i][1]) + prop.labelsAboveOffsety,
halign: prop.labelsAboveHalign,
valign: prop.labelsAboveValign,
font: prop.labelsAboveFont || prop.textFont,
size: prop.labelsAboveSize || prop.textSize,
bold: prop.labelsAboveBold || prop.textBold,
italic: prop.labelsAboveItalic || prop.textItalic,
color: prop.labelsAboveColor || prop.textColor,
background: prop.labelsAboveBackground || null,
padding: prop.labelsAboveBackgroundPadding || 0
// Necessary so that the seq doesn't get incremented twice
* Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method
* chaining
* @param string type The type of even to add
* @param function func
this.on = function (type, func)
if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') {
type = 'on' + type;
RG.SVG.addCustomEventListener(this, type, func);
return this;
// Used in chaining. Runs a function there and then - not waiting for
// the events to fire (eg the onbeforedraw event)
// @param function func The function to execute
this.exec = function (func)
return this;
// This function is used to draw the errorbar. Its in the common
// file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
this.drawErrorbar = function (opt)
var linewidth = RG.SVG.getErrorbarsLinewidth({object: this, index: opt.index}),
color = RG.SVG.getErrorbarsColor({object: this, index: opt.index}),
capwidth = RG.SVG.getErrorbarsCapWidth({object: this, index: opt.index}),
index = opt.index,
dataset = opt.dataset,
x = opt.x,
y = opt.y,
value =[dataset][index],
seq = RG.SVG.groupedIndexToSequential({
dataset: dataset,
index: index,
object: this
// Get the Y coord of the point
var y = this.getYCoord(y);
// Get the error bar value
var max = RG.SVG.getErrorbarsMaxValue({
object: this,
index: seq
// Get the error bar value
var min = RG.SVG.getErrorbarsMinValue({
object: this,
index: seq
if (!max && !min) {
var x = this.coords2[dataset][index].x,
y = this.coords2[dataset][index].y,
halfCapWidth = capwidth / 2,
y1 = this.getYCoord(value + max),
y3 = this.getYCoord(value - min) === null ? y : this.getYCoord(value - min);
if (max > 0) {
// Draw the UPPER vertical line
var errorbarLine = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'line',
parent: this.svg.all,
attr: {
x1: x,
y1: y,
x2: x,
y2: y1,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth
// Draw the cap to the UPPER line
var errorbarCap = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'line',
parent: this.svg.all,
attr: {
x1: x - halfCapWidth,
y1: y1,
x2: x + halfCapWidth,
y2: y1,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth
// Draw the minimum errorbar if necessary
if (typeof min === 'number') {
var errorbarLine = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'line',
parent: this.svg.all,
attr: {
x1: x,
y1: y,
x2: x,
y2: y3,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth
// Draw the cap to the UPPER line
var errorbarCap = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
type: 'line',
parent: this.svg.all,
attr: {
x1: x - halfCapWidth,
y1: y3,
x2: x + halfCapWidth,
y2: y3,
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': linewidth
// A trace effect
// @param object Options to give to the effect
// @param function A function to call when the effect has completed
this.trace = function ()
var opt = arguments[0] || {},
frame = 1,
frames = opt.frames || 60,
obj = this;
this.isTrace = true;
// Create the clip area
var clipPath = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: this.svg.defs,
type: 'clipPath',
attr: {
id: 'trace-effect-clip'
var clipPathRect = RG.SVG.create({
svg: this.svg,
parent: clipPath,
type: 'rect',
attr: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: this.height
var iterator = function ()
var width = (frame++) / frames * obj.width;
clipPathRect.setAttribute("width", width);
if (frame <= frames) {
} else if (opt.callback) {
return this;
// Set the options that the user has provided
for (i in conf.options) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
this.set(i, conf.options[i]);
return this;
// End module pattern
})(window, document);