package ICC::Profile::clrt; use strict; use Carp; our $VERSION = 0.12; # revised 2016-05-17 # # Copyright © 2004-2018 by William B. Birkett # add development directory use lib 'lib'; # inherit from Shared use parent qw(ICC::Shared); # create new clrt tag object # parameters: ([ref_to_A2B1_tag, [ref_to_array_of_colorant_names]]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub new { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty clrt object my $self = [ {}, # object header [] # colorant array ]; # if parameter supplied if (@_) { # new colorant tag from xCLR A2B1 tag _newICCclrt($self, @_); } # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # create clrt tag object from ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub new_fh { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty clrt object my $self = [ {}, # object header [] # colorant array ]; # verify 3 parameters (@_ == 3) || croak('wrong number of parameters'); # read clrt data from profile _readICCclrt($self, @_); # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # writes clrt tag object to ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub write_fh { # get tag reference my $self = shift(); # verify 3 parameters (@_ == 3) || croak('wrong number of parameters'); # write text data to profile _writeICCclrt($self, @_); } # get tag size (for writing to profile) # returns: (tag_size) sub size { # get parameters my ($self) = @_; # return size return(12 + @{$self->[1]} * 38); } # get colorant table entry reference(s) # parameters: (channel) # returns: (ref_to_color_table_entry) # parameters: (list_of_channels) # returns: (list_of_refs_to_color_table_entries) sub channel { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if parameters if (@_) { # if list is wanted if (wantarray) { # return list of colorant table references return(map {$self->[1][$_]} @_); # single value wanted } else { # return single colorant table reference return($self->[1][$_[0]]); } } } # print object contents to string # format is an array structure # parameter: ([format]) # returns: (string) sub sdump { # get parameters my ($self, $p) = @_; # local variables my ($s, $fmt); # resolve parameter to an array reference $p = defined($p) ? ref($p) eq 'ARRAY' ? $p : [$p] : []; # get format string $fmt = defined($p->[0]) && ! ref($p->[0]) ? $p->[0] : 'undef'; # set string to object ID $s = sprintf("'%s' object, (0x%x)\n", ref($self), $self); # return return($s); } # new colorant tag from xCLR A2B1 tag # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_A2B1_tag, [ref_to_array_of_colorant_names]) sub _newICCclrt { # get parameters my ($self, $tag, $name) = @_; # local variables my ($type, $csi, $cso); my ($cnt, $max, @in, @out); # get tag type $type = ref($tag); # get input colorspace $csi = $tag->[0]{'input_cs'}; # get output colorspace $cso = $tag->[0]{'output_cs'}; # if allowable tag type if (($type eq 'ICC::Profile::mft1' || $type eq 'ICC::Profile::mft2' || $type eq 'ICC::Profile::mAB_') && ($csi =~ m|^([2-9A-F])CLR$|) && ($cso eq 'Lab ' || $cso eq 'XYZ ')) { # get count from match $cnt = hex($1); # get maximum colorant value $max = $type eq 'ICC::Profile::mft1' ? 255 : 65535; # set transform mask $tag->[6] = 0x0f; # for each colorant for my $i (0 .. $cnt - 1) { # for each input for my $j (0 .. $cnt - 1) { # set input $in[$j] = $i == $j ? 1 : 0; } # if name array supplied if (defined($name->[$i])) { # set the colorant name $self->[1][$i][0] = $name->[$i]; } else { # set the colorant name $self->[1][$i][0] = sprintf('colorant_%x', $i + 1); } # transform color value @{$self->[1][$i]}[1 .. 3] = map {$_ * $max} $tag->transform(@in); } # set the PCS ('Lab ' or 'XYZ ') $self->[0]{'pcs'} = $cso; # set the output bit depth $self->[0]{'output_bits'} = ($cso eq 'Lab ' && $type eq 'ICC::Profile::mft1') ? 8 : 16; # set the 16-bit Lab legacy flag $self->[0]{'legacy'} = ($cso eq 'Lab ' && $type eq 'ICC::Profile::mft2') ? 1 : 0; } else { # message carp('wrong tag type'); } } # read clrt tag from ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub _readICCclrt { # get parameters my ($self, $parent, $fh, $tag) = @_; # local variables my ($buf, $cnt); # save tag signature $self->[0]{'signature'} = $tag->[0]; # save profile connection space ('Lab ' or 'XYZ ') $self->[0]{'pcs'} = $parent->[1][5]; # seek start of tag seek($fh, $tag->[1], 0); # read signature and color count read($fh, $buf, 12); # unpack colorant count $cnt = unpack('x8 N', $buf); # for each colorant for my $i (0 .. $cnt - 1) { # read colorant record read($fh, $buf, 38); # unpack colorant values $self->[1][$i] = [unpack('Z32 n3', $buf)]; } } # write clrt tag to ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub _writeICCclrt { # get parameters my ($self, $parent, $fh, $tag) = @_; # seek start of tag seek($fh, $tag->[1], 0); # write type signature and colorant count print $fh pack('a4 x4 N', 'clrt', scalar(@{$self->[1]})); # for each colorant record for my $rec (@{$self->[1]}) { # write colorant values print $fh pack('Z32 n3', @{$rec}); } } 1;