package ICC::Profile::matf; use strict; use Carp; our $VERSION = 0.33; # revised 2016-12-03 # # Copyright © 2004-2018 by William B. Birkett # add development directory use lib 'lib'; # inherit from Shared use parent qw(ICC::Shared); # enable static variables use feature 'state'; # create new matf object # hash keys are: ('header', 'matrix', 'offset') # 'header' value is a hash reference # 'matrix' value is a 2D array reference -or- Math::Matrix object -or- positive integer # 'offset' value is a 1D array reference -or- numeric value # when the 'matrix' value is a positive integer, an identity matrix of that size is created # when the 'offset' value is a numeric value, an array containing that value is created # when the parameters are input and output arrays, the 'fit' method is called on the object # parameters: ([ref_to_attribute_hash]) # parameters: (ref_to_input_array, ref_to_output_array, [offset_flag]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub new { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty matf object my $self = [ {}, # header [], # matrix [] # offset ]; # local parameter my ($info); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a hash reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { # make new matf object from attribute hash _new_from_hash($self, shift()); # if two or three parameters } elsif (@_ == 2 || @_ == 3) { # fit the object to data ($info = fit($self, @_)) && croak("'matf' fit operation failed with error $info"); } else { # error croak('\'matf\' invalid parameter(s)'); } } # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # make CAT (chromatic adaptation transform) object # using linear Bradford transform (see Annex E of 'ICC1v43_2010-12.pdf') # default PCS is ICC D50, normalized to adopted white point (SRC) # parameters: (src_XYZ_vector, [pcs_XYZ_vector]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub bradford { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty matf object my $self = [ {}, # header [], # matrix [] # offset ]; # local variables my ($brad, $srct, $pcst, $ratio); # get parameters my ($src, $pcs) = @_; # if pcs values are undefined if (! defined($pcs)) { # set pcs xyz values to ICC D50 (normalized) $pcs = [map {$_ * $src->[1]} 0.9642, 1, 0.8249]; } # make Bradford matrix $brad = Math::Matrix->new( [0.8951, 0.2664, -0.1614], [-0.7502, 1.7135, 0.0367], [0.0389, -0.0685, 1.0296] ); # compute pcs cone values $pcst = $brad * (Math::Matrix->new($pcs)->transpose); # compute src cone values $srct = $brad * (Math::Matrix->new($src)->transpose); # make cone ratio matrix $ratio = Math::Matrix->new( [$srct->[0][0]/$pcst->[0][0], 0, 0], [0, $srct->[1][0]/$pcst->[1][0], 0], [0, 0, $srct->[2][0]/$pcst->[2][0]] ); # set header $self->[0] = {'src' => $src, 'pcs' => $pcs, 'type' => 'bradford'}; # set matrix $self->[1] = ($ratio * $brad)->concat($brad)->solve; # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # make CAT (chromatic adaptation transform) object # using CAT02 transform (see CIE CIECAM02) # default PCS is ICC D50, normalized to adopted white point (SRC) # parameters: (src_XYZ_vector, [pcs_XYZ_vector]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub cat02 { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty matf object my $self = [ {}, # header [], # matrix [] # offset ]; # local variables my ($cat02, $srct, $pcst, $ratio); # get parameters my ($src, $pcs) = @_; # if pcs values are undefined if (! defined($pcs)) { # set pcs xyz values to ICC D50 (normalized) $pcs = [map {$_ * $src->[1]} 0.9642, 1, 0.8249]; } # make CAT02 matrix $cat02 = Math::Matrix->new( [0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624], [-0.7036, 1.6975, 0.0061], [0.0030, 0.0136, 0.9834] ); # compute pcs cone values $pcst = $cat02 * (Math::Matrix->new($pcs)->transpose); # compute src cone values $srct = $cat02 * (Math::Matrix->new($src)->transpose); # make cone ratio matrix $ratio = Math::Matrix->new( [$srct->[0][0]/$pcst->[0][0], 0, 0], [0, $srct->[1][0]/$pcst->[1][0], 0], [0, 0, $srct->[2][0]/$pcst->[2][0]] ); # set header $self->[0] = {'src' => $src, 'pcs' => $pcs, 'type' => 'cat02'}; # set matrix $self->[1] = ($ratio * $cat02)->concat($cat02)->solve; # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # make CAT (chromatic adaptation transform) object # just scales the src XYZ values to the pcs, not a true CAT # default PCS is ICC D50, normalized to adopted white point (SRC) # parameters: (src_XYZ_vector, [pcs_XYZ_vector]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub quasi { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty matf object my $self = [ {}, # header [], # matrix [] # offset ]; # get parameters my ($src, $pcs) = @_; # if pcs values are undefined if (! defined($pcs)) { # set pcs xyz values to ICC D50 (normalized) $pcs = [map {$_ * $src->[1]} (0.9642, 1, 0.8249)]; } # set header $self->[0] = {'src' => $src, 'pcs' => $pcs, 'type' => 'quasi'}; # set matrix $self->[1] = Math::Matrix->diagonal($pcs->[0]/$src->[0], $pcs->[1]/$src->[1], $pcs->[2]/$src->[2]); # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # create inverse 'matf' object # returns: (ref_to_object) sub inv { # get object my $self = shift(); # local variables my ($inv, $sys); # make new empty object $inv = ICC::Profile::matf->new(); # if matrix is not empty if (defined($self->[1][0][0])) { # verify matrix is square (@{$self->[1]} == @{$self->[1][0]}) || croak('matrix must be square'); # invert matrix $inv->[1] = $self->[1]->invert(); # if offset is not empty if (defined($self->[2][0])) { # clone the parent matrix $sys = Storable::dclone($self->[1]); # for each matrix row for my $i (0 .. $#{$sys}) { # concatenate negative offsets push(@{$sys->[$i]}, -$self->[2][$i]); } # solve for new offsets $inv->[2] = $sys->solve->transpose->[0]; } } # return object return($inv); } # get/set reference to header hash # parameters: ([ref_to_new_hash]) # returns: (ref_to_hash) sub header { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a hash reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { # set header to new hash $self->[0] = {%{shift()}}; } else { # error croak('\'matf\' header attribute must be a hash reference'); } } # return reference return($self->[0]); } # get/set reference to matrix array # parameters: ([ref_to_new_array]) # returns: (ref_to_array) sub matrix { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a 2-D array reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[0]} == grep {ref() eq 'ARRAY'} @{$_[0]}) { # set matrix to clone of array $self->[1] = bless(Storable::dclone($_[0]), 'Math::Matrix'); # if one parameter, a Math::Matrix object } elsif (@_ == 1 && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Math::Matrix')) { # set matrix to object $self->[1] = $_[0]; } else { # error croak('\'matf\' matrix must be a 2-D array reference or Math::Matrix object'); } } # return object reference return($self->[1]); } # get/set reference to offset array # parameters: ([ref_to_new_array]) # returns: (ref_to_array) sub offset { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, an array reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[0]} == grep {! ref()} @{$_[0]}) { # set offset to copy of array $self->[2] = [@{shift()}]; } else { # error croak('\'matf\' offset must be an array reference'); } } # return reference return($self->[2]); } # get/set equivalent matrix-based profile primaries # see appendix F.3 of 'ICC1v43_2010-12.pdf' # each matrix row contains an XYZ primary # parameters: ([Math::Matrix_object -or- ref_to_array]) # returns: (Math::Matrix_object) sub primary { # get parameters my ($self, $pri) = @_; # if primaries parameter is supplied if (defined($pri)) { # if 3x3 Math::Matrix object or array if ((UNIVERSAL::isa($pri, 'Math::Matrix') || ref($pri) eq 'ARRAY') && @{$pri} == 3 && @{$pri->[0]} == 3) { # compute matrix object from primary tags $self->[1] = Math::Matrix->new(@{$pri})->transpose->multiply_scalar(32768/65535); } else { # error croak('invalid primary matrix parameter'); } } else { # if 'matf' matrix is defined if (defined($self->[1])) { # compute primary tags from matrix object $pri = $self->[1]->multiply_scalar(65535/32768)->transpose(); } else { # error croak('\'matf\' object has no matrix'); } } # return return($pri); } # fit matf object to data # uses LAPACK dgels function to perform a least-squares fit # fitting is done with or without offset, according to offset_flag # input and output are 2D array references -or- Math::Matrix objects # parameters: (ref_to_input_array, ref_to_output_array, [offset_flag]) # returns: (dgels_info_value) sub fit { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $out, $oflag) = @_; # local variables my ($info, $ab); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # verify ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded ($lapack) || croak('\'fit\' method requires ICC::Support::Lapack module'); # resolve offset flag $oflag = 0 if (! defined($oflag)); # verify input array (ref($in) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($in->[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && ! ref($in->[0][0])) || UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'Math::Matrix') || croak('fit input not a 2-D array reference'); # verify output array (ref($out) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($out->[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && ! ref($out->[0][0])) || UNIVERSAL::isa($out, 'Math::Matrix') || croak('fit output not a 2-D array reference'); # verify array dimensions ($#{$in} == $#{$out}) || croak('\'fit\' input and output arrays have different number of rows'); # fit the matrix ($info, $ab) = ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_fit($in, $out, $oflag); # check result carp('fit failed - bad parameter when calling dgels') if ($info < 0); carp('fit failed - A matrix not full rank') if ($info > 0); # initialize matrix object $self->[1] = Math::Matrix->new([]); # for each input for my $i (0 .. $#{$in->[0]}) { # for each output for my $j (0 .. $#{$out->[0]}) { # set matrix element (transposing) $self->[1][$j][$i] = $ab->[$i][$j]; } } # if offset flag if ($oflag) { # set offset $self->[2] = [@{$ab->[$#{$in->[0]} + 1]}]; } else { # no offset $self->[2] = []; } # return info value return($info); } # transform data # supported input types: # parameters: (list, [hash]) # parameters: (vector, [hash]) # parameters: (matrix, [hash]) # parameters: (Math::Matrix_object, [hash]) # parameters: (structure, [hash]) # returns: (same_type_as_input) sub transform { # set hash value (0 or 1) my $h = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? 1 : 0; # if input a 'Math::Matrix' object if (@_ == $h + 2 && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'Math::Matrix')) { # call matrix transform &_trans2; # if input an array reference } elsif (@_ == $h + 2 && ref($_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') { # if array contains numbers (vector) if (! ref($_[1][0]) && @{$_[1]} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$_[1]}) { # call vector transform &_trans1; # if array contains vectors (2-D array) } elsif (ref($_[1][0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[1]} == grep {ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_->[0])} @{$_[1]}) { # call matrix transform &_trans2; } else { # call structure transform &_trans3; } # if input a list (of numbers) } elsif (@_ == $h + 1 + grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @_) { # call list transform &_trans0; } else { # error croak('invalid transform input'); } } # inverse transform # note: number of undefined output values must equal number of defined input values # note: input array contains the final calculated input values upon return # parameters: (ref_to_input_array, ref_to_output_array) sub inverse { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $out) = @_; # local variables my ($i, $j, @si, @so); my ($int, $info, $delta, $sys, $res, $mat); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # initialize indices $i = $j = -1; # build slice arrays while validating input and output arrays ((grep {$i++; defined() && push(@si, $i)} @{$in}) == (grep {$j++; ! defined() && push(@so, $j)} @{$out})) || croak('wrong number of undefined values'); # for each undefined output value for my $i (@so) { # set to 0 $out->[$i] = 0; } # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute initial transform values $int = ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_vec_trans($out, $self->[1], $self->[2]); # for each input for my $i (0 .. $#si) { # for each output for my $j (0 .. $#so) { # copy Jacobian value to system matrix $sys->[$i][$j] = $self->[1][$si[$i]][$so[$j]]; } # compute residual value $res->[$i][0] = $in->[$si[$i]] - $int->[$si[$i]]; } # solve for delta values ($info, $delta) = ICC::Support::Lapack::solve($sys, $res); # report linear system error ($info) && print "matf inverse error $info: @{$in}\n"; # for each output value for my $i (0 .. $#so) { # add delta value $out->[$so[$i]] += $delta->[$i][0]; } # compute final transform values @{$in} = @{ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_vec_trans($out, $self->[1], $self->[2])}; } else { # compute initial transform values $int = [_trans0($self, @{$out})]; # for each input for my $i (0 .. $#si) { # for each output for my $j (0 .. $#so) { # copy Jacobian value to solution matrix $mat->[$i][$j] = $self->[1][$si[$i]][$so[$j]]; } # save residual value to solution matrix $mat->[$i][$#si + 1] = $in->[$si[$i]] - $int->[$si[$i]]; } # bless Matrix bless($mat, 'Math::Matrix'); # solve for delta values $delta = $mat->solve || print "matf inverse error: @{$in}\n"; # for each output value for my $i (0 .. $#so) { # add delta value $out->[$so[$i]] += $delta->[$i][0]; } # compute final transform values @{$in} = _trans0($self, @{$out}); } } # compute Jacobian matrix # note: input values only required for output values # parameters: ([input_vector]) # returns: (ref_to_Jacobian_matrix, [output_vector]) sub jacobian { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if output values wanted if (wantarray) { # return Jacobian and output values return(bless(Storable::dclone($self->[1]), 'Math::Matrix'), _trans1($self, $_[0])); } else { # return Jacobian only return(bless(Storable::dclone($self->[1]), 'Math::Matrix')); } } # invert data # requires the matrix element to be square # supported input types: # parameters: (list, [hash]) # parameters: (vector, [hash]) # parameters: (matrix, [hash]) # parameters: (Math::Matrix_object, [hash]) # parameters: (structure, [hash]) # returns: (same_type_as_input) sub invsqr { # set hash value (0 or 1) my $h = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? 1 : 0; # if input a 'Math::Matrix' object if (@_ == $h + 2 && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'Math::Matrix')) { # call matrix transform &_invsqr2; # if input an array reference } elsif (@_ == $h + 2 && ref($_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') { # if array contains numbers (vector) if (! ref($_[1][0]) && @{$_[1]} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$_[1]}) { # call vector transform &_invsqr1; # if array contains vectors (2-D array) } elsif (ref($_[1][0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[1]} == grep {ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_->[0])} @{$_[1]}) { # call matrix transform &_invsqr2; } else { # call structure transform &_invsqr3; } # if input a list (of numbers) } elsif (@_ == $h + 1 + grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @_) { # call list transform &_invsqr0; } else { # error croak('invalid transform input'); } } # create matf object from ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub new_fh { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty matf object my $self = [ {}, # header [], # matrix [] # offset ]; # verify 3 parameters (@_ == 3) || croak('wrong number of parameters'); # read matf data from profile _readICCmatf($self, @_); # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # writes matf object to ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub write_fh { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # verify 3 parameters (@_ == 3) || croak('wrong number of parameters'); # write matf data to profile _writeICCmatf($self, @_); } # get tag size (for writing to profile) # returns: (clut_size) sub size { # get parameter my $self = shift(); # set header size my $size = 12; # add matrix and offset size $size += 4 * @{$self->[1]} * (@{$self->[1][0]} + 1); # return size return($size); } # get number of input channels # returns: (number) sub cin { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # return return(scalar(@{$self->[1][0]})); } # get number of output channels # returns: (number) sub cout { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # return return(scalar(@{$self->[1]})); } # print object contents to string # format is an array structure # parameter: ([format]) # returns: (string) sub sdump { # get parameters my ($self, $p) = @_; # local variables my ($fmt, $s, $rows, $off, $fn); # resolve parameter to an array reference $p = defined($p) ? ref($p) eq 'ARRAY' ? $p : [$p] : []; # get format string $fmt = defined($p->[0]) && ! ref($p->[0]) ? $p->[0] : 'm'; # set string to object ID $s = sprintf("'%s' object, (0x%x)\n", ref($self), $self); # get matrix rows $rows = $#{$self->[1]}; # get offset size $off = $#{$self->[2]}; # if empty object if ($rows < 0 && $off < 0) { # append string $s .= "<empty object>\n"; } else { # if matrix if ($rows >= 0) { # append string $s .= "matrix values\n"; # for each row for my $i (0 .. $rows) { # make number format $fn = ' %10.5f' x @{$self->[1][$i]}; # append matrix row $s .= sprintf("$fn\n", @{$self->[1][$i]}); } } # if offset if ($off >= 0) { # append string $s .= "offset values\n"; # make number format $fmt = ' %10.5f' x @{$self->[2]}; # append offset values $s .= sprintf("$fmt\n", @{$self->[2]}); } } # return string return($s); } # recursive transform # array structure is traversed until scalar arrays are found and transformed # parameters: (ref_to_object, subroutine_reference, input_array_reference, output_array_reference) sub _crawl { # get parameters my ($self, $sub, $in, $out) = @_; # if input is a vector (reference to a numeric array) if (@{$in} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$in}) { # transform input vector and copy to output @{$out} = @{$sub->($self, $in)}; } else { # for each input element for my $i (0 .. $#{$in}) { # if an array reference if (ref($in->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') { # transform next level _crawl($self, $sub, $in->[$i], $out->[$i] = []); } else { # error croak('invalid input structure'); } } } } # transform list # parameters: (object_reference, list, [hash]) # returns: (list) sub _trans0 { # local variables my ($self, $hash, @out); # get object reference $self = shift(); # get optional hash $hash = pop() if (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH'); # validate number of input channels (@_ == @{$self->[1][0]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # set output to offset values or zeros @out = defined($self->[2][0]) ? @{$self->[2]} : (0) x @{$self->[1]}; # for each output for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # add matrix value $out[$i] += ICC::Shared::dotProduct(\@_, $self->[1][$i]); } # return output data return(@out); } # transform vector # parameters: (object_reference, vector, [hash]) # returns: (vector) sub _trans1 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # validate number of input channels (@{$in} == @{$self->[1][0]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # call the BLAS dgemv function return(ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_vec_trans($in, $self->[1], $self->[2])); } else { # return return([_trans0($self, @{$in})]); } } # transform matrix (2-D array -or- Math::Matrix object) # parameters: (object_reference, matrix, [hash]) # returns: (matrix) sub _trans2 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($info, $out, $offset); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # validate number of input channels (@{$in->[0]} == @{$self->[1][0]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output matrix using BLAS dgemm function $out = ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_mat_trans($in, $self->[1], $self->[2]); } else { # get offset vector (zeros if undefined) $offset = defined($self->[2][0]) ? $self->[2] : [(0) x @{$in->[0]}]; # make output array (from offset vector) $out = [map{Storable::dclone($offset)} (0 .. $#{$in})]; # for each row for my $i (0 .. $#{$in}) { # for each column for my $j (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # add dot product $out->[$i][$j] += ICC::Shared::dotProduct($in->[$i], $self->[1][$j]); } } } # return output matrix (Math::Matrix object or 2-D array) return(UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'Math::Matrix') ? bless($out, 'Math::Matrix') : $out); } # transform structure # parameters: (object_reference, structure, [hash]) # returns: (structure) sub _trans3 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # transform the array structure _crawl($self, \&_trans1, $in, my $out = []); # return output structure return($out); } # invert list # parameters: (object_reference, list, [hash]) # returns: (list) sub _invsqr0 { # local variables my ($self, $hash, @out); # get object reference $self = shift(); # get optional hash $hash = pop() if (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH'); # validate number of input channels (@_ == @{$self->[1][0]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # return simple array return(@{_invsqr1($self, [@_])}); } # invert vector # parameters: (object_reference, vector, [hash]) # returns: (vector) sub _invsqr1 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # validate number of input channels (@{$in} == @{$self->[1]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # clone the 'matf' matrix my $sys = Storable::dclone($self->[1]); # for each input channel for my $i (0 .. $#{$in}) { # concatenate input value (minus offset, if any) push(@{$sys->[$i]}, defined($self->[2][$i]) ? $in->[$i] - $self->[2][$i] : $in->[$i]); } # return output vector return([map {$_->[0]} @{$sys->solve()}]); } # invert matrix (Math::Matrix object -or- 2-D array) # parameters: (object_reference, matrix, [hash]) # returns: (output_matrix) sub _invsqr2 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($info, $out, $sys); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # validate number of input channels (@{$in->[0]} == @{$self->[1]}) || croak('wrong number input channels'); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output matrix using Lapack DGESV function ($info, $out) = ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_inv($in, $self->[1], $self->[2]); # check for DGESV error ($info) && croak("'ICC::Support::Lapack::matf_inv' error: $info"); # return output matrix (Math::Matrix object or 2-D array) return(UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'Math::Matrix') ? bless($out, 'Math::Matrix') : $out); } else { # clone the 'matf' matrix $sys = Storable::dclone($self->[1]); # for each input channel for my $i (0 .. $#{$in->[0]}) { # for each data sample for my $j (0 .. $#{$in}) { # concatenate input value (minus offset, if any) push(@{$sys->[$i]}, defined($self->[2][$i]) ? $in->[$j][$i] - $self->[2][$i] : $in->[$j][$i]); } } # compute output matrix using 'Math::Matrix' methods $out = $sys->solve->transpose(); # return output matrix (Math::Matrix object or 2-D array) return(UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'Math::Matrix') ? $out : [@{$out}]); } } # invert structure # parameters: (object_reference, structure, [hash]) # returns: (structure) sub _invsqr3 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # transform the array structure _crawl($self, \&_invsqr1, $in, my $out = []); # return output structure return($out); } # make new matf object from attribute hash # hash keys are: ('header', 'matrix', 'offset') # object elements not specified in the hash are unchanged # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_attribute_hash) sub _new_from_hash { # get parameters my ($self, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($value); # if 'header' key defined if (defined($hash->{'header'})) { # if reference to hash if (ref($hash->{'header'}) eq 'HASH') { # set object element $self->[0] = {%{$hash->{'header'}}}; } else { # wrong data type croak('wrong \'header\' data type'); } } # if 'matrix' key defined if (defined($hash->{'matrix'})) { # get value $value = $hash->{'matrix'}; # if a reference to a 2-D array if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$value} == grep {ref() eq 'ARRAY'} @{$value}) { # copy matrix to object $self->[1] = bless(Storable::dclone($value), 'Math::Matrix'); # if a Math::Matrix object } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'Math::Matrix')) { # copy matrix to object $self->[1] = Storable::dclone($value); # if a positive integer } elsif (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) && $value == int($value) && $value > 0) { # set matrix to identity matrix $self->[1] = Math::Matrix->new_identity($value); } else { # wrong data type croak('wrong \'matrix\' data type'); } } # if 'offset' key defined if (defined($hash->{'offset'})) { # get value $value = $hash->{'offset'}; # if a reference to an array of scalars if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$value} == grep {! ref()} @{$value}) { # copy offset to object $self->[2] = [@{$value}]; # if a numeric value } elsif (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value)) { # if first 'matrix' row is defined if (defined($self->[1])) { # set offset to constant $self->[2] = [($value) x @{$self->[1]}]; } else { # wrong data type croak('unknown \'matrix\' size'); } } else { # wrong data type croak('wrong \'offset\' data type'); } } } # read matf data # note: assumes file handle is positioned at start of matrix data # header information must be read separately by the calling function # setting offset flag enables reading of offset data following matrix data # number format is 2 (s15Fixed16Number) or 4 (floating point) # parameters: (ref_to_object, file_handle, input_channels, output_channels, offset_flag, format) sub _read_matf { # get parameters my ($self, $fh, $ci, $co, $oflag, $format) = @_; # local variables my ($buf); # if s15Fixed16Number format if ($format == 2) { # for each output channel for my $i (0 .. $co - 1) { # read into buffer read($fh, $buf, 4 * $ci); # unpack buffer and save $self->[1][$i] = [ICC::Shared::s15f162v(unpack('N*', $buf))]; } # if offset data if ($oflag) { # read into buffer read($fh, $buf, 4 * $co); # unpack buffer and save $self->[2] = [ICC::Shared::s15f162v(unpack('N*', $buf))]; } # if floating point format } elsif ($format == 4) { # for each output channel for my $i (0 .. $co - 1) { # read into buffer read($fh, $buf, 4 * $ci); # unpack buffer and save $self->[1][$i] = [unpack('f>*', $buf)]; } # if offset data if ($oflag) { # read into buffer read($fh, $buf, 4 * $co); # unpack buffer and save $self->[2] = [unpack('f>*', $buf)]; } } else { # error croak('unsupported format, must be 2 or 4'); } # bless matrix array bless($self->[1], 'Math::Matrix'); } # read matf tag from ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub _readICCmatf { # get parameters my ($self, $parent, $fh, $tag) = @_; # local variables my ($buf, $ci, $co); # save tag signature $self->[0]{'signature'} = $tag->[0]; # seek start of tag seek($fh, $tag->[1], 0); # read tag header read($fh, $buf, 12); # unpack header ($ci, $co) = unpack('x8 n2', $buf); # set number of input channels $self->[0]{'input_channels'} = $ci; # set number of output channels $self->[0]{'output_channels'} = $co; # read matrix w/offset _read_matf($self, $fh, $ci, $co, 1, 4); } # write matf data # note: assumes file handle is positioned at start of matf data # header information must be written separately by the calling function # setting offset flag enables writing of offset data following matrix data # if offset data array is undefined or empty, zeros are written # number format is 2 (s15Fixed16Number) or 4 (floating point) # parameters: (ref_to_object, file_handle, offset_flag, format) sub _write_matf { # get parameters my ($self, $fh, $oflag, $format) = @_; # local variables my ($buf); # if s15Fixed16Number format if ($format == 2) { # for each matrix row for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # write matrix values as s15Fixed16Numbers print $fh pack('N*', ICC::Shared::v2s15f16(@{$self->[1][$i]})); } # if offset data if ($oflag) { # write offset values as s15Fixed16Numbers (if offset array is undefined or empty, write zeros) print $fh pack('N*', (defined($self->[2]) && @{$self->[2]} > 0) ? ICC::Shared::v2s15f16(@{$self->[2]}) : (0) x @{$self->[1][0]}); } # if floating point format } elsif ($format == 4) { # for each matrix row for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # write matrix values as big-endian 32-bit floating point print $fh pack('f>*', @{$self->[1][$i]}); } # if offset data if ($oflag) { # write offset values as big-endian 32-bit floating point (if offset array is undefined or empty, write zeros) print $fh pack('f>*', (defined($self->[2]) && @{$self->[2]} > 0) ? @{$self->[2]} : (0) x @{$self->[1][0]}); } } else { # error croak('unsupported format, must be 2 or 4'); } } # write matf tag to ICC profile # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_parent_object, file_handle, ref_to_tag_table_entry) sub _writeICCmatf { # get parameters my ($self, $parent, $fh, $tag) = @_; # local variables my ($ci, $co); # get number of input channels $ci = @{$self->[1][0]}; # get number of output channels $co = @{$self->[1]}; # validate number input channels (1 to 15) ($ci > 0 && $ci < 16) || croak('unsupported number of input channels'); # validate number output channels (1 to 15) ($co > 0 && $co < 16) || croak('unsupported number of output channels'); # seek start of tag seek($fh, $tag->[1], 0); # write 'matf' header print $fh pack('a4 x4 n2', 'matf', $ci, $co); # write matrix w/offset _write_matf($self, $fh, 1, 4); } 1;